What do I do when my best friend hurts my feelings everyday?
My friend almost never lets me talk and never listens to me. Whenever I’m telling a story or talking, she either turns away or starts talking in the middle of what I’m saying. She does this every single day about 20 times a day and whenever I tell her she interrupted me or I tell her to stop, she just says “I didn’t interrupt you” and denies it every time. I went to her party with only three other girls there. We were talking in her room and whenever I tried to tell a story or say something she would say “can everybody just stop talking it’s hurting my ears?!”. She ONLY said it when I talked, not anyone else except for one time when another girl screamed and that was only once. I don’t tell her every time she interrupts me, probably only once in a while. But when I accidentally interrupt her, which is only maybe a few times a month, she says “See, you interrupted me!!” and I say “You’ve interrupted me a million times more!!” and she says “Nuh uh!!”. I don’t know about ya’ll, but this really hurts my feelings, and she does it every single day!! I don’t know what to do because every time I tell her what she does, she denies it. And I really believe that if I tell her that it hurts my feelings, she will say sorry, but will keep doing it. What should I do?
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26 Answers
Doesn’t sound like much of a best friend…
Kind of sounds like she wants all the attention and you don’t matter to her. Maybe you should re-think this friendship. I wouldn’t want a friend that hurts my feelings every single day.
The question really is why you do not realize that this person is not a friend.
You seem very smart and have a lot going for you. There are people out there who are real and respect friendships. I would walk away from anyone who treated me even half as badly as you describe
You deserve better- seriously. In life people will abuse you ONLY if you put up with it.
I wouldn’t be her friend for long and I think you have nothing to lose by telling her to get lost.;)
And then ask if she heard that.
Are you a human being or a cartoon sidekick?
Look for another best friend. Seriously, if she doing all of the talking and none of the listening, you don’t have much of a relationship with her. Relationships are two way streets. I’d find someone else.
Start hanging with someone who know how to be a friend, I would phase out this supposed friend and when/if questioned why your no longer hanging together I would tell her honestly and truthfully that it hurts when you are always the listener in the relationship and she will never listen to you when you needed her to. Relationships are a two way street, and friendships are a form of a relationship. You deserve better, go find a better friend!
Don’t say a word. Don’t tell her why. Jus’ walk away and leave her in the dust.
I had a friend EXACTLY like that! I, like you, would politely tell her to stop and she would just keep going, and going, and going. But finally, I just snapped and said something along the lines of…
” You know what, I’ve told you to stop this and you won’t. You deny it and are a complete hypocrite. Do you care about ANYONE other than youself? Im sick and tierd of being your friend. If you can’t stop and admit you are doing something wrong, then I really don’t think I can be your friend.”
And it actually worked! She was really mad at first and acted like she didn’t care at all. She ignored me for three weeks! But when she realized I was serious about not wanting to be her friend, she apologized and promised to do better. She still has a bad habit of inturupting me, but she appoligizes when she does it now and is trying to stop! Maybe give your friend the same little speech.
If you desire to attempt to salvage this relationship, talk to the friend. Ask her on the front end to allow you to express your feelings and keep them worded in that way…your feelings. That might help her from going on the defense of her actions. Admit that you have done it as well (whether intentionally or not), and ask her if she would be willing to come up with a secret symbol that you both could use when one feels like they are interrupting the other. It can be posed in a way that sounds like it would be beneficial to both of you to change this habit.
If that doesn’t work, the choices are to just either put up with it, move away gradually, or drop her like a hot potato.
I think you have 2 options. Dump her or prove to her that she can’t treat you this way and get away with it. Right now, she thinks she can get away with it. She’s a bully and you are the person she bullies. You may not be the only one. You may not be the worst person she bullies. But this is her way of bullying you.
She’s a bully. You gotta deal with her one way or the other.
@15barcam I wish I could, but we’re talking about a girl who cried because she was called a turd by somebody she didn’t know. I just wish she wasn’t as sensitive as she is.
Well now you’re getting somewhere. She has an extremely low sense of self worth. You can attempt to inflate it, or just walk away and let the good lord take care of her better than you can.
You don’t need to say a word. Just go. Nothing speaks louder than silence.
Don’t forget to smile.
I have a slight advantage here since, while I can be nice, I can also do the self-preservation thing without feeling guilty either. It takes a bit of strength to avoid being sucked into the weeping and such, but I have dealt with maliciously manipulative people before and that is one of their favorite tricks to make you their doormat. She isn’t sensitive; she is selfish and exploiting your sensitivity.
You have to kick this girl to the curb and don’t look back. Otherwise, you are just being a puppet and handing her your strings.
So why exactly do you consider her a friend ?
You need to really think hard about that.
She treats you like this because you allow it. It really is that simple. That’s not the way friends treat each other. Period.
…we’re talking about a girl who cried because she was called a turd by somebody she didn’t know.
Thank you for sharing this. It sounds as if she has sensitivity to her own emotions, but not that of others. It may be a low level of empathy on her part. It might even be narcissistic behavior. In both cases, it is highly unlikely that you can change her behavior, even with the threat of de-friending her.
Words of wisdom to add to the already well said answers.
If you have to consistently TELL someone to treat you with care, respect and common courtesy there is something very WRONG with that person.
Make her do all of the work in keeping up the relationship for awhile. It sounds like she may have some emotional issues and may not know how to be a friend.
Umm…Maybe she is not your best friend after all.
She’s an alpha dear, it’s as simple as that. It’s HER party and she’ll cry if she wants to. There’s really nothing you can do to get through to a narcistic alpha and the way it is now has you in the background, playing second fiddle while she flourishes in the fact that she has so many friends but if she gets tired of them or they of her then she’ll always have you to fall back on just like clock work.. Do you see where the relationship stands? You could fight back but then, you wouldn’t want to be like her.. would you? If you don’t mind being a back-up then allow the friendship to flow as it is now or sever yourself and seek out friends who have similar interests as yours. By remaining I’m sure the relationship could stay friendly so long as your willing to cede to her interests.. To sever the relationship could help you become more confident in yourself.
lose her. That’s someone I would call a narcissist who wants all of your attentionallthetime. a RAL FRIEND WILL LISTEN TO YOU WHEN YOU TALK AND NOT INTERRUPT YOU LIKE THAT. yOU WOULD BOTH LISTEN TO EACH OTHER.
Hey hun I know exactly what that’s like. So here’s what I’ve done and sometimes it works. Try giving this ’‘friend’’ the cold shoulder for a few weeks. Just don’t talk to her, ignore her calls, become very busy with other things. She will either get the message or still act the same but will do that to someone else. I would seriously consider that you distance yourself from this person because they sound like a toxic friend who drains all your energy.Or you can gradually stop call her , hang out with other people, and just get involved in other activities. I wish you better friends who give you respect and will listen to you,
I don’t think she is your best friend..You have proved to be her best friend but she (sorry to say) doesn’t deserve your friendship and don’t even values it. For a very good relation, it is essential for someone to be a god listener . Awfully she is not! This will only give you pain every time you would talk to her. Just try avoiding her and when she asks you the reason, tel her that she makes you feel irritated, the reason why you are avoiding her..if she really wants to be with you as a good friend she would try to change herself otherwise not! and then you know what you have to do?
walk away from her. she is the worst type of friend. this is the reason i turned into a loner. i spent tons of time with deadbeat friends and now i can’t get close to anyone because of it. so walk away know before you end up a loner.
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