Care to take part in the 30 Day TV Show Challenge?
We’ve done movies and music.
Anyone up for some television? Come back each day to answer. If you miss a day or two or three, come back and list those you’ve missed.
Hope you play along!
Day 01— A show that should have never been canceled
Day 02 – A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 – Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)
Day 04 – Your favorite show ever
Day 05 – A show you hate
Day 06 – Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 07 – Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 08 – A show everyone should watch
Day 09 – Best scene ever
Day 10 – A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 – A show that disappointed you
Day 12 – An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
Day 13 – Favorite childhood show
Day 14 – Favorite male character
Day 15 – Favorite female character
Day 16 – Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 – Favorite mini series
Day 18 – Favorite title sequence
Day 19 – Best t.v show cast
Day 20 – Favorite kiss
Day 21 – Favorite friendship
Day 22 – Favorite series finale
Day 23 – Most annoying character
Day 24 – Best quote
Day 25 – A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 – OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 – Best pilot episode
Day 28 – First t.v show obsession
Day 29 – Current t.v show obsession
Day 30 – Saddest character death
Observing members:
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226 Answers
Day 1— The Riches What a great cast. Unfortunately it only lasted two seasons.
Day 1—Arrested Development. I’m sure I won’t be the only one to list it.
@WasCy That is always my #1. I thought I would let someone else answer with it. ;)
Day 1, Carnivale (loved The Riches too @jonsblond)
@Bellatrix Then I would like Carnivale. I haven’t seen it. Haven’t met too many that have seen The Riches.
It is not like The Riches and very weird. Again though, HBO dropped it after about two seasons. I wouldn’t recommend watching it because like The Riches, you are left wanting some sort of real conclusion.
I’m already stumped on day 1 but will know one by tomorrow!
@faye That’s ok. Me and several others went blank on a few of the questions in the past. Thanks for playing along!
1) Extreme Makeover. Not the home edition.
Day 1: The Whole Truth.
I like medical dramas and I like Rob Morrow and Maura Tierney.
Day 1 – The original NYC Law & Order.
Not only was it the “mac & cheese” of American TV, but I could watch Sam Waterston get his dander up for days. He was so awesome.
Day 1 (again)
Northern Exposure. I’m of two minds about this: I only occasionally watched the show when it was on in original runs, but it was always delightfully entertaining. On the other hand, if it hadn’t ended, then Iris DeMent may not have had the reason to create the bittersweetly beautiful Our Town, that closed out the show.
1: Starsky & Hutch. I loved that shit!
Day 1 – Firefly. I’m still upset!
Day 1-Star Trek: The Next Generation
Day 1— I’m going to also say Firefly. I never got a chance to watch it!
Day 2 – I am going to go with Spirited with Claudia Karvan and Matt King. It is on cable so I don’t think everyone would have seen this sweet and funny Australian TV show.
2) Oliver Beene. I wish more people watched it so it wasn’t canceled. It was pretty funny.
Day 2; V. I know it wasn’t that good, but I love that they did it, and I wish it had been renewed.
This clip is hilarious @ucme…I’m going to have to watch more of them when I have the time…
Day 2— Law and Order BBC (Brit version!)
Day 2 – I can’t answer this. I only watch three shows: Mad Men, The Borgias and Game of Thrones. Many people watch those shows.
Day 2— This one is hard for me to answer too. At the moment I mostly watch cooking shows like Chopped and Top Chef. I’d say Eastbound & Down, but I’m pretty sure it has a good following at the moment.
Day 2: The Event (Please don’t get cancelled.)
Day 2 – The Voice (way better than American Idol).
Day 3 – Hawaii 5 0. Mostly because it was nice to watch warm stuff during our hellacious winter.
Day 3 – We get things later than the US and UK I suspect. I really want to see The Borgias, but in the mean time Boardwalk Empire is good.
3: Boardwalk Empire at least it’s new to these (UK) shores.
Day 3: The Voice (way better than American Idol).
