Uh... Have you received a friendship request (love message) from any brand new fluther members lately?
No names, but here’s the message. I’m wondering if any of you have received a similar message from this troll.
Nice To Meet You,
My name is name deleted (sexy name though), As I whisper my prayer tonight and went into search for a nice friend at google that is(internet) I came across your contact,My mind and my heart told me to contact you for friendship, A friend who truly understand his or her friend and share their feelings together. please kindly accept my request, I believe that distance or age can never be a barrier but let’s love connect us because love is a bridge that connected far distance to be close to each other, I will send my pictures to you immediately i receive your reply at my email address
email deleted
yours In Love,
name deleted
email deleted
Should I contact this person and be their friend, their cosmic google soul mate? Or maybe I’ll just get some nice nudey pics to look at… right?
Am I just taking this entirely the wrong way?
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91 Answers
Yes. I told her to take her spam elsewhere.
I received the same thing from the freak that I am ignoring.
Sounds like spam to me. Report that shit to the chick with the whip. (or her dastardly minions)
I think she’s a poopyfaced doodiehead.
But she’s not the only one.
Uhhggghhhggg… I thought I might get lucky with a desperate loose flusie.
Sucks to be me. She sounded so vulnerable.
I didn’t get it this time, but I have gotten very similar PM’s in the past.
@FutureMemory Me too. I found those users quickly Thorbanhammered. Chances are, this one is no different.
That’s F-U-N-N-Y @Symbeline… “Thorbanhammered”… hahahahaha!
Doan ju guys leave me alone with this! Our voices to the fluther gawds shout louder in unison.
Contacting MODS NOW!
lmao. I got it 8 minutes ago.
@FutureMemory I told my husband to stop that. He hasn’t listened. :/
I don’t understand why someone would write something like that which seems to have no purpose?
In places like MyOpera, or MySpace if that still exists, the messages came with links, usually e-mails or sites. Clicking on those was bullshit, leading to half ass attempts at monetary fraud.
Yeah, I didn’t even touch the links to the email addresses. There were two of them.
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I got it as well and vomited just a little bit in my mouth.
I just keep getting messages from Vunnesuh and how she wants to rape me in my guts, and stuff from Zen about his chainmail underwear.
You guys just get all this spam haha. :p
Rapeguts, not to be confused with Grapenuts.
um yeah, that’s the beer talkin now
I just got the stupid message. I really don’t want to see that bs sitting on profile. I’m so pissed right now that whoever it is should be glad we are seperated by a computer.
I replied with my old bosses email address.
BAN HAMMERED!, says the chick with the whip.
Two tapped…one to the forehead and burial at sea!
pics. we want pics @augustlan :D
haha. I did an image search for “Fluther whip”. The images of Coloma, Astrochuck and bob appeared.
Ban me ban me ban me wit dat whip dat whip dat whip woe man!
I didn’t really read it carefully, but I did receive a spam PM today. I reported it. Auggie’s already read/responded to my flag.
That explains the message notification with nothing there. No love for me tonight, you buzz-killers. Thanks a lot.
@Blueroses Aaaaaw lol. I’ll share my pillow with you. ^^
I got it too. But I don’t know how did someone send it back to its source. :S
I got it too. So much for wanting to be my special friend… sighs .. you can’t trust internet love.
Man, I didn’t get a love message from anyone! I’m mad.
Well, that makes up for it then. :D
I never get spam! Although, I think it would be hilarious to get some.
@KatetheGreat I’ll send you some of mine. Do you have a preference? Penis enlargement? Widows in other countries requiring money? Investment advice? Cheap goods of all descriptions?
Hey…wait a minute…I didn’t get anything… I feel so ugly
Nobody wants to be my special friend…
@Bellatrix Oh dear, I have a feeling that when I get back on here later, I’ll have a dozen spam messages for penis enlargement from you! :P
I’ll send you an email hitting on you too @JilltheTooth. I will say prayers for you and send you sweet love messages across the internet before I go to sleep.
:D if I can find you any other fun things I will send them too.
Sweet love messages before sleep will do me, @Bellatrix , thanks… ;-)
now I feel pretty again!
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Sounds legit, bro! I’d totally stick it in her pooper.
Spam, spam, spam, spam and spam.
@augustlan I like the other whip better. It looks less painful and more fun.
This is starting to sound like a Monty Python skit.
spam, spam, spam…
Yep. We’re going out for dinner tonight.
~Yes and apparently she has a lot of money she is willing to share we are meeting this evening! My husband says it is ok as long as we get rich from it! Bingo!
You know, I’ve had many unsuccessful attempts to get a conversation going with one of them. Whenever I get a scammy email when I place a craigslist ad, I always try and act really gullible and willing to “help” in any way I can. They never reply back though.
I’m bummed. I didn’t get a love message. Even if it was spam…I feel a little neglected.
Don’t feel left out doll, tis’ better to have never received spam, than to have received it and lost.
I’ll share my gummy bears with you @chyna.
You and me, @chyna , we can be the brave ones without prom dates. <sigh> Well, I lurve you girly, and you can be my special email love. I am a Nigerian prince trying to get my assets out of the country. Will you help me? Apparently I also suffer from some gender confusion.
I’ll take @RealEyesRealizeRealLies gummy bears, but I’m really leary of Nigerian princes. They always want my money. Not that I have ever sent them any. <eyes shift>
@cockswain “They never reply back though.”
You’re probably too late. I’d imagine these get sent out by the tens of thousands. Something about it works or the spammers wouldn’t be doing it. Odds are that by the time you reply, that they’ve been blitzed with overload responses.
Don’t hesitate next time. Just click ok and with a smile on your face, do whatever she tells you to do.
They’re just collecting legitimate email addresses for you to either receive spam, or to be spoofed on as the fake sender of spam sent elsewhere.
Wait. I thought I was special. You mean you got it too?
what the fuck?
I got that message last night. I googled her name and the exact message popped up several times and people warned it was a romance scam. Its’ what I figured, but I didn’t want to assume and blow off someone who was lonely and mentally off enough to send a total stranger a message like this.
For a laugh, google her name for images. You can see all the pictures of her self she’s sent to people. She is always in her early 20s, but she is sometimes African, sometimes from India, sometimes Asian.. sometimes hispanic.. and once or twice she was white.
She’s a Master mistress? of disguise!
@augustlan I’m not sure about the red vinyl….what about this outfit for your whipping sessions?
@syz I have those boots, or something that looks very much like them.
Sigh. My world is so vanilla nowadays.
Oh, oops, that’s not red!
Leave her alone! She’s mine. Precious.
I’m very hurt that name deleted’s “mind and heart” didn’t tell her to contact me for friendship. What’s wrong with me? What’s a girl got to do to get some spam around here?
Me either, @lillycoyote , we’re just the lonely girls I guess… <sigh>
New fluther member, or, spam n00b?
Bama Lama Bama Loo and Bang Shang A Lang
did anybody say boobs yet?
My ding a ling my ding a ling won’t you play with my ding a ling
ew eee ew ah ah ching chang walla walla bing bang
nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah nah nahnahnahnahnah
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah la la la
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! Lovely Spam… ma’ am!
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die…
Oom-mow-mow… papa oom, papa papa papa oom
Ahahahaha. I’m full of pain and you guys made me laugh. Thanks!
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