(NSFW)Should I ask my girlfriend to trim her hairy bush?
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May 12th, 2011
I have a girlfriend and when we go to the beach you can see pubic hairs coming out of the top and side of her bathing suit. When she wears a two piece suit. Should I let her know she should trim her pubic hairs? I see people at the beach looking at her.I am a female and do not want to lose her friendship. I enjoy hanging out with her.
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23 Answers
Give her this for her birthday.
Subtlety is everything
That’s pretty disgusting, in my opinion. Yes, you should ask her in the nicest way possible to trim it.
Yah you could tell her. It may be a slightly awkward conversation, but thats what friends do.
Tell her if she isn’t going to trim she needs to choose a different swimsuit. Brazilian bikini waxes were invented for bathing suits like that.
What exactly is the problem with having a normal human body, and all its attendant protuberances?
You need to deal with your hangups, and more power to your friend for ignoring pathetic social conventions that aim to brow-beat us into conformist self-loathing.
@meiosis There’s nothing wrong with a normal human body. But there is something wrong with bad hygiene.
Say “Hey, you know your bush is hangin’ out, right?”. Sometimes it is just better to be forward.
I’m with @meiosis on this. Bad hygiene is about bathing; whether or not she chooses to shave, wax, pluck, depilate or anything is simply about personal choice. I’ll bet she knows that hair is visible, maybe she just doesn’t care. And why are people looking? That strikes me as more of a problem than visible hair.
@tedd Bad hygiene???????? You had better be shaving your pubes too then.
@tedd What, exactly, is unhygienic about not shaving your pubic hair?
@meiosis @marinelife Are you aware of the types of bacteria and things that are typically carried on pubes? Hair follicles are like sponges for things you generally don’t want on you, and when they’re located in that region of the body they get that much more exposure to things that they can absorb.
Having gone down on girls with no hair, some hair, patterns of hair, a bit much hair, and downright forests down below…. I can tell you flat out those with more hair were less…. “hygienic” from a multitude of standpoints that are too gross to go into here. You wanna let it grow out some and not shave it or something…. more power to you. But when its sticking out of bikini’s and swimsuits….
and @marinelife Yes, I do.
@tedd : And yet, some of us that grew up in the days before shaving there was considered to be important have spent our lives with no issues whatsoever in that area because we bathe regularly. Go figure.
I’m sure she knows the hair shows and that people stare at her. Maybe she doesn’t care and maybe you shouldn’t either.
How much pubic hair one has has nothing to do with hygiene.
No. Don’t ask her to shave it. It’s really none of your business. How does it hurt you? Oh, you’re embarrassed? Well don’t look to me for pity. I think that’s a pretty childish thing to be embarrassed about.
If someone is embarrassing themselves, then you might be doing them a favor. So if you really don’t think she knows, and if you really think everyone is staring at her, why not be honest and say, “your hair is sticking out and it embarrasses me.” If you can’t say that—if you can’t be honest about what is really behind this, then shut up.
When I was growing up—over half a century ago—no one thought anything about this. It’s just the way it was. It still is that way over most of the world. It’s just Americans with their supposed puritanical attitudes about cleanliness that have problems with this.
But you know what? What it really has to do with is the near ubiquitous access to porn. Everyone watches what is a porn trope, and then thinks that’s the way it is supposed to be. For Christ’s sake! Boys are learning how to fuck from porn. They think every girl wants cum on her face!
If anyone tells someone else to shave, they might as well tell them to fuck in public. ‘Cause shame is what it’s all about. And prurience. Let’s bring our sexual nature out into public in a sanitized way. That way it will be possible for puritanical people to both exhibit it and pretend it isn’t there all at the same time. God forbid we should see someone’s pubic hair! We don’t want to think about sex. Let’s shave it all off and pretend we are innocent. It is about as hypocritical as you get get and yet people are defending it as hygiene! Hygiene!
Someone. Please. Take me back to the 70’s!
I tend to think of this as a fashion faux pas rather than a hygiene issue. Skimpy binkinis aren’t intended to be worn with hair hanging out. This is like a “People of Walmart” type of mistake. Depending on how old you both are (and I’m guessing rather young), some young women don’t realize that it’s okay to groom their pubic area if there’s a little too much hair there. They buy a skimpy bikini and “hope” nothing shows.
Pubic hair hanging out causes people to stare, because you don’t expect to see it hanging out. It detracts from the “look.”
Old men’s ears and noses sprout a bumper crop of hair, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t trim it if they don’t want people staring at it.
@wundayatta I never said nor advocated shaving it off for hygeine. I said keeping it trimmed does a lot towards hygeine, which quite frankly is the truth.
@JilltheTooth People also lived before seat belts, quality of meat standards, toilets, the cure for polio, and television…... it doesn’t mean it can’t be done cleaner. Obviously not ever shaving or trimming your pubic hair isn’t going to likely lead to your death… but neither is never brushing your teeth or showering in most cases. Don’t take it as some kind of huge insult that I’m pointing out maintaining your pubic hair is part of good hygeine. Besides its not like you have to shave it all off as some apparently think I’m saying.
@tedd Sounds to me that to you, hygiene means that it is pleasant for you. Especially if you are going down on her. That might be a good reason to ask your girlfriend to do it, but not to make a broad generalization from. Just because it’s offensive to you is no reason to prescribe it for everyone. Used to be that no one shaved their armpits. Now just about every American woman does. It’s our culture. Nothing more. It’s a visual aesthetic.
I have no problem with visual aesthetics. I do have a problem with people trying to impose their aesthetic on others.
@wundayatta Thats my own personal reason sure (though here it was more just to use a personal experience to emphasize the point), but facts or facts…. if you have a forest going on down there its more than likely a bacterial breeding ground. In no way am I saying or demanding that everyone should shave their pubes, or even trim them if they don’t want to. But if you let it get out of hand, don’t be surprised when I group you with guys that don’t wear deoderant or people who don’t floss in my head.
@tedd Just kind of curious. Have you ever kissed anyone?
If you trim or shave, and fail to maintain it, does it itch real bad or get nasty ingrown hairs and zits and stuff?
@tedd You’re views on pubic hair vis a vis hygiene aren’t insulting, just a little OCD. Are you in favour of vaginal douching?
@tedd : ”...let it get out of hand…” Help! My pubes have gotten out of hand and are taking over the world!... Aaaaagh!
And really, comparing pube-trimming to the use of seatbelts and polio? Oh, dear, like @wundayatta mentioned, kissing is also something… My god, we’d better trim our mouths, too, the bacteria count in there is simply stunning.
Beyond silly, that.
Thank you for all the answers and my one feamle friend is now going to grow a bush. We all are going to the beach in the future to show off the pubic hairs.Maybe I can show some pubic hairs to.Let the bush grow. Thank you, RTT
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