Day 3— The Walking Dead (I haven’t watched any new shows starting in 2011)
Day 3 – I liked Work of Art, a competitive artist show on Bravo network.
Day 3 – The big bang theory (I know we are in season 3 or 4 now, but im in spain, whats new to you wont be here for another 3 months)
Day 3: Loved The Walking Dead and I really enjoy The Voice. If it makes it to another season I might audition, since age doesn’t matter.
Day 3: Disconnect cable altogether and turn the TV (time vixen) OFF! I have no idea what “new shows” there are. And i could care less.
but i’m not suggesting this for others. prime time just ain’t for me.
Day 3— It’s an old show… but, new again! Vincent D’Onofrio returning to L and O, Criminial Intent
Day 3—technically an old show, but it’s been renewed-Futurama.
Hello. My name is Zen. I’m a TV addict.
Day 01: Get Smart.
Day 4— Damn, this is a toughie. OK, I’ll have to go with WKRP because I laughed every single time, and later just thinking about it!
I thought about Star Trek, because I am that geeky and it became such a phenomenon.
4) Desperate Housewives & Intervention.
4: Fawlty Towers aka : Flowery Twats.
4. Just one? I am going to go with Mad Men because it is my favourite at the moment. I really love a couple of other series though.
Day 4 – Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I’ve been a fan of those boys since I was 6 or 7.
Day 4: Cheers
Where everybody knows your name.
Day 4… that’s a toughie. First one that came to mind was Batman, with Adam West and Burt Ward. I sat 10 inches from the TV waiting for every POW! and WHAM! It was one of the few TV shows I could understand in those pre-closed captioning days.
Day 4 – mark it on the calendar, I’m agreeing with @ucme! ;)
Fawlty Towers is the best, most perfect series that ever aired.
Day 4— Curb Your Enthusiasm
Day 4-Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Day 4: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, of course.
yeah @Blueroses does usually talk a load of shite, nice to see sense has prevailed just this once ;¬}
Day 5 – Ooh, I hate TMZ, or whatever the hell it is. Those people are so smug. I got trapped with it on the telly in a waiting room, and I thought they were horrible with their insistence on following celebrities around and asking them ridiculous, insulting questions and then acting all offended if a celeb tells them to piss off. Seriously. Can’t these folks just go to Walgreen’s or wherever in peace?
5: Again, hate wouldn’t be the word i’d use. I do however have a strong disliking for any “reality tv” based tripe. Choose from an extensive range….
Day 5 – What Not To Wear. It’s just mean, ambushing someone like that.
Day 5: Hmm…Dancing With The Stars. What’s with the horrible remixes of good songs? Can’t they just use regular ballroom music? And I never know which person is the “star”.”
Day 5— Don’t really like Oprah I think I’d rather watch Justin Bieber night on American Idol.
Day 5 Jersey Shore. Makes me shudder with repulsion.
Day 5: Any of those Housewives of…...... ‘so called reality shows’.
Day 5 All those Beauty and the Beast type crap programs.
6: Fawlty Towers : The Builders. A lot of peoples fave episode is The Germans, but for me this beats it hands down :¬)
Day 6 – WKRP Turkeys Away. The clip is 30 seconds long and worth watching for a laugh!
Day 6 – It’s a dead heat between , Episodes 3 and 4, Series 2of Python. Each has a very high number of sketches I find utterly hilarious.
Day 6-Seinfeld/The Marine Biologist
@Blueroses That’s my second favourite episode. “May I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeests sweeping majestically…..?” Hilarious stuff!
Ah, I just noticed that was your clip!! Great minds…..
6) “Bang” – Desperate Housewives.
Day 6: Once More With Feeling from Buffy.
Day 6. I have to say I am a huge Fawlty Towers fan too and I can’t think of another television series I can watch again and again. The Psychiatrist episode Link
Or the Food Inspectors… they are all brilliant.
@tinyfaery : KatawaGrey and I are almost word-perfect on that entire score!
