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tedd's avatar

How would you fix the illegal immigration problem in the US?

Asked by tedd (14088points) May 12th, 2011

Its been a hot issue for a long time, and looks like it could be a major debate point in the coming election cycle. The issue is basically that millions of illegal immigrants from South and Central America (mostly, but some from other parts of the world) are flooding the US and over-running it with cheap labor whilst putting strain on our various public services.

The idea is basically that they are filling our ER’s with people who will never pay their bill, they’re not paying taxes, their kids are flooding our schools/colleges, they’re prone to crime, etc, etc, etc. Now some of this stuff is just blatant nonsense. For example, so long as they’re being paid above table (even if its with a fake ID or as a known illegal), income tax is still taken out of every paycheck.

There’s the recent story of the college aged girl in Georgia who was brought here illegally by her parents as a child. She was a year from finishing her degree when a minor traffic violation almost got her deported (she received a one year reprieve so she could finish her education). Anti-illegal-immigration people were outraged she wasn’t thrown out and upset she was milking the system…....... ignoring that she was actually paying out of state tuition (which more than covers the cost of her actual education) and is an obviously smart person who wanted to earn a degree and then work here in the US ..... we should be so lucky to have smart people come here and live/work here.

It also seems a bit of history repeating, since just about every ethnic group that came in waves faced this type of scrutiny (the irish, germans, italians, etc)... Which makes it all the more ironic since some of the most vocal proponents of laying the hammer down on illegal immigration, probably have illegal immigrant great grand parents (or just regular grand parents).... Heck my own great grandparents illegally immigrated from Denmark, via Canada back in the early 1900’s.

Its an ugly debate, and a messy one to be sure. How would YOU fix it?

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14 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I think streamlining the process to become naturalized would help, but I don’t know how that would happen.

syz's avatar

The only real solution for illegal immigration is the improvement of conditions at the point of origin; if their own country has jobs and opportunities, then there’s no need to try for the “American dream”. But how to do that, I have no idea.

jrpowell's avatar

Make them legal and tax them. The best solution for the baby boomer problem is younger immigrants to pay taxes to pay for social programs for the elderly. When it comes to public services how is the white dude working at McDonalds any different than the brown dude doing the same if they both pay taxes?

Cruiser's avatar

Just start fining the hell out of those that employ illegal aliens and throw the presidents of companies that hire illegals in jail for a spell. Once the jobs disappear and people realize it’s not an easy free ride in the US, the problem will solve itself.

FutureMemory's avatar

@johnpowell White people work at McDonalds?

jrpowell's avatar

@FutureMemory :: Well, only old white people.

john65pennington's avatar

Its too late. For the past two years, I have been telling everyone, exactly what you have stated in your question.

The Federal Government should have take serious action against the illegals, years ago. Now their population is around 4 million and climbing…...FAST.

Lets suppose the government decided to “roundup” all the illegal immigrants. Which state could afford to house and feed 4 million people? None, that I am aware of. Its too late to take action. Everyone has dodged this problem for the last 4–5 years and here we are today…....

Illegals have no bank accounts for fear of being discovered and deported. Some illegals are assaulted and never call the police. Again, fear of being discovered and deported. This only adds to the crime rate in America.

How are illegals gaining access to America? There are many ways. One, for example, is riding the train from Mexico into the U.S. These trains are delivering manufactured goods in Mexico, with their cheap labor. Most trains are never searched for illegals. Hersheys Candy, John Deere, and Kimberly-Clark are just a few of the factories now located across the border.

Where does the fault lie with non-enforcement of illegal immigrants? Every business owner that knowingly hires illegals and pays them in cash, under the table, for their work. With politicans that are afraid to take a stand and a chance of not being re-elected, again. Our government for not enforcing the illegal immigration laws, already on the books.

I have purposely not discussed this situation on Fluther for the past 6 months. I was constantly labeled as a racist. This is not true, Some of my best friends are hispanic. These nice hispanic ladies prepared my lunch everyday, for many years. These are beautiful people and loved to show their green card.

This is the point…...... just be legal, then Welcome to America!

The sky is limit and make what you can of your freedom!

Blackberry's avatar

@FutureMemory This is going to sound crazy, but I’m telling the truth: I’ve been inside a McDonalds with primarily white and asians lol.

jonsblond's avatar

You guys need to get out more. There’s tons of white teens all across mid-America that work at McDonalds as their first job. My youngest son is hoping to be one of them. lol

nikipedia's avatar

Make legal immigration a viable option.

mattbrowne's avatar

Help Mexico flourish.

plethora's avatar

Congress has the job of setting legal immigration quotas and has been doing so since the founding of the nation. They don’t do a very good job of it and
they change it from time to time. Many many major corporations, Marriott among them, have a vested interest in importing low cost illegal labor and they spend loads of money on it and promote it for obvious reasons. To fix that, do what @Cruiser says.

Then drop legal immigration quotas to a bare minimum while we work ourselves out of the illegal problem over the next ten years. Pass strict federal law making it a crime to hire a person without running them through the E-Verify system (which is already law) thereby eliminating the market for illegals.

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