People, as a hobby, and usually with extraordinary amounts of free time on their hands, make all kinds of things from all kinds of things - what are some of your favourites?
Asked by
_zen_ (
May 12th, 2011
Lego is easy – there are all kinds of youtubes on them.
Popsicle sticks and matchsticks…
Have any examples of things from your youth? Maybe you made something with your mom and dad and it’s still around in the attic?
Perhaps you made a one ton gorilla out of froot loops?
Pics or it never happened.
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16 Answers
Ahhh, the lack of photographic evidence means it never happened! Thank you for the out . . .
I haven’t done this yet still working on the design but I’d like to make a bikini out of cat hair.
I think that would be very nice.
I attempted to modify the remote control for the TV one rainy Sunday afternnon, late summer I seem to recall, although it could’ve been autumn. I’m terrible with date…....damn, got sidetracked again, bugger! Back to my novelty remote, my plan was to adapt the thing so it would work on the wife. You know the old gag, hit mute whenever was convenient, rewind during intercourse, that kind of thing. Alas my technological incompetence, lacking as it was, put an end to any such venture. Sigh, never mind.
I’ve made lots of stuff out of chocolate (it was my job though, not a hobby). I didn’t get many pictures, and the ones I have are not great. These are two pieces that were made to display desserts in competitions.
This Japanese rock garden was a setting for the plated dessert over on the right. Everything but the plate and the stuff on it is chocolate. Unfortunately, the raked gravel surface the rocks are sitting on washed out in the picture
This is another display (the “cutting board” was there to hold a tart). The board and the tile surface under it are all chocolate.
@ucme I think they made a movie about your venture! Click.
@bkcunningham This is true, however, my idea came way before those amateurs. Some twenty years hence, I could’ve been so wealthy by now!
My mom saved this drawing of mine I did when I was 8. I loved to draw back then. I wonder why I stopped???
I spotted a chickadee yesterday flying around my garage with a mouthful of Milo’s hair. I hope that the fur will end up as a lining for the chickadee’s nest. A hobby or recycling?
I admire the people who knit or crochet wedding dresses or shoes out of used plastic bags. It’s the present-day equivalent of making braided rugs out of old trousers, jackets, and other worn heavy clothing.
Kite Aerial Photography. I haven’t tried it, I think it’s cool.
In primary school we cut up newspaper into little bits which we then mixed with paste in a large bucket. Next wires were bent into the shape of animals and we stuck the gluey mess onto the wires. When it hardened we painted the animals and the result looked god damned awful. There are no pics and no evidence that any of this ever happened.
@blueiiznh: And so is his bookkeeper and statistician. Talk about obsessive behaviors.
The list of things I have made over the years would fill this whole server, so I’ll pass on that part.
My favorite was cinder blocks and wood planks book shelves, and empty can furniture. I used homemade cushions on mine, stuffed with donated nylons.
I love the crafts here in Hawaii. My favorite things are the feather hat bands that can be found at special craft fairs. There’s also the famous puka shell leis. I am lucky enough to have a real one, not one made from manufactured puka shells.
The many different kinds of leis is truly extraordinary. There are too many to explain in detail. Some are made from flowers, some from greenery. Some are meant to be worn on your head, some on your wrist or ankle, and of course, around your neck. It’s remarkable.
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