Oh come on, Social can't be this frigging dead, where's the damn Friday spice of life?
What’s up, did the world get wiped out and no one told me? We’ve had a movie question 6 hours ago and a trig question for the morning effort. Where are we supposed to find some intellectual stimulation?
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82 Answers
People are out enjoying the beautiful Spring weather?
Hi Jude. What are you up to today?
What beautiful Spring weather? We have had no such thing in Ohio so far this year.
I’m here. For a few, anyhow. I did get the impression that Fluther was having a bit of a lull recently.
Should I ask a question about a controversial topic lol?
It finally stopped raining, the first clear day in 2 weeks.
@ANef_is_Enuf You guys are getting the worse crap thrown your way. How are you guys holding up?
@Adirondackwannabe things are good. Wishing it would stop raining for a day or two so I could pull some weeds. I miss the sunshine.
@Blackberry whenever I ask a controversial question before noon, @Adirondackwannabe seems to mysteriously develop a headache. ;)
My Friday morning spice of life was on the sticky bun i just ate.
It was loaded with cinnamon!
@ANef_is_Enuf That because you ask way too deep questions early in the morning. My brain takes a while to get the revved up.
2nd Answer…...........
Okay, today is going to be a great day. The sun is shining in Tennessee and its 64 degrees. Plan on planting some flowers today, in order to welcome spring time to Tennessee.
We have had our share of rain and I plan on soaking up some rays today from the sun.
Ahhhhhhhhhh…......nothing like a cold beer and a cloudless sky to make ones day.
**SNORK** [ YAWN ] Huh? Wuzzat??
Using all my brain liquor to come up with a couple of topic sentences for a novel.
@Blackberry: do it!
@john65pennington, what kind of flowers are you planting? Do you guys grow any herbs or vegetables in your garden?
I just had an egg and avocado breakfast taco and it was awesome.
Well, I’m going out to buy motor oil for my lawnmower. Then I’ll spend about an hour prepping it for the first mow of the season. This will involve a lot of cursing, bitching, and kicking of the device. Then I will bleed some, which will require first aid. Then, with any luck, I, in my freshly applied Spongebob bandaids, will get the damn thing working, and I will spend 20 minutes actually mowing my teeny-tiny yard. Not a good return on my time investment, but what can you do?
Or maybe I’ll just go get a new lawnmower.
Mornin’ all (damn, it’s almost noon). It’s much to beautiful of a day not to be out an about shopping or doing yard work. I hope to come back later to do a little tipsy fluthering. tehehe.
I made a big batch of super yummy chocolate cookies with peanut butter and chocolate chips. It’s sunny, almost warm, and my youngest kid is about to leave for school. I’ll be all alone to enjoy my lunch: a sandwich made from leftover steak, homemade foccacia bread, and mozzarella cheese. Then I’m off to help at the grade school library for an hour, run a couple of errands, and take a walk on the beach before I have to be home in time for the school bus to start bringing my minions home.
I think I’m going to put my minions to work, pulling weeds and loading the wheelbarrow with mulch. Thanks to the cookies, they’ll do it happily. Pizza for dinner, maybe a movie, then a big big big day tomorrow! A family party for a little cousin’s first Communion, then my husband’s first ever solo art exhibit opens!!!! @JilltheTooth is coming!!!!!!
My life is so spicy right now, I can hardly stand it! :P
It does look dead, doesn’t it. We have the first warm and sunny day in I don’t know how long. It’s been a very chilly and rainy spring. I’m just checking in and returning a few pm’s before I head outside to clean up the yard and plant some flowers, then off to the carnival tonight. Rain is setting back in tomorrow and it looks like another week of rain. :/
Hope everyone has a good day! =)
now I’m craving a sticky bun
Niki, we can grow just about anything, including pot(which I do not do).
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@bob_ : All threads are about you!
And now I get to go back to the store to return the lawnmower oil that I just bought to get the correct type of lawnmower oil. The kind I did not buy.
Not lovin’ my life right now.
@JilltheTooth: Factor in cost of trips to store, price of oil, and therapy bills and just pay some kid to mow the damn lawn.
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I’m around, just being quiet. I was thinking about asking a question in social earlier, but I’ve been holding off because I’m not 100% I really want to right now. Maybe later.
@bob_ : I have a 19-year-old who comes here two hours a week and drags rocks, digs up trees, pulls weeds, washes the car, hauls porch furniture outside, sweeps the garage and turns the compost. He is the deity in my life now; may his car continue to need expensive repairs.
Did I apologize to anyone or has my brain suddenly shut down?
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Jill, why not hire someone to cut your grass with a pair of scissors? You did say it was tiny, right?
You could pay them $40 and this would save your sanity and your broken foot.
@gailcalled My threads can be about anything anyone wants. It’s fine with me.
Try knitting some garden work gloves with multi colored yarn! That will keep your brain cells occupied! ;)
HA! Let no one say that attitude isn’t everything! I got the correct oil, and told the lawnmower that I would brook no delays or insubordination, that the economy is bad and it would be out of a job etc etc etc. 20 minutes of prep, no bandaids or expletives needed, and the lawn is mowed. Amazing the productivity you get when you threaten to fire or replace something.