@Jill I have the CD soundtrack, but I knew all the words before I bought it. I’m an addict.
7: Ooh this is tough because there were only a dozen episodes made & they were all classics.
I suppose if push came to shove i’d probably have to say The Pyschiatrist was my least favourite. It’s like picking your least favourite sex position, there isn’t one! ;¬}
Day 7 – The last one, because it was…well…the last one…
Day 7-Seinfeld (the last one)...not because it was the last one, but because it really wasn’t that great…
Day 7— The episode in NCIS where Caitlin Todd (Sasha Alexander’s character) was killed off (Season 2 finale) The worst part was thinking she was alive then… kaput. Second worst was when Warrick died in CSI.
Day 7 – @ucme, I thought of The Psychiatrist also but then I remembered how lines like “How often do you manage it?” crack me up.
I guess The Anniversary Party is the episode I rewatch least but it’s still better than 90% of all newer sitcoms.
Day 7 – MOnty Python, Series 4, Episode 1, The Golden Age of Ballooning
So not funny to me at all, that whole episode.
Day 2 – BG/Earth2 (at the time)
Day 7: No such thing. Every episode of Buffy is something worth seeing.
7) I’m sure there have been more than a few episodes of Desperate Housewives where I was underwhelmed.
Day 8 – Everybody should watch Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. I’m glad it’s back on the air, albeit on Animal Planet, while not everyone has cable.
Day 8 – Doctor Who or Dexter
Day 8: No answer. People like different stuff.
Day 8 – Sci Fi science with Dr. Michio Kaku on the science channel. This guy is really cool.
Day 8— “everyone,” meaining the mass audience? or a thinking audience? XD I think everyone should spend a little time regularly on PBS, the History, Discovery, or other educational Channels learning about the world.
Day 7: Uummm! They were equally all good. So I would have a hard time choosing ‘a least favorite episode’
Day 8: Dr. Oz. Something in it for everyone:-)
9: I love Rik Mayall & Ade Edmondson & this scene from Bottom always makes me laugh til I cry! Coz i’m immature like that ;¬}
9) I like when shows get real sentimental and emotion or real intensely emotional. The scene in Grey’s Anatomy when there’s a gunner in the hospital and one of the doctor’s dies in Chandra Wilson’s character’s arms. He asks her if he’s dying and she tells him the truth and says ‘yes’ because she has no way of saving him. That scene always sticks out to me. I cried so freakin’ much during that episode and it’s the only episode of that show I’ve seen because everyone talked about it so much.
Day 9 – The first thing that came to mind was the scene on The Mary Tyler Moore Show when Mary finally loses it at the funeral for Chuckles the Clown. Chuckles had died after coming to a parade dressed as a peanut, and one of the elephants had tried to shell him.
Day 9 – I’ll have to agree with @aprilsimnel on that one. Good call.
@aprilsimnel You’re so right! Every episode I’ve seen of that show is a comic gem. Mary is an underrated genius at timing!
Day 9: Hmm. I hate the “best” questions. The moment Buffy and Spike kissed at the end of “Once More With Feeling” is my best scene ever.
Day 7— don’t have one
Day8— How It’s Made
I’ll have to come back for day 9
Day 9-Seinfeld (The Marine Biologist)...
“The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli…”
Day 9— too hard to pick just one!!
Day 10— I didn’t think I would like NCIS. It just seemed to be too popular and well-liked (I usually don’t like the shows that eeeeeverybody likes, like Friends, Survivor, Bachelor, Desperate Housewives…don’t hurt me!) But… NCIS is one of the shows with the most amazing cast chemistry. They’re all hot and the show totally rocks.
Day 10 – I only started watching Buffy because Katawagrey got run over and she wanted to. I had no idea I’d become a rabid fan.
Day 10 – Nurse Jackie… You want me to invest in a protagonist who is a cheating, lying, drug-addict? Not likely. But I came to really appreciate how well Edie Falco portrays this very complex character.
