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JLeslie's avatar

How do you do laundry?

Asked by JLeslie (65939points) May 10th, 2011

Do you do a little every day? 5 big loads at once?

I used to wait until I could fill the washing machine, now I don’t care. I feel like it is a big waste of energy to run the washing machine more often, but lately that is exaclty what I do. I just hate seeing the laundry pile up now, and my husband is so sweaty after he works out, I hate for those clothes to sit around for days.

Do you have an HE washer? I hate mine. I want a water wasting washer next time I buy a new one.

Does anyone have one of those newer top load washers that does not have the center thingy? Is it gentler on your delicate clothing?

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26 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Eh, it depends on my mood. I try to do a little bit every day, especially now that I have the kids running around again. Between them, my husband and the pets the laundry piles up fast. I am also nuts about washing my throws and my curtains/linens, so I end up doing laundry almost every day. When I don’t do it regularly, then I just feel overwhelmed.

I’m glad you posted this because I have sheets in the washer waiting to be thrown into the dryer, and I almost forgot and went to bed without drying them. Thanks.

jonsblond's avatar

I have a front load/HE washer and I love it. Having a husband who gets dirty working during the day and two children (three when my oldest is home from college) I do at least two loads a day.

The only good thing about our 93 degree high temperature today was I could dry our clothes on the line outside in 10 minutes. I saved on our electric bill and did 4 loads today.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@jonsblond that’s the best. Nothing in the world smells better than line dried laundry.

Pandora's avatar

Once a week. I wait till I have a large load for colors and whites. I wash delicates by hand.

JLeslie's avatar

@jonsblond What brand washer do you have?

nikipedia's avatar

Ha. I don’t have a washer/dryer, so I put it off as long as humanly possible. I can make it about 2 weeks before I run out of running clothes, and then I usually drag my feet until I start running out of real clothes too. Yeah, I end up “recycling” dirty running clothes. I know. Gross.

jonsblond's avatar

@JLeslie Whirlpool Duet Sport. We had a crappy, used washer for the longest time. The Duet has worked wonders for us for the past 4 years without any problems.

JLeslie's avatar

I wish I had bought a Whirlpool. I neber have trouble with their appliances.

jonsblond's avatar

Our dryer broke within the first year when we bought it along with the washer, it was also a Whirlpool, but the washer has never been a problem. I’ve spent many months at laundromats with toddlers in tow. I’m finally happy doing laundry at home. =)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I mostly use the crappy one my landlord bought back when divorce wasn’t an option. It’s too small to properly wash my blankets, but it does the job for the rest of my clothes. There’s not a whole lot of options, but it works. I try to do at least a load a week, but I often end up doing 5 loads all at once one night. I do use both detergent and fabric softener, which I looooove. I just got a teeny, tiny apartment washer/dryer that has one hole do both jobs. It kinda… sucks ass, to be quite honest. It doesn’t dry normally, it just tries to steam out as much water as possible, so stuff is always still damp at the end, no matter what. It’s good for doing underthings and slippers, but I’m not sure I’ll use it for much more. It was a hand-me-down from my dad’s cabin, so not exactly a big waste for me if I don’t use it.

Pele's avatar

I do my laundry all at once. Or if I have to wear something, I’ll wash that single item. (I know I’m horriable). So, about once a week. I also don’t iron. I steam with a professional steamer. Irons suck.

Brian1946's avatar

I have a front-loading Kenmore HE Elite.

I usually do full loads because I try to conserve resources, reduce my carbon footprint, and I’m lazy.

It does a good job of cleaning my laundry, but I’d like it if it used a little more water.
Because of that, I sometimes do a little less than a full load, so that it at least seems like each item is getting washed with more water.

When the wash is done, I leave the washer door open so that ambient ventilation can evaporate any residual moisture, thereby preventing mold growth on the door seal.

Then I disassemble the dispenser tray, rinse out it and its components, dry them as much as I conveniently can with some clean rags, and then let them air dry.

