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JLeslie's avatar

How do you do laundry?

Asked by JLeslie (65942points) May 10th, 2011

Do you do a little every day? 5 big loads at once?

I used to wait until I could fill the washing machine, now I don’t care. I feel like it is a big waste of energy to run the washing machine more often, but lately that is exaclty what I do. I just hate seeing the laundry pile up now, and my husband is so sweaty after he works out, I hate for those clothes to sit around for days.

Do you have an HE washer? I hate mine. I want a water wasting washer next time I buy a new one.

Does anyone have one of those newer top load washers that does not have the center thingy? Is it gentler on your delicate clothing?

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