Day 10: Absolutely Fabulous
Day 9— When Desmond and Penny reunite on Lost, season 4.
Day 10— Oz
Day 07 – Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Haven’t really seen a bad episode.
Day 08 – A show everyone should watch
The Sopranos
Day 09 – Best scene ever
I can’t think of anything! Might have to come back to this one.
Day 10 – A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
First Blood
Day 10: George Lopez Show
Day 11 – Probably any of the original Star Treks. Over forty years of watching reruns, my lips move when they speak.
11) A lot of shows have disappointed me. I could never get into Lost or Brothers and Sisters. Thought they were crap.
@JilltheTooth You accidently answered for day 12, not day 11. :)
Crap. Sorry. I get so confused…all those numbers!
Real day 11: Stargate: Universe.
Fave show ever: Star Trek. Pick one.
Day 11— Joanie Loves Chachi I had such high hopes for those two. haha
Day 11 – Heros After the promise of the first season it went downhill rapidly. I like to pretend it ended after season 1.
Day 11 – I’ma let y’all finish, but Lost after season 2 was the most disappointing show OF ALL TIME!
I get the feeling they didn’t know whether they’d go after 2 seasons and weren’t really prepared.
Day 11 – I have to agree, Heroes. Started with such promise and then nose dived.
Day 12 – I’ve seen almost every episode of The Monkees at least 5 times, mostly when I was as a kid, and it was in reruns.
Day 12— The Brady Bunch, “Hawaii Bound” I’ve seen it probably more like 10 times, at least
12: I’ve seen every episode of Fawlty Towers dozens of times.
Still makes me laugh, even though I know the script by now.
12) I’ve seen reruns of Project Runway many, many times.
Day 11: Dollhouse (I liked it, but it could have been so much better.)
Day 12: Any episode of BTVS.
Day 13: My favourite show when I as a kid was probably either Monty Python or The Carol Burnett Show. I loved watching sketch shows.
Day – 13: Probably Ed Sullivan. The whole family gathered in peace around one focus was a rare and lovely thing.
13: The Banana Splits…..tra la la la la la la tra la la la la la la ;¬}
13) Rocko’s Modern Life and believe it or not, I watched The Golden Girls and Designing Women alllllll the time.
Day 13— The Carol Burnett Show. I have good memories of watching the show with my parents and all of us laughing, even if I didn’t get some of the jokes at the time since I was so young. Thanks for the reminder @aprilsimnel. =)
Day 13: The Price Is Right. I loved watching it with my granny.
Day 13 – Sesame Street and The Electric Company
I love Grover and Fargo North, Decoder
Day 11 – A show that disappointed you— Glee. I was a total GLEEK, loved the first season, then Will Schuster turned weird…
Day 12 – An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times—at least half of the Spongebob episodes. Daughter’s favorite.
Day 13 – Favorite childhood show—from age 8 to 12, Love Boat and Fantasy Island.
@tinyfaery The Cliffhanger Game was my favorite! This will bring back some memories for ya.
@jonsblond I have Price Is Right for Wii and it has the game with the song. Awesome.
Day 12 – The only television program I have watched repeatedly is Fawlty Towers, so any episode from that series.
Day 13 – Skippy (no suprise I ended up living where I live then).
Day 14 – Oooh. Well, for a long time, it was probably the Doctor. He’s been superseded by Cesare Borgia.
Day – 14: Mal Reynolds; Firefly, closely followed by David Tennant’s Doctor.
14: Edmund Blackadder. In all his hilarious guises.
Day 14: Spike/William from…Buffy.
Day 14— Gob Bluth or Tobias Funke from Arrested Development. It’s really hard for me to pick between the two.
@JilltheTooth You used my top two answers!
I’ll go with Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood) or Dexter
14 – Don Draper, Mad Men.
15 – Have to come back on this one.
Day 15— Maggie O’Connell from Northern Exposure
Dat 15 – Either Kathryn Janeway or Buffy. Not sure which.