I clean the dryer lint screen before each load, and I remove whatever lint I can from the screen’s guide slots.

augustlan's avatar

I’m the person with mounds of dirty laundry in my bedroom at the moment. I usually do several loads on the weekends, but have fallen behind lately. I often find myself doing ‘emergency’ loads… just enough clothes for both my husband and I to get through the next several days, figuring I’ll catch up later. Annnnd, I never seem to catch up. I’m not very domestic. :( Since I finally felt better this evening, I did two big loads (one of them is still drying at the moment). I’d say there are probably seven more loads to go! Crap.

I have a large capacity Kenmore (made by Whirlpool) set that’s pretty good, but probably not terribly energy efficient. I’m allergic to just about every brand of detergent, so I have to stick to just one: Arm & Hammer liquid. I don’t think it cleans as well as a lot of the others, so I always add a bit more than is called for in each load. I rarely use fabric softener (for the same reason), but I can use Downy Free if need be. I always run an extra “spin” cycle at the end of the wash, to get rid of excess water still in the clothes, then pop them in the dryer. Fuck ironing. Unless it’s a must, it ain’t happening. I wash my delicates in cold, on the gentle cycle and hang them on an indoor folding rack. Since this is way more trouble than I like, I don’t wash (or wear) them very often. Underclothes and bras get washed and dried with my normal clothes, except one bra that I hang on a cabinet knob to dry. Martha Stewart I am not.

rooeytoo's avatar

I usually do everything once a week, since it is only my husband and me, 3 loads a week (well a separate for sheets) will do it. I hang everything out except socks and underpants, I hate hanging them so they get tossed into the dryer.

I did have one of those top loaders without the agitator and it died after a couple of years. I was not sad to see it happen, I didn’t think it was a very good washer, nothing ever seemed really clean. I think a front loader is the best, that is what we will get next time.

ucme's avatar

“Oh darling, would you be a sweetie &.......” :¬)
Well, the wife loves it & I see no reason to deprive her of that pleasure.

Plucky's avatar

Usually once a week we do all the laundry (sunday or saturday). We wash the whites, lights, darks, and pet bedding seperately. I’d like to get a clothes line eventually; we are in a new developing area so there is way too much dust/dirt in the air at the moment.

optimisticpessimist's avatar

I usually do laundry twice a week a couple of loads each time. It used to take me a full day every three or four days, but now the older two are doing their own.

Blackberry's avatar

I like big loads (lol). I also don’t dry any of my nice clothes.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I do the laundry once I have enough to fill the machine.
I also fold clothes and towels in between sets when I lift weights.That might be alittle odd XD

Seelix's avatar

When I was in school, I would do laundry when I had the time, which would sometimes mean I went 3 weeks between wash days. Now that classes are out, I’m planning to do it once a week. There’s just the two of us, so doing laundry any more often would probably mean less-than-full loads, and when you use pay machines, you want a full load. Plus, I wouldn’t want to be going up and down 14 flights all day every day just for laundry.

Cruiser's avatar

I don’t even know what our machine looks like….but I do hear it running almost non-stop.

markylit's avatar

I do it once a week and use my Whirpool. Works out great for me!

answerjill's avatar

I live alone and do laundry every 2 weeks. I use the crappy quarter-eating machine that my building provides.

JLeslie's avatar

@Brian1946 That’s the crap I cannot stand about my front loader, all that concern about mold and cleaning everything after a wash. My front loader has a sensor for how large the load is, do you get to set yours manually? Small, medium, large load? The only way I can figure to get more water in there is to soak a garment so the weight makes it seem like there is more clothes in there.

Supacase's avatar

I have no specific pattern or method other than always being at least 3 loads behind.

Coloma's avatar

I probably do one or two washes a week, a regular mixed load and a bleach wash for whites.
I neatly fold most everything and then leave it sitting in the basket on top of the dryer for days. Especially towels and other no big deal if they get wrinkled items. lol

I usually wash in warm water, use the extra rinse cycle and have to check the machine for frogs before using. lol

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