General Question

syz's avatar

Any suggestions on how to find the source of a photo?

Asked by syz (36034points) April 23rd, 2008

So I was clicking through, found a site that had a photo I downloaded, and then went along my merry way. Now, on closer inspection, I’d like to find the souce of the photo but I have no idea how to backtrack (I know to bookmark, I just didn’t do it…).

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5 Answers

wildflower's avatar

Have you checked your browser history? Also you could check the info/credits of the photo and google for that.

benjamin6's avatar

try describing the photo in a search on the following website:

the site is searches other sites like flickr and photobucket.

it’s worth a shot. good luck!

syz's avatar

Unfortunately, my Firefox deletes my browser history. But I’ll check taggylicio. Thanks.

waterskier2007's avatar

@syz, porn much? deleting browser history?

stephen's avatar

u shouldnt miss this firefox plug-in :

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