Day15 – Ooh, if Joan hadn’t said that awful thing to Paul’s girlfriend Sheila on Mad Men, it would be her. But she did, hence, I bestow the honour to Daria Morgendorffer.
“You’re standing on my neck. La-la-la-laaa-la.”
Day 15: Betcha think I’m gonna say Buffy. Actually, my fave female character of all time is Karen Walker from Will & Grace.
15 I am going to go with Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan from Mash. I also love Peggy Olsen from Mad Men but I didn’t want to go with two Mad Men characters.
I just looked at a list of female characters from tv shows and you know, there are not so many strong, independent, kiss ass women out there. A few, but very much in the minority.
@Bellatrix did you really mean to say “kiss ass” women there? :)
Day 15: I like Julia Louis Dreyfuss in The New Adventures of Old Christine
or Laura Linney in The Big C
LOL!!! I did say that but I meant… far out .. KICK ASS. How hilarious!!!! OMG.
Day 16— The Bachelor I feel normal when I see how insecure and crazy these bitches get for a douchebag. seriously, lol. Plus, my husband will watch along with me and we get to make fun of everyone. win win.
Day – 16: Survivor. I’m fascinated by how they edit probably hundreds of hours of tape to come up with maybe 15 hours of broadcast time…
Day 16 I have a few trash TV pleasures. I will go with Project Runway.
Day 16 – Hmm. Every so often, I’ll watch Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives to drool over huge portions of delicious-looking food I wouldn’t dare eat for fear of dying of heart failure on the spot.
Day 16: I admit to watching various Real Housewives episodes with my wife.
Day 16—RuPaul’s Drag Race. The catfighting makes Real Housewives look like amateurs!
Day 17— favorite mini-series, V (1983)
15: Penelope Pitstop ;¬}
16: n/a
17: Roots
Day 17 – Pillars of the Earth
Day 17: Angels In America
Day 14 – Favorite male character- a tie between Robert Goren and Gil Grissom
Day 15 – Favorite female character- tie between Olivia Benson and Abby Scuito
Day 16 – Your guilty pleasure show- NCIS
Day 17 – Favorite mini series- North and South back in the 80’s
@linguaphile I don’t know how I could have forgotten Abby Scuito. I love her!
Day 17 – Ooh, probably The Forsyte Saga (2002).
Day 17 – Band of Brothers.
Day 18 – True Blood
Day 19 – The Tudors
Day – 18: Big Bang Theory
Day 19 – Toss-up between three: the Monty Python boys with Carol Cleveland, the cast of The Dick Van Dyke Show, and the cast of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.
18: I love the Benny Hill show intro, but I think this fits so much better.
19: John Cleese, Prunella Scales, Andrew Sachs & Connie Booth….the flawless cast of, yup, you guessed it, Fawlty Towers….again!
Day 18 (Best title sequence) Dexter
A perfect introduction to the show with the blood spatter references of the orange and tabasco and it lets you know that you will like this killer.
Day 18 (whoopsie!) – The Dick Van Dyke show, because there were three different title sequences and the suspense was, “Is Dck going to trip over the ottoman today?”
But the title sequence for Game of Thrones is just so well done, I actually wish it would last longer, which I suppose it will when they go into Lannister territory. Nice!
Day 18— the kid in me still loves the Dukes of Hazzard title sequence :D
Day 19: Any time @ucme types in Fawlty Towers, I’m just going to say “ditto”.
Day 19— Arrested Development
Day 19— NCIS— like I said on another thread, they’re all hot in their own ways and I love the chemistry between the characters/actors.
Day 21 – JD and Turk from Scrubs. When they do silly things like sing the theme to Sanford & Son, that’s adorable.
Day 20— Sawyer and Kate from Lost
Day 20… Fred and Wilma! They were the first couple on TV to share the same bed too XD
Day 20… Chuck and Sarah. Longest Tv sitcom kiss I have seen.
Day 20: Ned and Chuck on Pushing Daisies. It was so sweet when they figured out how to kiss without touching.