And how sad is it that I get so much joy from intimidating a lawn tool???
@gailcalled, that would’ve been my next option! And I’m probably going to acquire a “guy” this year for all that other stuff. I just don’t have the oomph anymore to do all the crap I don’t really care about!
@JilltheTooth: And I’m probably going to acquire a “guy” this year for all that other stuff. I just don’t have the oomph anymore to do all the crap I don’t really care about!
I’ll drink to that. I have been sitting on my deck, reading a novel and eating pistachio nuts. Milo is frolicking in the grass and sniffing imaginary or real things. All is good.
@Blackberry Yes! Post a controversial question! But make sure to combine several different controversial topics all at once! It’s more fun that way. :P
I am about ready to rip out my uterus and feed it to a pack of hungry wolves. Sharing is caring. Is that social enough for ya? ;-)
Put the uterus down and back away slowly!
@Adirondackwannabe I’m only brave on the days my husband has accidentally left his balls at home.
@WillWorkForChocolate concratulations on having your husband’s balls in hand.
I have to go home and put lattice back around the deck. Don’t understand why the dog not only has to put a dead squirrel under there but then go roll in it every chance she gets.
Hopefully the kids washed the dog like they we supposed to today.
Oh and while I’m rambling with no meaning, of things you all don’t give a flying flip about, I lived the parent’s nightmare today and forgot the kids at school.
There, is that enough useless information for you.
never mind
now I’m going to go find @willworkforchocolates statement about cucumber dildos
@Season_of_Fall Well, I don’t own them or anything, he just let’s me borrow them sometimes. =0) And ouch about the kiddos… I was late picking my oldest up from gymnastics last week and I felt terrible!
@Adirondackwannabe Oh sure, he had a penile detachment operation a while back. I get to borrow it every other Tuesday.
I’m trying to think of a controversial question that hasn’t been asked before, or at least hasn’t been asked in a long time lol.
DutchessIII is hanging at 9994 if anyone has any lurve left for her.
@Blackberry There’s always religion, sex, or politics. Just leave osama out.
I just saw that in brother and sister. The pineapple one was interesting.
That will turn anyone into a screamer!
alright the pic of my mother has to come down for the rest of this
See? It’s weird talking about vegetable sex with your mother staring at you! <shudder>
Something just wilted and it wasn’t food .
It’s rainy and gross where I am, no fun Friday spirit here! :(
I’ve been stewing over whether to ask a question (in the social section) and how to word it for almost a week. Like many of the questions that come to mind, I’ve come to a logical conclusion, yet this one still plagues me. If I could figure out a way to ask it without appearing one-sided, I would do so.
Other than that, the social tab seems to have picked up momentum since this question was originally posted. Chalk it up to being a Friday and a workday for many.
@JilltheTooth I don’t mow my yard either. It’s easier to just hire someone to mow. Although my lawn guy isn’t 19 years old like @gailcalled.‘s That could be interesting. :-)
The thing is, I’m so cheap that the thought of spending $25 to hire someone to mow for 20 minutes really bothers me. However, I’m not averse to hiring some young guy to sweat like a pig while digging up crap and moving barrows of stuff from here to there sounds very appealing. I am, apparently, not aging gracefully. Hooray for me!
Wristband night is tomorrow night at the carnival, so no carnival for me today. Looks like I have some time to Fluther. Yippee! :P
I did get a lot of yard work done and I planted snapdragons. Anyone have suggestions for annuals that will be planted in a shady spot, zone 5?
I just had my hair cut! What is wristband night???
I have lots of shady areas in my garden and it really is hit and miss. I find it really hard to find things that will grow well there. What about Clivias? They love shade.
The dog still stinks after the bath.
That’s not good. Is it just a stinky dog or has it being doing something to make it particularly stinky?
My dog ALWAYS stinks. And has nasty breath. Apparently that’s common for schnauzers.
Why does a dog go and roll around with the dead carcass of a dead squirrel?
Oh I have schnauzers too! I have two black standard schnauzers. They don’t smell particularly bad though? Just like dogs.
Because, the smell of dead carcass to a dog is like doggy heaven. My girl schnauzer loves finding dead things and rolling in their remains…
Our dog is a schnoodle (mini schnauzer/poodle mix). She’s just a stinky thing. I love her to pieces, but I have to spritz her with doggy perfume inbetween baths.
@Bellatrix A wristband gives you unlimited rides for the night for one price instead of paying for each ride on its own. The carnival is in town for three days, but they only do wristbands on one day. You save a lot of money on wristband night. =)
Ohhhh, okay then :) Well I hope you have lots of fun. I haven’t been to a carnival or what we used to call a fair for years. Don’t eat too much candy floss or too many hot dogs :-)
Dogs are pack animals. They’re rolling around on a carcass ( or on anything else that smells edible ) so they can carry the scent back to the “pack.” The fact that they don’t have a “pack” is irrelivant. : )
My dogs were trying to roll around on a dead skunk tonight. They suck.
I was busy feeding my goldfish.
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