How do you feel about this woman who is giving her 8 year old botox injections?
“Botox injections and leg waxing on an 8-year-old girl, all in the name of beauty pageant success, all done by her own mom.”
Here’s the article about it.
What do you think about this? How is the child not being taken away from her already? I guess that it isn’t necessarily child abuse or neglect, but still. Can there be legal action against the mother?
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93 Answers
Furious. I do think it is abusive, I think it is emotionally abusive above all. I already vented about this somewhere else, so I’ve gotten a lot of my anger out about it.. but it is seriously screwed up.
Thats child abuse on so many fronts, all for the parent’s vanity.
I am disgusted and horrified. That woman needs psychological help.
I would think that Botox is abusive. Who knows what it is doing to her body or her face.
Oh yes, that’s awesome…....What would you expect me to say lol….....She’s sick and I hope something is done about it.
Saw this on The View today…She is one SICK, twisted Bitch…she also waxes her 8yr old daughter’s legs prior to “competition”. She deserves to be jailed.
They let this sick bastard do that to her kid and take the kids away from a woman because she’s got breast cancer. Makes sense to me.
I think any unnecessary (and painful!) altering of a child should be classified as abuse.
I think she’s an evil fuck.
To me, it really isn’t any different than what stage parents do to get their children into Hollywood movies or when parents do extreme things to “help” their child get a scholarship with sports or any number of things that are taken to the extreme. I don’t uphold it, but then again, I’ve seen LOTS worse done to children.
I forgot to say, she was on video doing this to her daughter on Good Morning America
The mom won’t say where she gets the Botox from. Most likely the authorities can figure this out. Whoever is selling them to her should also be charged.
I don’t like beauty pageants for children, but this is madness.
They showed the waxing part on one of the shows. As you can imagine, the poor girl was less than thrilled with that.
@bkcunningham When a reporter asked the young girl why she gets the botox she had to be reminded it is for wrinkles, she was not even clear why she had to do it. I think children who train for sports understand why they are practicing.
@Adirondackwannabe How could anyone be thrilled with having their pubes waxed off??? I don’t like to get waxed
Her mom already has her believing she needs a nose & a boob job in the future…This is insanity!
I heard about this story this morning and almost asked a question about it, but I couldn’t think of how to ask. It would have been a rant anyway. I think it’s absolutely disgusting and this woman is nuts if she thinks it’s perfectly normal for an 8 year old to ask for botox. My daughter doesn’t’ even know what botox is. There is nothing normal about this family.
I feel really sad for the future of this child. She isn’t being allowed to be a little girl. :(
@SpatzieLover She was waxing the girls legs, but I would expect your going to be right when she gets older.
@JLeslie I don’t mean just practicing. I have seen kids diet and sit in saunas for wrestling. I’ve seen kids who had to practice until the had blisters from baseball and kids who have had to take IV fluids because of heat exhaustion from track. (It’s just a game people and they are children!) I’ve seen parents’ control their kids lives and not allow them to be kids in order for them to do what it took for academic scholaships or practice for an upcoming theater production or musical recital. That is what I mean. But, like I said, it isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a child. Just keeping it real.
@SpatzieLover My bad. I missed that. They just showed the legs on tv and that was bad enough.
Not GA for the answer, GA for correcting me. Thanks.
@bkcunningham Good points. So then the question is, is any of that extereme stuff ok I guess? Still, I can’t imagine that little girl has wrinkles. Not only is she very very young, but she seems to have an olive complexion which generally does not wrinkle easily. It seems unnecessary.
@SpatzieLover Gawd, I missed that. Why do they think that guarantees she won’t get pubic hair? That is ridiculous.
@JLeslie I haven’t the slightest. It make my stomach turn when I heard it. Sick. The little girl is 8. In my opinion she shouldn’t have to think about her looks at all. At her age, I was still playing with mud & Barbies. I didn’t want to think about anything to do with puberty, even when puberty arrived.
