Social Question

Jude's avatar

What are you missing right now?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 9th, 2011

Me? Kisses on my back.

I had them this morning before she left. Right now, having them would be a lovely way to fall asleep.

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57 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

A bottle of whiskey. I ran out today and I’m in need of a drink.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A good kick in the pants.XD

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jude : You’re missing a “you” in your question.

I’m missing the meaning of life. I had it just a second ago, but I can’t remember where I set it down.

[Edited to add: I see you fixed it.]

wundayatta's avatar

I am missing her sweet pussy. 54 years old and still a one track mind!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Free time: I miss being able to take little jaunts out of state.

jasonwiese55's avatar

My former self (sans the religion).

yankeetooter's avatar

The sound of his voice…

Dew58's avatar

I am missing sweet chats with my Moma, (she passed away in 1992.)

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m feeling so embarrassed right now. I guess I’m missing my anonymity.

Cruiser's avatar

Good blues tunes and a sponge bath! ;)

SuperMouse's avatar

I am missing my husband immensely right now.

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta Lmao XD

I’m missing…hmm…ah fuck it, if I have to think about it, I’m probably not missing anything.

klutzaroo's avatar

Sleep, for fuck’s sake!

yankeetooter's avatar

The sound of his voice
Catches my ear
Through a myriad of sounds
That I can’t help but hear…

My ears prick up
And my heartbeat races,
To hear those dear timbres
Though they be but slight traces…

And all other sounds
Do fade into the back
His presence beside me,
Is all that I lack.

The timbre of his voice
Sends sweet shivers down my spine.
It makes me wish so bad,
That his affection was mine.

The birds in the trees,
The wind in the night
Can’t hold a candle to his voice
That fills me with delight…

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’m missing my five grown children and 10 of my grandchilden ( the other two are here in Texas ). : ((

AmWiser's avatar

I’m missing a perfectly good question that was modded…wtf

faye's avatar

Someone to chat with.

FluffyChicken's avatar

My sanity!

Also, kisses, cuddles and sex

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’ll second the kisses, cuddles, and sex.

I’d also like to add that I miss having someone to spank me regularly. :]

CaptainHarley's avatar

Ooooooooooooooo! : D

MrsNash's avatar

I’m missing the THIRD over time in the Grizzles/Thunder game! Gotta go!

Plucky's avatar

I’m missing my intelligence at the moment ..seems like it’s harder to find as of late.

weeveeship's avatar

My stash of candy. Ate it all after Easter. ;)

bobbinhood's avatar

I’m missing my man, but I get to see him in 13 days and marry him in 15, so that’s not bad.

I’m really missing my second best friend in the world (second only to my fiancĂ©). I had to say goodbye to her last night, and I won’t see her again for at least a year. From now on, our relationship will be limited to phone calls and too-short visits.

Bellatrix's avatar

My dad. I would really like to be able to ask his advice on a few things. He was so wise.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Early congratulations, @bobbinhood ! : ))

@Bellatrix It’s too true that we so often don’t realize who we have until they’re gone. My condolences for your loss, regardless of how long ago it was.

Response moderated (Spam)
CaptainHarley's avatar

I’M missing an explanation of why another of my posts was deleted, and this time without so much as the innane response that usually accompanies such nonsense. I value freedom of speech above almost all else and if Fluther can’t abide that, just let me know and I’ll be outta this group-think, route-step outfit so fast it will make your head spin! : ((

OpryLeigh's avatar

I always miss my fella when I’m not with him.

I miss the time in my life when it didn’t matter what I was worried about I could always find a silver lining.

augustlan's avatar

@CaptainHarley We didn’t remove your comment. Every once in a while, an answer (or question) disappears into the ether before it ever posts here.

Coloma's avatar

I’m missing the money I had a few years ago. lol

SuperMouse's avatar

@Coloma dang, I hear ya there!

Coloma's avatar


Gawd! My kingdom is withering. lol

mattbrowne's avatar

Folks telling Wall Street to stop creating new bubbles.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Still need that sanity back. if anyone finds it let me know.

sweetbee's avatar

Honestly missing being kissed,held and great sex. In addition to…uhm no that’s it for now.

yankeetooter's avatar

being around a certain someone…

MissAnthrope's avatar

Someone to put lotion on my back! It’s so itchy because my skin is dry and I can’t put lotion on it myself… :(

klutzaroo's avatar

Cookies. :(

Berserker's avatar

One of my kitties went outside this afternoon and still isn’t back. My cats do that all the time, sometimes one of them will leave for up to a week. Yeah, I suppose I ought to be flamed by everyone for not having them neutered, but eh I just can’t do it.
So, since one is missing, I’m all worried now haha. Especially after having watched that damn movie, Splice. >_>

augustlan's avatar

Hope your kitty comes back. And get that thing fixed, will ya’?!

jonsblond's avatar

@jeffgoldsblumprivatefacilities (did I spell that right, it’s been so long :/)

FluffyChicken's avatar

My crazy boyfriend.

…. and still, my sanity. seriously. Has anyone seen it?

augustlan's avatar

@FluffyChicken Have you looked in the frizzer?

I’m missing sleeeeeeeeep.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@augustlan all I found in there was my keys, and a left sock.

I am also missing sleep. Good ol’ graveyard shift…

Schroedes13's avatar

My guitar, my iPhone, and my Bianca!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Kissing. I’d give a lot for a simple kiss right now.

FluffyChicken's avatar

My ex. still.

Also sex. Oh god. I haven’t gone this long without sex in a looooong time. I know it’s only been a month and a half but when you are used to daily-weekly sex it, a tough transition to be suddenly cut off.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@augustlan – Awww, thanks. You’re the best. :)


@FluffyChicken – A month and a half? A month and a half? Let me tell you a little something about going without sex for a long time. I’m getting close to being revirginated. That’s what happens at the 2-year mark, right? You get your virginity back?

MissAnthrope's avatar

@FluffyChicken – I realize, in hindsight, that I probably came across as flippant and as having total disregard for your feelings. Sorry about that.. really, I was mostly being silly, but I don’t think it translated well. Anyway, I totally know what you’re going through and I know it sucks. I just wanted to whine a bit, too, myself. ;)

FluffyChicken's avatar

well maybe we could help each other out. . .
just kidding.

I am only 25. I have hormones to obey!!!

SuperMouse's avatar

Does a what count? I am really missing my laptop. It fell victim to this awful heatwave, it is now a paperweight with a fried motherboard, video card, etc. Can I have a moment of silence for my late not-so great HP Pavillion? And maybe some MacBook vibes?

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