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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Is it "ching chang" or "ting tang" walla walla bing bang?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30960points) May 10th, 2011

I grew up singing “ching chang”. But I can’t find any source that supports “ching chang”. My friend claims it’s “ding dang” and gets very upset if she hears it any other way. She threw the lime from my vodka tonic at the bartender mocking her with “cling clang”, and became absolutely livid when he shouted “sting stang” after it smacked him in the eyeball!

I swear we sang “ching chang” as children at Camp Robin Hood. Now all I can find is “ting tang” and I feel as if part of my childhood was a lie. I’m experiencing some very uncomfortable emotions trying to cope with this, wondering what else from my childhood was based on lies and deception.

How did you sing it? And how do I get this song out of my head?

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