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Jude's avatar

Curious, do you look more like your Mom or Dad, or are you combo of both?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 6th, 2011

I’ve been told by many that I am a spitting image of my Mom (right in avatar).

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46 Answers

tedibear's avatar

My mom. Of the five of us (all sisters) I look the most like her, with my middle sister running a close second.


My Dad, who looks like his Dad.

creative1's avatar

I look more like my father’s mother however I have my mothers voice

AmWiser's avatar

Dad all the way. But cuter! tehehe

yankeetooter's avatar

I get my thin hair from my Mom, but hopefully not her diabetes. From my Dad I get my musical ability, wide shoulders, tendency to gain weight too easily…blue eyes from my Mom, too.

chyna's avatar

Neither. And me and my brothers look nothing alike. It’s very odd.

everephebe's avatar

My mom, mostly.

tedibear's avatar

@chyna – That’s how I felt about my husband and his brother. Neither of them look like either their mom or dad. Then I went to a wedding shower and met two of his dad’s sisters. My husband looks like one, his brother looks like the other. Until then, had they said that they were adopted, I would have totally believed it.

Bellatrix's avatar

More like my dad I think. He must have had very dominant genes. We all looked more like him and my kids all look more like me. I think I have my mum’s eyes though.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I don’t look like either of them! :(

yankeetooter's avatar

You should give them back @Bellatrix…she might need them. Lol!...sorry I couldn’t resist…

chyna's avatar

@tedibear We tease my oldest brother that he is adopted. He has black hair and brown eyes, the rest of us have light hair. He doesn’t think it’s funny.

Facade's avatar

When I was younger, I looked like my dad, but now I look more like my mom.

downtide's avatar

I look most like my mum, but I have my dad’s ears (they stick out).

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

You do look very much like your mom. Definitely.
I think that I look just like my dad, just with different coloring. By that, I mean that he has reddish brown hair and warm brown eyes, and I have green eyes and dirty blonde hair. I do think I look just like him, though.
However, lots of people tell me that I look like my mom. My youngest sister looks just like my mom, and people are always telling us that her and I look exactly alike. So… I don’t know. I guess a mix.

tinyfaery's avatar

Definitely a mix.

shego's avatar

I don’t look like either of my parents. I actually look more like my dads mom.

Blackberry's avatar

I look just like my dad, but slimmer. I hope I don’t gain weight when I’m older.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I look my mother people tell me but I don’t see it
Above everyone else, I look like my eldest sister

Kardamom's avatar

I don’t really look like either one of them, but I do look a lot like my Dad’s mother (who died long before I was born) in the face and I do have my Dad’s knobby knees. My brother looks almost identical to my Mom’s brother (our uncle) and our first cousin, and quite a bit like our grandfather. On the other hand, there’s not one relative, and most of my friends who can tell me and my mother apart on the phone. It’s odd, though because my Dad and my brother can clearly tell the difference and I don’t think we sound anything alike. But I think I sound exactly like my first cousin on the phone. No one else thinks so.

josie's avatar

I look like my (late) dad. My (late) mother was beautiful. Oh well.

DominicX's avatar

I definitely look like both of them. I get my blond hair and blue eyes from my mom, but I get my big nose from my dad. :P And in general, I have the look of both of them and people will tell me that.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t look like either of them But my grandfather’s official World War I portrait looks just like me…..

geeky_mama's avatar

Everyone used to say I looked just like my Dad (as a kid)..and certainly I have his freckles..but my husband maintains that I am the spitting image of my maternal grandmother. I agree.

dxs's avatar

I was told that I look morelike my mom and my brother looks more like my dad. I think I look like neither, and I think that my brother looks like neither aswell. I am generally bad at telling people alike, but with my brother an I juxtaposed to my parents and even myself, I see nothing in common.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I look more like my mom’s side of the family.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a blend. Have my moms nose and my dads blue eyes and light hair. ( Mom is brown on brown ). Gained 2 inches on my mom who was 5’1 and weighed about 105 lbs her whole life.
The lowest I have ever weighed is 117. But…gotta work really HARD as my dad was a big german guy and if I am not careful I’ll turn into a plump St. Pauli girl. haha

Thanks dad! ;-)

My daughter and I have the exact same feet…very funny, but she is the opposite. Is 5’6 and blonde with brown eyes, although she dyes her hair dark now. A wacky mix with a lot of throw back genes from God knows where. lol

jasonwiese55's avatar

Mostly my mom, I have been told. I have features from both, however.

Cruiser's avatar

I am turning into my dads twin brother and it’s not a bad thing but I am not all that excited about it either! I am NOT going to get old…EVAH!!!

incendiary_dan's avatar

My mom. Sometimes some of my close friends forget I’m Polynesian because of it.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t look anything like my dad. He had thick, curly hair, and he was big boned. Kind of looked like a mix in between Beethoven and Gandalf, but the ends of his hippy hair were all gross and yellow from smoking lol. If I don’t stop drinking though, I might get a beer belly like him lol.
My mom has thin hair, and she’s small and scrawny. I’m most of that too, ecxept I’m pretty tall, which is one thing I guess I got from my dad. Thankfully though, I didn’t inherit their shitty mole vision lol. My grandma says I look way more like dad than my mom, but I can’t figure out how. She’s crazy haha.

tranquilsea's avatar

I look more like a combination between my dad (I got his face shape) and my grandmother (pictured in my avatar).

Sunny2's avatar

I look like my dad mostly, but I got my mother’s family nose, only a smaller version. Considering other combinations of the various traits I might have gotten, I did pretty well.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I look like I’m adopted.

JLeslie's avatar

My mom, but there are some photos of me when I was younger where I see a lot of my dad. My coloring is definitely closer to my father. Sometimes I look like his sister (my aunt) but she looks nothing like him.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I have my mother’s coloring and her brown eyes, but the shape of my face is undeniably that of my dad’s.

Haleth's avatar

I look a lot like my mom and nothing like my dad. She had dark hair, dark eyes, a heart-shaped face and olive skin, and so do I. It kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies when people point it out, though.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Haleth why does it give you the heebie-jeebies that people think you look like your mum?

jonsblond's avatar

As I’ve gotten older I think I look more like my mom, but I still have my dad’s baby face and blonde hair.

Vunessuh's avatar

I have very similar facial features to my father like our eyes, nose and jawline, and have been told that we have the same profile. I’ve only been told by a few that I look like my mom. A lot of the time I get that I look like neither.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Most people tell me thatI am the spitting image of my mum but every so often someone will say that they think I look a lot like my dad too so I guess I am a mix.

SavoirFaire's avatar

90% father, 10% mother.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Dead ringer for my biological father.

sakura's avatar

My mum definately, if you look at pics of all my family we all look alike! However our body types differ, My sisters and brother are all stocky like our dad, were I am more like my paternal grandma, although not slim I have a smaller frame.

tinyfaery's avatar

<——That’s my momma. She died at the age of 63.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery You have your Mom’s nose and her smile.

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