Day 20 – Favourite Kiss – Maggie and Joel from Northern Exposure.
@Bellatrix Jon and I watched that show religiously. I miss it!
It was a fabulous show. I watched them all on Foxtel a year or two ago.
Day 21—the ones between Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepard’s characters on “Moonlighting,” and between Castle and Kate on “Castle.”
Day 21: Mary and Rhoda on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”
Day-20—: Yeah, the Castle and Kate one did it for me, too.
Day 20 (I really should try not to answer these when I’m in a hurry): In a Python sketch, some footy players make a goal and they, er, hug, in celebration. At one (much too brief) point, Eric Idle leaps into Michael Palin’s arms and they kiss. It’s so cute. And they were so young, 26 or 27, I think?
Day 22— fav series finale- Saved by the Bell
Day 23— most annoying— ENTIRE cast of Jersey Shore followed closely by all the Desperate Housewives of ________city. 1 minute of those tv shows = 10 point drop in IQ points.
Day 22 – The second Newhart‘s, where “Bob” wakes up and he’s in bed with Suzanne Pleshette as “Emily” from the first 70s-era Bob Newhart Show, making the entire second Newhart series a bad dream!
Day 23 – David Spade’s character in Just Shoot Me. I tried to watch it once, and the snark got to me. I had to change the channel after only a few minutes. (Runner up: Samantha from Sex In The City. Her speaking voice and her entire attitude put me off the show.)
Day 24: That’ll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!
Day 22: Best series finale – Newhart
Day 24: “You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is, ‘never try’.” – Homer J. Simpson
Day 25 – I don’t know of any other shows I plan to see except the next episode of Game Of Thrones on Sunday.
Day 21 – Favorite friendship
The Odd Couple. Felix and Oscar.
Day 22 – Favorite series finale
I am going to go with MASH.
Day 23 – Most annoying character
Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds… ugh.. teamed with Morgan and his “baby girl” shite.. gives me a bad case of the irrits.
Day 24 – Best quote
Oh goodness. I don’t know. I keep going back to Fawlty Towers and I want to choose something else. Have to think on this one.
Day 25 – A show you plan on watching (old or new)
The Wire (I have started but not managed to find time to watch more than a couple of episodes)
Day 26: I’ll get through Angel someday. I’ve only seen 2 seasons so far.
I’ve been such a terrible host of this question. I quit Fluther for several days then never came back to this question. Thank you everyone for playing along. I really do appreciate it. I adore television. We are without cable at the moment and are appreciating local channels for now. It’s funny how one can forget the wonders of PBS when you have 300 channels to choose from.
Day 21— Favorite friendship- Bert and Ernie
Day 22— Favorite series finale- Cheers (we have this recorded on VHS, lol)
Day 23— Most annoying character- Fran Drescher as The Nanny
Day 24— Best quote- Homer: Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true!
Day25— A show you plan on watching. Dexter (must watch from the beginning. thank goodness for Family Video)
Day 26— OMG WTF season finale- Lost
Day 27— Best pilot episode- Arrested Development sigh
Day 28— First tv show obsession- Gilligan’s Island
Day 29— Current tv show obsession- many. Survivor and Chopped are runners up for first place.
Day 30— Saddest character death.- Charlie from Lost
Day 26 – OMG WTF? Season finale – True Blood any season but Season Four when Bill is in the ... well you will have to watch. Don’t want to spoil it for any True Blood fans now or in the future.
Day 27 – Best pilot episode – The Sopranos. Loved this series.
Day 28 – First t.v show obsession – Skippy. No wonder I ended up living in Australia. I used to rush home from school to watch Skippy. Damned upset now I know Skippy couldn’t do all those amazing things.
Day 29 – Current t.v show obsession – Mad Men.
Day 30 – Saddest character death – Cold Feet. I don’t want to tell you who dies but if you haven’t seen Cold Feet and you like rom-coms… you have to check out Cold Feet. Have tissues handy later in the series though.
Answer this question