Sick and twisted and I am sure she is not the only one in that industry doing this shit to their kids!
@Cruiser I agree, and that makes it even sadder. Sheesh, let these kids be kids.
@JLeslie I wonder if her “wrinkles” are from being slightly overweight and/or maybe bags around the eyes from not getting much sleep? It sounds like she has a busy life and probably doesn’t get the sleep she needs. That’s the only reason I can think of for her having any type of wrinkles. The girl needs to be outside playing and going to bed early, not traveling around being dolled up.
@jonsblond Before I saw your answer I was thinking her wrinkles are probably caused by smiling. So, not real wrinkles, but lines created by facial expression. Ugh. One of my favorite parts of my husband’s face is a little wrinkle near is right eye. That small imperfection.
It is the “virgin” waxing of her as-of-yet-non-existent pubic hair that screams abuse to me, although I think all of it is wrong. Wrong wrong wrong!
How can this girl ever have a positive self image when she is being told by her mother that she is so far from being a naturally pretty little girl that she already needs drastic improvement at age 8? They are planing a boob job and they don’t even know what her real ones are going to look like yet!
If they only paid half as much attention to listening to their child and developing her mind. Good gravy.
I mean seriously its just an 8 year old who likes dressing up. She doesn’t need no botox.
child abuse right there.
Lobotomised? Oh, too late!
She’s missing out on the best part of her life, childhood. And her mother took that away from her. Her mother needs to be charged with child abuse for the virgin waxing alone. What a disgusting piece of shit she is.
Eh, who am I to judge other people’s cultures? :P
Sickening. How fucked up is that kid going to be as an adult if she is worried about wrinkles at 8 years old?!
That is most definitely child abuse, all for the sake of a fucking baby tiara. Pageant moms disgust me almost as much as pedophiles. Sick bitches, living out THEIR dreams through their little girls.
I dislike all beauty pageants (Miss USA, Miss Universe, etc…), simply because it’s all about how artificially beautiful they are. Most of those women/girls have had nose jobs, boob jobs, botox, lipo, ass implants, and God knows what else the plastic surgeons have come up with to get money.
To put children through that shit, when they should be watching Disney movies and playing hopscotch… it’s fucking ridiculous. Why can’t pageants be about NATURAL beauty, instead of about “The tiara goes to the girl who is the most vain and the most fake”???
@JilltheTooth My daughter (she’s 7) wants to play with makeup all the time. I only wear lip gloss, so she must have gotten this idea from the Disney shows she watches. I don’t mind her playing dress up with the stuff, but when I need to spend 10 minutes wiping it off of her before we go out to eat, wth? I try my best.
@JilltheTooth My 10 yr old gets to wear a sheer, glittery eyeshadow and lip gloss. That’s it right now, and I only allowed it because most of her classmates are already wearing a little makeup. I don’t think my mom let me wear makeup until I was 12. And it wasn’t very much.
@Leanne1986 I don’t think the kid is worried about it, her mother is. But, the kid is going to likely be fucked up.
@all Actually, @DominicX brings up a good point. It’s like the old Nacirema story. Every Latin American girl I know had her ears pierced before the age of one, very few caucasian girls I know had it done (although I think that might have changed in the last 10 years and become more common). My religion does circumcision, some don’t like that. The botox is still over the top for me, because it is poison, and can be very dangerous when given incorrectly. I don’t see why the girl cannot just shave her legs? But, it doesn’t drive me crazy that she is removing the hair off of her leggs.
I was always allowed to play with make-up, but didn’t start wearing it until 11 I think? 7th grade.
I think make-up, and ear piercing and dressing up for fun is fine. But, what this woman is doing to her child, injecting botox is sick and criminal. Even waxing? This woman must have some serious mental problems. If she’s doing all that to her child, god knows what she’s not telling the media. That poor child is being abused. I hate these sick pageant moms.
