Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

What is one bad habit your s/o has that you would like to change?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 8th, 2011

So, you and your s/o have been together for a good while. You love this person, but they have one really bad habit that you would like to change. This bad habit can be…......................

1. Physical
2. Psychological
3. Taste in clothes
4. Body odor
5. Bad breath
6. Ugly car
7. Alcohol or drug habit
8. Too short – too tall
9. Body gas
10. Cheater

Question: you know your s/o others habits better than anyone, so you have a choice to make only one change with this person, so what it is and why?

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19 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

His chewing tobacco habit. I have concerns about it leading to cancer of the mouth/gums and really don’t want him to have to go through that.

john65pennington's avatar

Seaofclouds, what about his bad breath from chewing tobacco? Is that a turnoff?

SavoirFaire's avatar

Being too short or too tall is a habit?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Smoking/chewing tobacco.

Buttonstc's avatar

How can anyone change their height ?

If one has a problem with their partner being too short or tall, they should never have started dating if it’s that big a problem.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@john65pennington He actually has really good oral hygiene and doesn’t end up with bad breath from it. His teeth and gums are really clean and even his dentist has commented about how well he takes care of his mouth. He also uses chapstick a lot (we both do) so his lips are always smooth, healthy, and tasty (I love cherry chapstick). :) I still worry about the cancer risks though, so I would love it if he decided to quit one day, but I won’t ask him to do it. That’s something he’d have to do on his own.

ucme's avatar

My wife is perfect in every conceivable way…....right she just left the room.
She has this irritating habit of sneaking up from behind & flicking my ear, just when I least expe…........Owwwww!!

john65pennington's avatar

Sea of Clouds. Thanks. Whatever makes you two happy, right?

Correction on the height. I had an elder moment.

tedibear's avatar

It would either be chewing tobacco though like @Seaofclouds’ husband, mine also has good oral hygiene and his breath never smells from it or the fact that he’s not as good a listener as I would like. Or maybe he’s not the type of listener I would like. Not sure that’s a bad habit on his part as much as it’s a behavior change I would appreciate.

Scooby's avatar

When I was married , my EX wife often ground her teeth while sleeping…. So much so she ended up losing the enamel off her bottom teeth. She had to wear a cum shield to protect her teeth when sleeping! :-/

cazzie's avatar

My husband uses a tobacco product here called snus. It’s not exactly chewing tobacco, but it is a nicotine delivery habit that stinks and I hate it. When he can’t get snus he smokes. His oral hygiene habits are suspect and too much of a wimp to go to the dentist. (I’d love a dentist appointment if I could afford it.)

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Scooby A cum shield? Really? What did you do that made her take such measures?

Scooby's avatar

Oh dear me, oooops, I meant gum shield Lol……. :-/
Thanks for that @SavoirFaire ;-)

YARNLADY's avatar

I wish he would listen more carefully, and he would share what is going on at work. He put a travel plan on the calendar that shows him leaving Monday for a week, but when I got out the suitcase to pack, he told me it was changed to the end of the month.

I planned a soft casserole dinner for the day he was scheduled to go to the dentist for a crown replacement, but he told me the day before it scheduled that it was postponed to next month.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The only one that comes close is that he will wear the same clothes several days in a row. It is easily resolved by my doing the laundry when we are together. I have more bad habits than he does, and he inspires me to take on the responsibility of stopping them. He has a gift of communication without making it come across as judgmental.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It is generally unhealthy for any long term relationship to try and change your partner. Support them and love them.

OpryLeigh's avatar

He works on a totally different time frame to everyone else. His 5 minutes is a normal persons hour!!!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

OMG! I think my fiancee’ may have discovered fluther because he came home with a smokeless battery operated cigarette to help him reduce smoking cigarettes during the day.

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