Where does the most dangerous threat to humanity reside now that Osama is dead?
In Your opinion where does the true danger to world peace now reside?
In Iran;Syria;Palestine;Pakistan and Afghanistan? small, highly religious countries where the family is intact and the government is constrained by religious authority and ancient traditions, or in my opinion the U.S. where propaganda rules and the powerful executive branch has removed itself from accountability by breaking from the constitutional restraints on its power?
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16 Answers
I don’t think that Osama represented, in any way, the most dangerous threat to humanity. He had the potential to do, and did do, significant harm to many.
If I were to believe that anything was the single most dangerous threat in the world, it would be the belief that there is a single or most dangerous threat. That somehow we can really, honestly rank a list of threats.
The world is far too complicated to assume that there are isolated causes or threats.
There are 2… oil and the US Dollar. The US will kick some serious ass to anyone who threatens our ability to exploit either of those 2.
He sits in the white house and he is a socialist communist far left muslim arab terrorist from kenya.
Probably poisoning the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Not wearing a seat belt last year killed more people than Osama ever had.
Severely undercooked salmon?
I want to say Kim Jung Il in North Korea, or Khadafi in Libya, but it just might be Justin Beiber.
Cancer and heart disease.
Both were here before Bin Laden and they are still here.
A lot of money has been spent on Cancer research.
Will there ever be a cure in our lifetime?
I predict that drug-resistant bacteria will take out a few hundred million in our lifetime. We think that modern medicine will save us from future plagues and outbreaks. However, an outbreak could quickly move across the globe before the medical community even knows of it’s existence.
Either some giant asteroid circling around the Oort cloud, or one of several supervolcanoes such as Yellowstone Park…
The casino mentality that lives on Wall Street. Just one more fuck up…...
Great question @SeaTurtle. I agree with the propaganda and Constitution comment.
Let’s not underestimate the new decentralized Al-Qaeda. They work like the Internet. Even one nuke can’t destroy the whole thing.
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