Will you sleep with someone if you can name your price?
If someone has the hots for you and gives you a blank check so he or she could have sex with you, will you do it and for how much? What would be your conditions?
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54 Answers
Depends on how many shots I’ve had.
Nope, I am not a prostitute and by naming a price it would be the same as becoming a prostitute.
Well, the house may need a new roof….
Seriously though, I would pass on the offer. I’m quite content being faithful to my SO. Even if he said it was my choice, I still wouldn’t do it.
That would make a great film! !
If I was single and the bloke was ok looking I don’t see any reason why not! But it would have to be a once only thing! And on the condition he didn’t want to make it a regular occurance, plus I don’t think I could if had to see the bloke on a daily basis, Like a boss or work collegue
$100 thousand plus a trip to Disneyland
I’m somebody’s middle-aged chubby mommy. I don’t imagine anyone would offer me enough to make it worth my while. Damn, I’d sure be flattered though!!
I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t want to be unfaithful to my husband and even if he agreed to it, I wouldn’t want it to be something that could come up later on down the road and have a negative effect on our marriage.
Assuming a condom was worn and all I had to do is be on my back (cowgirl) maybe 1000 bucks. Kissing or needing to have my eyes open would be extra.
@JilltheTooth I noticed you didn’t actually answer the question…:)~
I just rethought that. If it enabled me to do this, why then I just might. ;-)
The price would depend on the person and for nearly everybody, the price would be more than anyone could afford.
$35 and a six pack. (of Coke).
Nope. But I’d maaaybe eat a bug for a few thousand dollars. lol
No, unless they were offering a whole lot of money, like 150 or 200 euro then I would. Only kidding!
Addendum: I will not CHEW the bug. So it better be small enough to swallow with a swig of my Corona. haha
I’m single at the moment, so why not.
I don’t know about money, as long as I don’t find them repulsive I would be inclined to do it for free, assuming they are female.
Assuming I do find them repulsive for some reason, with my current financial situation they would need to offer a lot, say 5k or something.
To go with a guy it would be vastly higher, just as compensation for any fucked up future flashbacks. If I have to remember over cereal one mornng in the future that I had a cock in my butt, I want there to be cash in my pocket.
In financial hardship then it would tempting if I could name my price, my position, the details, whatever but I don’t think I would go through with it. I’m not single and even if my partner gave the go ahead then I believe the knowledge and memories of the deed might plant a seed of hurt/suspicion and jealousy neither of us could completely trust not to chip away at our relationship over time.
I imagine at first it would be an unspoken about thing and we’d make the most of our financial gain. From there it would develop into a private joke or an occasional passive/aggressive jab. At worst it would always come up as a possibility that I could do it again… in secret or that I’d like the risk of it. This is a gamble not more important than my relationship.
As others have said, I’m not a prostitute. I’d do it for $0. My conditions are that the person in question is a biological female (born that way), and is free of STDs.
What? You’re not a fan of Lo-Lo- Lo- Lo- Looooola! ;-)
@Coloma – Who’s Lo-Lo-Looooola? Never heard of him/her…
—-Give a listen, very funny song!—You know the old 60’s song by the Kinks. Walked like a woman and talked like a man? haha
Isn’t this the lead-in to a attributed George Bernard Shaw story?
GBS: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?
Actress: My goodness. Well, I’d certainly think about it.
GBS: Would you sleep with me for a pound?
Actress: Certainly not! What kind of woman do you think I am?!
GBS: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
I’d do it for free, why change now? :-/
I’m sure I have my price, I don’t know what it is though.
And I certainly have conditions and preferences.
And that wouldn’t make me a prostitute it would make me pragmatic.
@JilltheTooth I’d do ya just because you’re sweet, and if I wasn’t already married and because I had a margarita for lunch at the local Mexican restaurant. (((((@jilltheTooth))))) W/ a friendly grope.
I wouldn’t pay a cent more than $100.00.
My conditions would be love, marriage and fidelity.
No price would persuade me to hire myself out.
So let me get this right, instead of paying, I get paid?
Ever hear the story that goes as follows: Guy says, “would you sleep with me for $10,000,000”. Girl says “Well ya”. Guys says ok so I’ll give you $100. Girls says “I wouldn’t do that”. Guy says “We’ve already established you would sell yourself, now we’re just hagling over price”.
If I were single yes, I’d do it. And depending on the customer, I wouldn’t charge that much, LOL
I’m a guy . . . I’d probably give it to them for free actually!
Now, that would completely defeat the purpose of the chase, now wouldn’t it?
Not very likely. To begin with, I’m a 67 year old guy. Not many women or men for that matter are going to have the hots for me. Next, I am married and I woulldn’t do it unless my wife said for that amount of money, go for it. The amount that would take—nobody in their right mind would ever offer me. And I won’t sleep with anyone who isn’t in their right mind.
@ETpro Dear friend, please give yourself some credit. 67 is not old, unless you decide to make it so.
@Pied_Pfeffer Thanks for that. I don’t feel old. I may have snow on the chimney, but there’s still a hot blaze in the fireplace. Like @zen says, if someone offered a cool million, I think that would do.
You guys are such sluts! lolol
I’ll do it for a french cheescake. haha
@zen I’m game, but tt’s going to be tough to clear that plan with my wife. :-)
This question (and that alleged conversation involving George Bernard Shaw) is the basis behind the movie Indecent Proposal I think everyone who hasn’t seen this movie should go and watch it before answering. It might make you change your mind.
That was a good movie. I remember thinking it would be stupid but it was well done.
I’d ask my wife to name a price and give me the green light (e.g. $50,000,000) and set up something like a William J. Clinton Foundation, because I don’t want to own so much money. But the money could be used to create a better world.
“Name my price”? Like, can I get William Shatner to do the negotiating for me?
@downtide…That’s what I meant…It would make a good movie!!!!
Now that a sufficient number are on record with their price, it’s time for the old joke about this very question.
It seems that a gentleman is seated next to an attractive and proper young lady and engages her in conversation. Suddenly he says, “Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?” The lady blushes, but seeing the humor in the request, agrees. “Well, would you sleep with me for five dollars?”
“Certainly not!” she says, now offended. “Just what kind of woman do you think I am?”
“Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price.”
Apparently, some people here have not read this question :-p
But I won’t name names…
@HungryGuy Oops. My apologies. I didn’t follow the link, just searched for the key text of the joke, and thought nobody had told it.
@ETpro – Don’t feel bad. You’re not the only one. Read through all the answers…
@HungryGuy Argh. Busted for not having already done so.
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