Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What has surprised you about Fluther?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) May 10th, 2011

New jellies: what have you experienced so far that you didn’t expect?

Middle aged jellies (like me): as you’ve stayed, what has surprised you?

Old timers: does anything surprise you anymore about this site?

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45 Answers

ucme's avatar

The fact that I still frequent this madhouse…... site, is certainly a suprise to me. I mean, how much longer can I get away with this shit? XD

chewhorse's avatar

Again I have to be at bit serious.. As a community forum I find this one quite adequate. I frequent four others and of those four only two are worth hanging for an hour or so. I like the way fluther offers a live preview.. most others allow you to edit but doesn’t give you the compleated post to read (in which you can find the most mistakes).. I also like the questions (but not so much answering one with multiple replys however I realize this site works differently than the others).. Lastly I seem to enjoy fluther and try to visit daily for at least an hour. I am new and not completely used to things but I think it’ll come quickly.. at least I don’t feel lost in the clutter like some other sites. I do kinda wish for more topics though.

wilma's avatar

I guess that I’m “middle-aged” Like you @hawaii_jake
I came for an answer, I was surprised by the other things I learned while I was looking for that answer.
I am continuously surprised by the folks who are here, most are genuine and caring, some are jerks, just like it is in, in-person life.

Bellatrix's avatar

How very nice most people are. I have said this before but it continues to thrill me. With one or two exceptions, people really seem to be caring and I love the level of intelligence that pervades the questions and responses in Fluther.

Hibernate's avatar

Nothing so far.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m also “middle-aged” here, and not as surprised by stuff that used to surprise me, but I am often startled anew by the people who stick around even while being the most vociferous bitchers and moaners about the moderation.

Seelix's avatar

I was pleasantly surprised to have been missed when I took a week off. Granted, I didn’t announce it; it just kind of happened what with school and stuff, but I really didn’t expect to get messages and things. Lurve you guys :)

picante's avatar

I suppose I’m one of the middle-aged jellies; and though I’ve lurked for long time and avidly read the content, it’s only fairly recently that I’ve begun to participate. I’m a very private person, and I’m surprised that the site has had the “power” to pull me in and keep me. I’ve been very positively surprised at the real sense of community that seems to exist, but I’ve been negatively surprised (on occasion) by the sheer drama that can ensue from a relatively “low-level” question. I’m frankly surprised that I’ve stayed in the game. The tide pool clearly has a strong undercurrent.

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erichw1504's avatar

The amount of nekked pancake parties held around here.

jonsblond's avatar

I wouldn’t really say surprised, but it has been interesting to see the site change as it has. Fluther really wasn’t a social site when I joined. You could rarely get away with game questions, and if you had any type of back and forth with another user that was off topic in threads, a mod would come in and ask you to take it to pm’s.

It was surprising to learn Fluther’s first official troll wanted to come back recently, but that just goes to show how wonderful this site is. ;)

gailcalled's avatar

I continue to be surprised at the amount of time some people spend on this site, joking, flirting, and being silly. Not my cup of tea but I like observing some of the social mores.

And I am interested in predicting who will say what.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I was surprised inititally but nothing surprises me now.

bob_'s avatar

The kindness of strangers.

Though I must also say, stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

erichw1504's avatar

@bob_ Stupid is as stupid does.

downtide's avatar

I think what has surprised me the most is that I’ve been here 18 months and not got bored yet, and still participating nearly every day. That’s really unusual for me.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I suppose that it was when Ben & Andrew and gang announced their focus would be on projects outside of Fluther.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have cut my participation on all other sites to looking in just long enough to see it there’s anything worth participating in, but with Fluther, there’s always something worth commenting on.

bkcunningham's avatar

It is my first and only “question and answer” site. One of the most surprising things to me has been the views on the non-gender thinking. I had never heard of it before.

Blondesjon's avatar

All of the smoking hot man ass.

and the drug fueled orgies

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Blondesjon : Rats. I never get invited to the fun stuff.

Ladymia69's avatar

Mehhhh, nothing has knocked me off my stilettos, yet.

Rarebear's avatar

That I stuck around.

augustlan's avatar

@Rarebear We’re awfully glad you did.

When I signed up on a whim, many moons ago, I had no idea what an enormous impact this site would have on my life. I’m still surprised, sometimes, to find that I’m the community manager! ;)

chyna's avatar

I second @jonsblond all the smoking hot man ass.
I am surprised at the kindness of strangers and the friendships I’ve made. I joined after I had to put my dog down and was in a depression, just looking for something to keep my mind occupied. That was three years ago and I never dreamed I’d stay. I’m glad I did.

Berserker's avatar

I was pretty surprised on the wide variety of subjects we can bring up, and the freedom allowed with it.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m surprised by the number of genuinely sweet people here and at the same time, the number of people who think it’s cool to repeatedly bash certain groups while vehemently defending their own groups.

And I was really surprised when Auggie snuck up on me with that damn whip a couple days ago. I still have marks…

Ladymia69's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I think a whole lot of us do that, some more subtly than others. ;)

The bashing, not the whipping.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Damn, I was hoping for the whipping.

blueiiznh's avatar

I find I dont eat as much jelly anymore.

Berserker's avatar

I find that I eat more. ^^

dxs's avatar

I like the seriousness of it.

Berserker's avatar

That couch rocks my world lol.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That as of today I changed my mind about there needing to be an age limit to join the site, thanks to a petulant little smart mouthed brat.

erichw1504's avatar

I’m surprised nobody has nobody has thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer.

Blueroses's avatar

Still a relative newb here. What surprised me about Fluther is how multi-dimensional the members are. Most sites see people sticking with one aspect of their personalties but here, I’m often delighted when I read a silly answer from somebody I’d thought was serious or a thoughtful answer from a person I thought was frivolous.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Actually what surprises me is the opposite of most answers above. I’m often caught off-guard by people who are rude or combative. I come here because I have always loved the general attitude of the members, how caring and genuine people are. When someone behaves like an ass, especially a regular member, it always throws me off.

bob_'s avatar

@Blueroses Go make me a sandwich. Yes, I also like it how people here are not one-dimensional.

erichw1504's avatar

@Blueroses I’m a big fan of 3D people, but I don’t like wearing the glasses.

Ladymia69's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I am not an old member by any means, but i have been thrown off my heels a few times as well by that very same thing.

Blueroses's avatar

this is exactly why I love Fluther. There are people I have built deep friendships with offline, people who I rarely agree with but like their ability to step out of one mode and into another, and people I entirely disagree with on most points but I totally respect their skills in defending their unique points of view. I can’t say there’s a jelly I entirely dislike because I’m always ready to be surprised.

Berserker's avatar

@Blueroses Ha, cool. I could learn from you. Sometimes there’s people I don’t like so much and completely ignore, and I’m prolly missing out. :/

Blueroses's avatar

@Symbeline @ladymia69 @ANef_is_Enuf I’ve come across a scant handful of people who were directly cold or dismissive to me personally and that was (mostly) when I was brand new to the site and I came to respect those people (because I didn’t know my question was asked 9000 times before) in other threads. YarnLady has become one of my favorites, for an example that I hope doesn’t get modded, because she’s reliable with what she considers good advice and she’s generous with lurve.

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