Social Question

Married to a widow and looking for opinions?
I am married to a widow with 3 older children. I am myself am a widower with 2 younger children. We have blended our family quite well and like any other, we have our ups and downs. Before we decided to get married, we had long conversations with regards to the impact the union will bring to our kids and family. We were both emotionally and mentally ready to spend the rest of our life together.
Fast forward to today, 2 days ago was my wife’s LH death anniversary. The kids were expressing their respect and grief through facbook. My wife chimes in and gives them her support. My wife still has strong bonds with LH parents. Her SIL post on facebook as well with regards to missing her brother and how 5 years has gone by so fast. Thereafter my wife again comments and says that she loves him and misses him. Further she states, how they were married for 23 years and he was her pillar and how he still connected to her in heaven.
I am a widower myself and do respect and love my LW but that love has evolved and I have moved on. Her comment above stung and wondered if we had jumped into this relationship. She tells me the reason she posts those comments was for her kids and LH inlaws. I look at life with a different set of eyes. I’ve lived a life of pleasing people and its not living at all.
Am I wrong with my views maybe not emotionally mature to handle the situation and just need to deal with it better?