@JLeslie My daughter and her best friend are the only girls without their ears pierced. Her friend told her she wouldn’t get hers pierced until my daughter did so my daughter wouldn’t be the only girl without them. I thought that was sweet. =)
I just read the planning of a future boob job. WTF? That’s sick. Poor kid.
@jonsblond I love that. I had mine done at age 8. One of my closest friends allowed her girls at age 6, most of their friends had their ears pierced already. When I told them I had to wait until I was 8 they were horrified, and then felt lucky they were able to do it at 6. My grandma did it in her 60’s! If I had a girl I am not sure what I would do. My husband’s family, Mexican, do it as infants. I am not against it, I think all women who want to wear earings should have pierced ears, but, in a way it can be like a right of passage, and also the girl herself gets to decide she wants it, even if it is just wanting to be like her friends at that age.
^I had to wait until I was sixteen. :-(
I was probley 2 months old when my ears were pierced, when I was 16 I had 4 holes on each earlobe and 3 cartilage piercings and my nose was pierced. I grew up just fine
Botox is actually the most toxic substance known to man. :)
@DominicX That’s why it is over the top for me. I am afraid she will overdose the kid and she will be paralyzed for a while. The actress Dana Delany had a bad botox and still has affects from it.
@chyna I had to wait until age 16 too.
@JLeslie I’ll let my daughter get her ears pierced soon, when we have the money. I just couldn’t do it without her permission. I’d be afraid of a baby tugging at her ears, and what if she didn’t like it when she was older? I can understand the tradition though.
Well, she’s not a good parent and clearly has transference issues. I feel really badly for that child.
She’s being investigated by Children’s Protective Services in SF, thank goodness.
Yippeee! I hope out of all of this someone provides the girl with therapy.
This is utterly disgusting and constitutes as emotional abuse. By giving her daughter these injections, she makes her feel like she’s not good enough and there’s something wrong with her. This woman should be locked up for a very long time.
@MonstrousPeace I don’t know if it really works out that way. My guess is the mom thinks her daughter is beautiful and tells her so, isn’t she in beauty contests, or something along those lines? Sure focusing on her imperfections might make the daughter focus on “imperfections” in general and into adulthood, but some of that happens anyway. Girls think about their bodies and what they wear from a very young age typically. My mom tweezed my eyebrow when I was 9 years old, I don’t feel traumitized, but at the time I do admit I did not like that it hurt, minor compared to what is being done to this girl. I am more concerned with the amount of pain the girl is being put through, any focus on her vajajay at such a young age, and the toxicity of the botox.
I don’t consider this cultural or anything along the lines of piercing a baby’s ears. This is one woman is not an entire culture and ear piercing isn’t even on the same chart as what this woman is doing. It isn’t the waxing that is so awful (though that definitely is), it is the touching associated with it that is so outrageous.
Anyone who has had a bikini wax knows it involves the sort of physical contact that is completely inappropriate for anyone to have with an 8 year old child. Even a parent should not be touching their child so intimately unless injury, emergency or disability are involved – and even that should be perfunctorily. People have been arrested for doing, saying, or looking at less significant things regarding children and sex.
Even if the girl is willing to go along with now, I would almost guarantee she was begging her mom to stop and crying in pain the first time. Shouldn’t even one instance of something so horrendous be enough to enrage people? This isn’t about child pageants or stage mothers – if her mom is truly waxing her pubic area, this is flat out sexual abuse.
HOW is she getting away with this? I am genuinely at a loss. I understand CPS is investigating, but I first heard about this weeks ago and can’t imagine why she has been allowed to continue her publicity tour instead of being put in a jail cell. Why are people not screaming about this?
@aprilsimnel It seems from the article you linked that the botox is the reason for the investigation. They don’t even mention the waxing, which to me is just as serious as an abuse on the daughter as botox. Either way, I hope they stop the abuse.
