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Only138's avatar

If you were starving, what part of the human body would you eat?

Asked by Only138 (4648points) May 12th, 2011

If you were put in the position that you were starving, and the only way to stay alive was to eat a fallen comrade, what part of him/her would you start with?

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27 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

The cheeks. I heard they were the most tender and tasteful part.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Start with the legs, then the thighs. After that, go for the breasts. It’s a shame humans don’t have wings….

Michael_Huntington's avatar

The insides, because that shit is going to get bad.

rebbel's avatar

Can i cook it first?
The eye balls then.
Ah, and ear lobes.

FutureMemory's avatar

The heart, that way I will consume the soul as well as the flesh.

Berserker's avatar

I guess parts that have muscles or…like thick skinned places. I don’t want to eat no livers or kidneys and shit, eew. Maybe butt cheeks.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Symbeline Yeah, I don’t do organs… eewww.

Pele's avatar

I’d starve first. I’m a very picky eatter.

Berserker's avatar

I might take out the heart, bite into it then raise it in the air with blood running down my mouth though, just to be difficult with everyone around me. XD

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline LOL. Thats awesome!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d like a nice fruity drink with an umbrella in it served in a head with beautifully coiffed hair…not too much product now…and I’ll use the esophagus as a “flexi-straw”.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Which part is kosher?

dabbler's avatar

Nada, not gonna do it.

ddude1116's avatar

I’d start with the organs and go outward, cooking them and preserving them for later consumption. But I would save their head, I don’t like to be alone..

dxs's avatar

I’d starve

Berserker's avatar

@ddude1116 Better than talking to beach balls, that’s fo dang sure.

poisonedantidote's avatar

The brain, if I’m going to go cannibal I may as well go all the way.

AmWiser's avatar

I would die before getting that hungry so there would be no need to eat myself. I know…I’m such a wimp!

Cruiser's avatar

While the ass cheeks are marinating and the long pig is on the spit, I would take the liver and kidneys and sautee them in rosemary and basil…serve a nice Cab with cheese and crackers….

SuperMouse's avatar

For some reason the tongue was the first thing that came to mind. @cruiser, would you serve that with fava beans and chianti?

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s hog boilen time!!! I’d barBQ the ribs of course!

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Hmm, that’s a question that I can’t answer myself! I’d have to be put in that situation… =\

Pandora's avatar

None. First of all I am starving so which means the fellow who just died would have to be a few days old. That means he or she is decaying. The look and the smell would make me puke. So it will just add to my starvation and dehydration. I would probably resort to bugs or plants way before eating another person. If the person is all I have available to eat than chances are eating them is not going to increase my chance of survival.
Water would be my biggest concern. If I’m in the dessert than I’m a goner any way. If I’m in some frozen area than I’ll freeze first before I starve. If I’m on an island, I’ll try claming or something. Coconuts, bugs, fish, anything but eating someone else.

everephebe's avatar

I’d starve.
But I hear the brain is highly nutritious, maybe that’s why zombies like them so much?

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I would start by drinking a bit of blood!

ucme's avatar

I’d nibble on the guy who had a chip on his shoulder. I love chips me!!
Kind of a good eats & fuck you vibe all rolled into one!

Schroedes13's avatar

Most definitely, the quads (rectus femoris and the quads), then prolly either the breat (major pecs) or calf (gastrocnemius).

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