Does it ever irritate you when a jelly posts a question (which then leads to a discussion), but, doesn't follow-up with a response to others' questions and comments in the thread?
Asked by
Jude (
May 10th, 2011
Jellies turn around a make a point or ask the OP a question, but, the OP doesn’t respond. Just posts the question and that it’s.
This happened today (and happens often with this jelly), and it irritates the fuck out of me.
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43 Answers
Nah, I just prod again. More often than not, a second post with a request nets the desired results, be it on the thread or via PM. If there is no response, no offense is taken.
I’ve also discovered that some fellow Jellies consider their life outside of Fluther more important than hanging around here each day in order to respond to posts. It’s hard to imagine, but it is true.
Yes it does irritate me especially if the question was regarding a controversial subject or, as you said, the poster was asked questions by the people taking part in the discussion to clear up any misunderstandings that the question may have caused.
Nope not at all…I just scratch their name off my Christmas card list.
Not irritate, but it does leave me wondering.
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@Jude I thought that may have been the question you were reffering too.
To be fair, the user about whom you are speaking usually does come back and respond but it usually takes him a very long time. Give him a little time.
Ohhhh yes, this bugs me. Especially when it’s a situation like that – something health or mental-health related. I sometimes find myself putting a lot of thought into an answer and becoming genuinely worried about the asker, then they don’t come back and I keep wondering whether they’re okay, whether they read my advice, whether it was even worth it.
I just figure that person doesn’t want to interact with me so I move on. Sigh
Yes. It thoroughly, thoroughly irritates me. And it also irritates me when they turn around and dispute your advice, or when they don’t give lurve to their responders (giving lurve is the same as saying “thanks for taking the time to answer my question”).
@Jude Ah, I know which thread and which OP you are referring to. The question was posted eight hours ago and your response (and thank you for sharing your story…it was very brave of you to do so, and it was valued for the insight you offered) was only an hour ago.
I don’t know what time zone the OP lives in or what the OP’s work schedule is like, but there is usually a response made to most answers. There are times when the OP’s responses feel selective for their content, but depending upon the subject, I stick with the thread. Otherwise, how would I learn about the reality of a personal life situation that hasn’t been experienced? It is through the responses, such as yours and many others, that help educate the rest of us on very important topics.
Scurries back to review questions I’ve asked. Yeah, it irritates me as well. I try to not let it bother me too much because I don’t know all the circumstances.
It depends on who is responding. There are particular jellies I can rely upon to be assholes and at some point what they contribute I can’t glean anything useful or insightful from so I stop following or stop responding.
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No. There could be a number of reasons why the OP either takes a while to respond or doesn’t respond at all. Maybe they went scuba diving and got attacked by an octopus. Maybe they’re trapped inside of an elevator. Maybe they were put inside of a straitjacket as a practical joke and can’t get out.
People will do what they want on here. I don’t worry about when and if they respond. I personally say what I want to say and if I feel like moving on, then I will. Nobody is obligated to respond to me and I’m not obligated to keep a conversation going if I don’t want to.
Oh, I see what user you are referring to. He always makes an appearance much later on and usually responds to everyone who answers.
I’ve asked questions late at night and shut my computer off as soon as I ask it, then return sometime the next day to respond or at least give great answers. Everyone has a different asking style. No biggie.
Your answers are helpful, @Jude. I promise they are not ignored. =)
Yes. People should drop everything they’re doing to tend to my needs.
@Vunessuh Shine my shoes!
I choose not to exert either the time or effort involved in getting irritated. I just pass it by.
As the song says, sometimes it’s better to just “Walk On By”.
It doesn’t irritate me though I would be disappointed if they never responded.
Nope. This Q&A. They Q, we A.
[mod says] Answers that reference the member in question have been removed.
@Jude Isn’t that happening here too?
I hope who you’re talking about isn’t me. 0–0
Personally I don’t give a damn. Even if they don’t respond, that doesn’t mean they didn’t pay attention to my answer. Whether they respond or not, if it helps them, cool, if not, well so be it. People might not all see Fluther the same way, and may not ask questions for all the same reasons.
Some want companionship, others are curious. Maybe people like to ask something and see what happens, and they observe. Others need to know something. Either way, when someone doesn’t respond to me, it doesn’t irk me, firstly because I don’t care lol, and secondly, peeps just got shit they gots to does. And even if they don’t, it’s all cool. People have their reasons, or lack thereof. My answers are up there, should they ever be needed. Beyond that, I can’t do much anyway.
For such a violent girl, Symb, you’re pretty Zen-ish.
Well, we all gotta have our weakness. XD
It has, yes, but it is only a fleeting feeling. I myself do the same thing, usually due to time constraints to put together a suitably thoughtful response. I’ll read it, absorb the knowledge, and just not get back to it. I suppose it would be best to acknowledge it with a brief post, stating that it caused me to view the topic differently and I haven’t the time to address it now. That’s probably better than doing nothing, particularly knowing that there are those that find it irritating to not respond to the post.
I hope it’s not me, is it? I tend to leave randomly…
I still find it odd that real people are bothered by things that happen on the internet. It’s all make believe people…an illusion.
Why are they make believe? If someone I know sends me a text message or email, that is valid as communication.
It’s nothing to take seriously though and well intentioned messages won’t conger up any irritation anyway. Sites like this are different. It’s basically people sitting at a computer with hundreds or thousands of miles between them. Nothing really important is going on here so therefore irritation seems to be a false emotion injected into it. Also there is my observation that people, Americans specifically, have gotten more emo over the last generation or so and are prone to be upset or disappointed more easily.
I suppose there is wisdom in the notion that very little should prove truly irritating on this site, and one can extend that to how they view the ones they interact with in person. But I think it’s normal to find some interactions on here mildly irritating when appropriate.
Not even a little bit. I usually lay back on my own questions.
I never understood it when someone says “it’s just the internet, it’s make believe”. What, are robots and unicorns behind all the answers here? Sure, the internet allows people to be more dickish than they usually are, but it’s not make believe. It’s fucking happening, I’m not dreaming.
Or am I?
I am really just an elegantly-programmed chat bot.
@jonsblond Because we have the option to turn the thing off. Not there when there is an actual person there in front of you. Probably ½ the stuff people put out online is bullshit and/or can’t be proven to be true. We really have no idea who or what these people are so it all should be taken with a grain of salt. This last generation was born into the web. It is more of a reality to them and becomes more serious for that reason. I came into this world before most members here, when we all had party line telephones. I just can’t get into it hard and is one of those things I could easily live without if I came upon harder times and needed to cut back. Try suggesting that to the 20 something crowd you will draw a few scowls. Sooo many things in this life to get irritated by that really need attention but not Q&A sites for sure.
Depends on the question. Sometimes I or others will ask a question to provoke a discussion about a topic and just want to see where it leads. But if a person is asking for advice or specific information and doesn’t respond to queries for elucidation, it can be annoying. I also don’t like it when someone comes on with a one time burning problem and we get all hot and bothered responding and they vanish without engaging with our responses.
@woodcutter I do agree with much of what you said. We didn’t get internet for our family until 3 years ago. It started to become difficult for us to not have internet when our sons had weekly homework assignments that required them to use the internet. I think they were the last students in their classrooms to finally have internet in their home.
For the record, I regret asking this particular question. You all caught me on a bad day. Again, I apologize. I think that I was more pissed off by the OP’s question.
Bad move. Sorry. Nothing more to see here.
@Jude Don’t sweat it. That thread set me off as well. If you’ve never dealt with the illness you don’t really understand what it’s all about. Here’s one free pass for you.
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