Yes, it’s satisfying to see CPS step in. My little one had a horrible accident and we were harassed by CPS for a brief time. How can this woman be purposely doing something harmful to her child, and no one has stepped in yet? I hope CPS wakes her ass up about the danger she poses to her own child.
@Supacase I hope no one labels it sexual abuse verbally in front of the child if she does not feel sexually abused. I am glad the authorities are looking into all of this, I just don’t want her more psychologically traumatized than necessary.
@JLeslie How isn’t it sexual abuse? Her privates are being touched in a way I doubt any 8yr old would want to be touched.
Where’s the child’s father and the rest of the child’s family, is what I want to know. How is it that no one seems to have given the mother a verbal smackdown already?
Or maybe they have and she ignored them?
@SpatzieLover I just think that is questionable. An 8 year old is not even thinking in terms of that area of her body being sexual, it is not being touched for someone else to get off or feel more powerful. She is not being oggled or entered. When I have a bikini wax or laser I don’t think of it as sexual at all. But, I do agree it is abusive, and I am horrifed it is being done. And, if 10 years from now the girl herself says she felt sexually abused by it, I would not question her feelings. Hell, if she says today she did not want anyone to see her down there, I am on your side that it is sexual abuse possibly. When I was 8 I was not afraid to show my mom my body, or other women I don’t think? We all used to change in front of each other.
I don’t have kids, but I thought all kids now were taught from a very early age that no one was to touch your private parts and to report them if they did if it was a relative or a stranger.
When I was a kid, we did not show our body to anyone, not even my parents. We didn’t change in front of each other, so when I got to junior high and we had gym class and had to change in front of others, I was horrified.
@JLeslie : She’s eight, she knows a lot more than you think she does. And there’s a big difference between being naked in front of your family, and having someone hurt you, there. I defy anyone to tell me that waxing doesn’t hurt. I mean, really.
@JLeslie Sometimes I think your thinking is a bit obtuse, babe.
Of course it hurts. Wax always hurts. And, I know even little girls know when they are violated. Good God. The question is does she feel sexually violated? I think it is abusive, all of that crap is abusive. The botox, the waxing, all of it. Look at my first answer way at the top. I think the whole thing is horrific and disgusting.
@ladymia69 Obtuse. Thanks :).
Abuse, absolutely. Sexual abuse? I’m not so sure. It doesn’t seem to have any sexual component to it.
@chyna And, as an adult, are you still very modest? I still change in front of friends, women at my gym, and female relatives no problem.
I agree with teaching children no one should be touching their private areas or any part of themselves if they do not want to be touched, not even their arm, face, back, anywhere. We all own our own bodies. But, parents do touch their children, sometimes even when the child protests, if it is for the good of the child. This fucking parent has overstepped the control she can exhibit over her daughter. I am sure the child must have protested against having some of these things done.
Yes, actually, I’m still very modest. I won’t change in front of friends.
Agreed, no one better come at my pubs with anything to rip them out. That is just painful.
@chyna Not that I think there is anything wrong with being modest.
@JLeslie I would guess that many children who are sexually abused are not yet thinking of any part of their body as being sexual. They probably have no idea what sex even is. That doesn’t mean abuse toward them can’t be sexual.
@augustlan If there is no sexually related purpose to making sure she doesn’t develop pubic hair, then what is the purpose? Even doing it to make her look more appealing during the bathing suit portion of competitions has a sexual undertone.
@Supacase Whatever purpose the mother has in her totally fucked up head, I doubt she’s doing it to get sexual satisfaction from it. It’s weird and creepy, but I still wouldn’t call it sexual abuse.
