Is there a weapon you would really like to master?
I’m quite interested in being surprised with an unexpected answer and as to the reasons and motivations behind them. Thanks!
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71 Answers
Using my brain as a weapon, I suppose. And my body.
The pen, because the pen is mightier than the sword.
No, seriously. I’d love to be a bad-assed female sword fighter.
Right now I am working on learning the sai. My kendo teacher did a surprise lesson where we all used them, and it was one of the best classes I’ve ever been to. I immediately felt an affinity for the weapon, though I’m not dropping the sword any time soon either.
My body and fists, like some crazy indestructible pugilistic warrior.
I’m a pacifist by nature, but….I have always thought those Ninja stars are pretty cool.
Could drop someone from yards away. lol
In the meanwhile, I think my verbage could definitely be wielded in a lethal fashion, the tongue may be even mightier than the pen.
One must tread carefully with a verbally quick and adept sparring partner. lol
Ninja Turtle weapons (katanas, nunchucks, sais, bo)
My brain so that anyone without a tinfoil hat would be at my mercy.
Mu Wa Hahahaha
A weapons master huh? Let’s see…., I’d have to pick staves. I have a fetish (or weakness) for bamboo.
just one? Well, I’d be fine with any of the following:
Morning Star (the one that the Witch King from LOTR uses)
Crescent Halbred
Dual Trench Knives
Boomerang would be cool. Never at a loss for a comeback.
Since I’ve been proficient with almost every weapon in the US Army’s inventory, including tanks and artillery, I imagine the only thing left would be to try my hand at sword-play. : )
Well, I could say my brain, but since we’re talking actual weapons, I would say the bow. I think archery is awesome, and when I have time to play computer RPG’s, I always make my player a hunter/ranger/some such similar thing…
Bo staff for sure ..also the bow and arrow. And, of course, my body…kung fu, tao bo, jitsu, whatever…lol.
Lasso….I think being able to toss a rope around anyone and taking them down would be a riot! Give me a long bad ass bullwhip too and we are having some real fun times! Yeee HA!
A Warhammer. I don’t mean a real one like this. I mean like you see in fantasy movies, something I can’t even lift on the first day of training. Something like this.
The crossbow or perhaps the scimitar. I’ve never fought with a sword before, but I’ve dabbled in archery in the past and despite my normally poor hand-eye coordination I seemed to do fairly well. I think that both of these options would be fun and badass.
I’m with @syz with this one. A broadsword would be so much fun to play around with.
I would really like to be able to use throwing knives. I’ve always enjoyed throwing things when I was angry.
Remington rolling block rifle in 45–120.
I’d like to master the grenade LOL
Seriously I really think mastering the Japanese sword would be awesome.
Hmmm.,..uncanny how two of my favorite boy jellies, @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard & @Cruiser both like bullwhips…we could have quite a roundup over here, bullwhips and lassos and ninja stars. Home on Colomas deranged range. lololol
Oooo, lightsaber would be awesome too. Then I wouldn’t have to make the sound with my lips all the time…
Only thing wrong with a blacksnake(bull) whip is it ain’t got the range of a buffalo gun. @Coloma I prefer the whips made out of snake leather.
Huh..never knew there was such a thing as a snakeskin bullwhip. :-/ Cool.
Okay..I’ll just pitch cucumber guy at people, with a ninja star under his tomato hat. Look out for Ninja cucumber!lol
Sharks.With laser beams on their foreheads
The balisong. But legitimately, not just like a legal switchblade. Martial arts would be cool..
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The bow and arrow, slingshot, sword, and a machine gun.
Along with the bow and the sword (workin’ on em), I would like to master the atlatl
The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
@HungryGuy Didn’t you have the same answer for something else…?
To produce maximal carnage, I’d like to be so proficient with this crazy killing machine that it feels like part of my body.
@Joker94 – Yes. But if the same answer answers a different question….
A dragon.
Or my AK. Use what’s available, and all that. Knives would be pretty cool too, since I always have them around.
Bo. Seems pretty useful in that many things could be used in place of things which are designated to be actual bos.
1.) Lightsaber
2.) Nuclear bomb
I would really like to master the three section staff. It took me a month to be able twirl it without smacking my forehead! I did know a Pek Kwar form, but I never even came close to mastering the weapon.
The shotgun. I don’t own one yet but they are pretty much the final end to a fight. There is a trick to manipulating everything while keeping it reloaded and keeping it trained on the threat.
I would love to master the bow and arrow.
And as @Simone_De_Beauvoir said, using your brain as a weapon would be awesome.
I think we covered this already: the garrote….
I am kidding.
I would like to look really dangerous with a Samurai sword. And maybe a twitching eye.
perhaps…maybe i have never seen that movie and I am just being wildly original!
@ladymia69 – Well, if you like swordplay, I highly recommend that movie! Great sword fighting scenes!
I am kidding! I have seen both movies into the ground, and am highly looking forward to Kill Bill 3!
@ladymia69 As hard as it for me to watch violence (blood & gore), I really liked the Kill Bill movies. I had no idea there was going to be Kill Bill 3. Something to look forward to.;)
@Rarebear Those are actually very easy to master…at the end of the gun is a teeny tiny little hole….you look in there to aim and pull the trigger…you will never miss! ;)
My body. I’d love the skill to break someone’s neck between my thighs or a Bruce Lee chest punch that can stop the heart.
@AmWiser It won’t be showing until 2013…but that’ll be here sooner than you think.:)
I got two:
A boomerang. They’ll never know what hit ‘em.
A mace. Again, they’ll never know what hit ‘em.
@mazingerz88, totally different weapons in just about every feature except for the fact that they are made of steel and wood. I can see how one would make that mistake, though.
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I’d love to learn some Japanese weapons like the katana or ninjatso, especially techniques that were designed for one hit kills, or at least, great injury. I’m an unhealthy wuss and I run out of breath fast, so I can’t fight for so long. Something like Iaido, that would be ideal. I don’t know if ninjatso swords were used with that art though, but they probably could.
my weed whacker as a weapon!
I agree. Having ninja powers would be awsome…but I’d use my body.
You would be surprised ( and perhaps dismayed ) at how easy that is to do, and not with your thighs but with your hands. Stopping the heart with a punch? Never seen that happen.
wind is the enemy of pepper spray. They should come with a windsock.
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