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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

What is in your room right now that should NOT be there?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30960points) May 8th, 2011

I found four baseballs under my bed and a couple of cat horfs. There’s an old license plate behind my dresser and a walking cast in my closet. I have no idea why these things are in my room.

Spring cleaning is a slayer!

Where the hell did this bongo drum come from?

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30 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Are you kidding? Babysitting two toddlers three days a week insures that I will have a list longer than anyone cares to read.

jellyfish3232's avatar

Let’s see… A lone keyboard, a sombrero, and a giant paper-mache crayon?

chyna's avatar

Can I turn this around to What’s not in there that should be? :-)

KateTheGreat's avatar

A Steve Irwin action figure. I don’t even know why I have it.

HungryGuy's avatar

An empty cage that doesn’t have a slave girl in it :-p

Cruiser's avatar

Ryan Seacrest and a case of shotgun shells.

BarnacleBill's avatar

A cat on the kitchen table, 3 empty wine bottles (not consumed by me), a shoe with no mate (?), hummingbird food.

jasonwiese55's avatar

Lots of dirty laundry. I am a mess.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t think there’s anything in here that doesn’t belong…some hobo.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The monster under my bed and a scroll saw.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@chyna Did you know that @lucillelucillelucille has the monster you’ve been looking for?

chyna's avatar

I hope she’ll share.^

chyna's avatar

Just my luck.

john65pennington's avatar

Since I cleaned out my mothers house, after she passed away, most of her personal belongings are in my house. I am looking at one particular bottle of Yellowstone Bourdon. I remember when it was purchased back in the mid-seventies. The bourbon was used for making fruit cakes at Christmas and for spiking eggnog. The bottle is half full and the proof has to be to the moon, after all these years. I could get drunk just smelling it.

After I sell her house, I plan on having a stiff drink made with this Yellowstone Bourdon.

Will I survive it? Stay tuned.

Berserker's avatar

@john65pennington Have fun, and good luck. :)

lillycoyote's avatar

A hydraulic jack. Don’t ask. I’d put it back in the garage if it wasn’t so heavy plus it’s a handy thing to hang my hoodie, etc. from.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Well I know this “jack” of yours couldn’t possible be a place. So is it a person or a thing?

shego's avatar

There’s a water machine in my room with two five gallon water bottles.
I was cleaning under the bed and I came across a hamster ball, and neither of us have ever had a hamster or any other creepy small rodent.

lillycoyote's avatar

It’s blue and old and dirty like this one but you can’t see the handle in that picture … so … if you attach the handle/lever like you see lying beside the thing in this picture it makes a pretty good coat rack. But I’m also enjoying the notion of a human hydraulic “Jack” or even an android hydraulic “Jack.” Sweet dreams for me tonight, I think. :-)

klutzaroo's avatar


crisw's avatar

Little pieces of cork all over the floor from one of the dogs destroying a softball.

woodcutter's avatar

a spent rifle case is under the TV stand. Don’t ask me how it came to be under there.

ucme's avatar

An eastern european old hag trying to sell me a bottle of gypsy tears!! What the hell is she doing in there you may ask? I was thinking the same thing, I was sure we’d wrapped her in clingfilm & put her in storage until the winter XD

augustlan's avatar

Tons of dirty laundry, some artwork that’s destined for another room leaning here and there, about 10 zillion ponytail holders that should be in the bathroom, an old VCR that we never use, an old gaming system, and more cat hair than I care to think about.

etignotasanimum's avatar

Several empty bottles of hand sanitizer and lots of Dove chocolate wrappers. I had forgotten that there was a brief period of illness back in winter where I’d obsess over those things. It sort of makes me feel like a slob, though. I’m just lucky the candy wrappers didn’t attract ants.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@augustlan yes the hair is challenging. my cat sleeps on the end of my bed in a nest of her own shed. but life changed for the better when i discovered the new line of cheap $70 vacuum cleaners with the handy pet hair attachments. I can vouch highly for the Eureka On-Guard with Hepa filter. makes short work out of it all for both the cat and the wolf. making it a part of my regular schedule was the toughest part.


An old tin of Kiwi black shoe polish. That should be in the laundry room, not under my bed.

I found one of my kid’s China dolls under my bed too a couple of weeks ago. She never plays in our bedroom, so I don’t know how the doll got there, unless it the doll decided to hide in our room and spy on us. Lol.

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