@Supacase Yes, I touched on that. I said if later, even 10 years later, the child feels she was sexually abused I would accept her feelings. If I were the 8 year old and was an adult now I would most likely look back on it as my crazy ass mother used to make me wax everything, botox, blah blah, dressed me up like a grown up, put make up on me from the age of nothing. I don’t think I would look at it like my mom wanted to have sex with me, or that my mom wanted me to have sex with others. To the mother I think it is all just a grooming practice, and obsessive compulsive behavior, along with vanity, and transfering her desires onto her daughter all into one mess. But, I feel very hesitant to think the mother is trying to ready her daughter for sex. Yes, it does seem from what was said in the article that the mother thinks waxing her daughter’s cha cha will result in her not growing pubic hair, which I guess relates to sex, but it also relates to wearing a bikini, and maybe the mother’s standard for herself is to always be shaven or waxed even if she is not sexually active. Was it a bikini wax, or full Brazilian wax? I don’t remember if it was mentioned.
I just read the link given by the OP in its entirety, I had missed the last page. It says the daughter did waxing once, hated it because it was painful and won’t do it again.
I think that even if a kid doesn’t see that part of their body as “sexual”, it still feels wrong and dirty if someone touches it in the wrong way. It’s just an instinctual response.
@ladymia69 Wrong way? I agree girls know when they are being touched in the wrong way, same as adults. But, when I am waxed or lasered in that area the woman touching me does not act in a sexual way. The area of the body is like she is waxing a leg, totally nonsexual. I am against it for this 8 year old, don’t mistake me.
@ladymia69 Does it feel sexual to you when you are waxed?
You are not an 8-year-old girl, so your experience with the wax isn’t applicable. And I don’t get waxed…I’m not masochistic. If i want the hair off my legs, i do it myself. i don’t go out to some salon to pay someone to do it for me. How mortifying.
I just don’t understand you.
@ladymia69 So you are mortified, that is a pretty strong word, then I guess it ends there. If you cannot even imagine it for yourself, then how could you ever imagine it for a child or anyone?
I personally only waxed the area once, but I did laser my bikini several times, just for full disclosure.
I just heard on The View that the little girl was removed from her home by CPS. I don’t agree with removing her from the home if it is based just on the things we have heard. Maybe there are more extensive reasons I don’t know about. What do you all think? The mother should not be able to botox anymore, and maybe get some counseling on parenting and for herself, but taking the child out of her home and away from her mom seems extreme if the parent is willing to stop the abusive behavior. This is not abuse by an out of control angry woman, it is abuse due to the mother not having great judgement, but probably that can be corrected.
@JLeslie Why wait until 10 years later to see if she is negatively affected instead of stopping the risk of it now?
No, it does not feel sexual to me when I am waxed. I am aware that the technician is not a perv, but a professional who also does not view the procedure as sexual. Still, it does feel awkward and embarrassing sometimes.
Also, I make the choice to have it done. How can an 8 y/o consent to this? I am an adult who is fully aware of what is right and what is wrong. If the technician were to touch me inappropriately, I would recognize it as inappropriate. A child might not and, even if she does, she might be to scared to speak up.
Sometimes CPS removes the child first, and asks the deeper questions later, to prevent more immediate harm to the child. I suspect she’ll be back home soon, as long as the mother isn’t doing something we didn’t hear about (or isn’t refusing to stop the stuff we do know about).
@Supacase OMG. Sorry to be frustrated but I have said a zillion times I am disgusted this girl is getting waxed, of course it should stop now. Sometimes young children know something is wrong, they know they do not want to do what they are being asked/told/forced to do, but they are so young and still so ignorant about sex, they do not realize what is happening, and then as they get older they realize they were being sexually abused. They, at the time, might not have had the vocabulary or understand to put it into those words. So, all I was saying was at any point, now, in 10 years, in 50 years, if a girl/woman feels she was or is sexually abused, I acknowledge it, I accept that was her experience.
The lesson here is: stop watching television. Just shoot it if you feel like you have to watch it.
Oh, hell no. Now I don’t know what’s worse… the initial story, or the fact that she put her daughter through all this turmoil for a couple hundred bucks. I know she got paid more later, but the initial deal was a small payment.
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