Do you have any physical anomolies?
I’m pretty standard issue myself, except that my right foot is a little bigger than my left and my blood type, A-, is relatively rare; that’s about it but…
I went to college with a girl that had a small third nipple, worked for woman who was born with one kidney and one of the tellers at my branch bank has six fingers on each hand. I try not to stare but I made a large cash deposit once and it was very distracting when she started to count the money. It took me a minute or so to figure it out because her hands and fingers were moving pretty quickly but I knew something wasn’t right there… then… wow… she’s got six fingers one each hand!
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30 Answers
Yeah, more often than not my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek ;¬}
I may have some physical anomolies, but I can’t seem to think of what it is…today.
I did once, but Scotty reversed the poliarity of the dilithium crystals and removed it.
Ummmmm…..I have a birthmark in the shape of Florida on my leg. Mom swears I wasn’t born with it. She swears I got really dirty once and there it was. We lived in Florida at the time.
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I have a line going down both my arms and the backs of my legs. The skin on one side of the line is dark and the other side is light. It’s weird.
Yes, yes I am @HungryGuy! Shucks. My cover has been blown.
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My thumbs sit lower on my hands than what is normal…much like a chimp’s.
I am very good at swinging from trees because of this ;)
My scalp isn’t smooth like most humans, the skin on my head has wrinkles that create an almost wave-like pattern, although it’s only noticeable when I cut my hair really short. People called me a sharpei in highschool.
When I still had baby teeth I had to have my baby molars pulled out because they had fused to my jawbone. My dentist was over the moon with excitement because I was the first case he had to deal with; he’d only read about it in textbooks during dental school.
It was really great as an eleven year old to hear that.~
Other than that, I can’t think of any anomalies.
Okay here goes, this isn’t easy for me. I have an “outie” belly button…...there I said it. It’s done now…...& relax :¬)
Both my pinkies are missing a fully developed middle knuckle.
My two sides don’t seem to have met each other: I’m a half inch shorter on the left (due to mild scholiosis); by left foot and hand are a bit smaller than their partners on the right; my hearing is quite different in the two ears; my vision was radically different until my recent lens replacment—I did have extreme monovision; and the left/right sides of my face are slightly different. I think all of those combined might count as an anomoly ;-)
Not if you don’t count the vestigial tail ;)
I have a little black dot in my right iris (eyes are blue/green). My great aunt (grandma’s sister) had it too. I think it’s kind of neat.
I was born with a hereditary condition called Haglund’s deformity. It wasn’t nearly as horrible as it sounds though. Basically it’s similar to bone spurs on the heel. As a kid, I couldn’t wear anything other than sneakers without getting awful blisters on my heels. When I was in high school, my parents finally took me to a podiatrist who suggested surgery. I had both heels filed down at the same time and have been able to wear a wide variety of shoes ever since! Plus, I had to be in a wheelchair for a few days which was a lot of fun for me and my girlfriends at the mall!
I have a lump on my forehead. Like a little tiny remnant of a horn. I have just determined that I was a unicorn in a past life (definitely not that I most likely bumped my head as an infant and the skull thickened.)
@ANef_is_Enuf – That’s most likely a cyst. The forehead is a common place to get them. Cysts are harmless, but you should always have a doctor examine any and all lumps that form on your body. If you want, it can be removed easily by a dermatologist.
I have a patch of hair in a strange place.
@HungryGuy it’s been there my whole life. Doctor said I most likely bumped my head as an infant. Never looked into it any further.
You could have just let me run with my unicorn theory.
@ANef_is_Enuf – Sorry. There is a rare medical syndrome called Unicorn Syndrome in which unicorn horns start to grown on human infants, but then cease growing. These are often mistaken for cysts. They’re harmless as well. After giving your condition some thought, that’s more likely what you have, rather than a cyst.
Aside from being a human stick figure, my left nipple is slightly, but noticeably, smaller and higher than my right one, which is also rather small for a nipple.
@MyNewtBoobs And I thought it was your tail that was fully developed and functional and your boobs that were vestigial. My mistake. ;-)
I have AB blood which is rare but useless to any other blood type. And I think my chronic sinusitis is bulging out my eyebrow bones. Is that Cro-magnum?
@faye Yes, it’s so very Cro-magnum. You seem to be devolving.
@lillycoyote Oh, snap! That was awesome. It is the boobs that are vestigial.
I finally remembered something! I was starting to feel…abnormal! I was born with a congenital hip defect! It was where my hip socket developed normally, but the ball to the femur was way underdeveloped. The doctor could turn my leg around a full 360, like the exorcist. I had to sit in a pillow splint, without moving, for six months from the age of six months (Mom said I was just starting to pull myself up on furniture at 6 months…we put a halt to that!) to a year, to let the ball grow. I had baby shoes with a bar between them so I couldn’t walk. I still have them. I don’t remember it but seems like that would be kind of hard on an active baby. And you KNOW I was active! Mom said I’d pull myself out of my crib, even with those shoes on! Anyway, that’s fixed.
AND my perm. teeth grew in grossly crooked! But I got braces.
AND from the age of 4th grade on I developed an astigmatism that progressed so rapidly that I had to change my glasses ‘script every six months, and left me legally blind by the age of 17, when they stopped the progression of the astigmatism by putting me in contacts (why in the hell didn’t they put me in contacts sooner?) Then it was permanently fixed with lasik when I was 38.
Let’s see…I started out a crippled, blind, disgusting mess, but I’m fine now. And truly I don’t look like a 14 year old boy. How you like dem apples!
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