Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Would you be willing to give up your cell phone, if this study is correct?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) May 12th, 2011

According to this , cell phone signals may be the reason for the sudden decrease in bee population.
If this is found to be valid, would you agree to give up your cell?
What if it was found to cause brain tumors?
What would it take, and what would be at risk?

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23 Answers

Pandora's avatar

I hardly use it now, so it wouldn’t be much of a hardship.

ddude1116's avatar

Yes, I would even tee it off the next time I golf.

ragingloli's avatar

Ahem: “placed near or in hives in call-making mode”. Seems to have limited range.
Also, I would be more worried about the parasites that kill the bees en masse.
Also, I have no cellphone.

AmWiser's avatar

Yep! If it were proven to be true (plus I believe man will come up with a better way of communication). As much as I hate bugs I know that they are beneficial to the ecological system and I wouldn’t want to be the cause of their demise. And plus, I love honey.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’ve had a European Honey Bee hive for 10 years and this Spring all the bees suddenly dissapeared (just a very few dead bodies remained in the empty hive). I thought that the hive might have become victom of “colony collapse disorder” (CCD). Experts think that this phenomenon might be due to the combination of a couple of tiny mite species and a paralysis virus. But maybe it is all the cell phones that are doing the damage? HA! My wife bought me my first cell phone a year ago and used it just a few times. I never renewed the contract when it expired. I didn’t want to pay “NET 10” one dollar a day for their service. I don’t need the ____ thing. Especially if it harms honey bees.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I didn’t want the damn thing anyway.

Haleth's avatar

I’d give up my cell phone in a heartbeat. I hate the fact that anyone can get in touch with me at any time.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t use one anyway. I live in a mountain canyon, no reception around here, never had one, probably never will. One can survive without being plugged in 24/7.

I say save the bees!

jerv's avatar

Given the myriad of other sources of EM radiation as well as what I know about things like the Inverse Square law, I can’t see how this story can have much actual facts behind it. Seems to me that they just want an explanation, so I have to go with @ragingloli here.

Given how many honey bees are in the Seattle metroplex, I don’t see my giving up my cellphone would help even if this thing were true.

@Haleth Do you realize that cellphones have mute buttons, off-switches, and usually Caller ID? If you are taking calls you don’t want to then maybe you should learn how to use technology.

DominicX's avatar

I doubt it.

Besides, I thought the bees were dying out due to 2012, not cell phones…

bkcunningham's avatar

Nooo, I just got my first cellphone and I like having one. I’ve learned how to text and text fast without abbreviations. I don’t have a landline for the first time in my life! Nooo. Say it aint so. I’ll buy more honey and eat pollen pills. I bet they are just on strike or tired or something. It isn’t the cellphones I know it isn’t. Bees have been dying out for 25 years. It’s a hoax like the Killer Bee thing. Nope. I don’t believe it is true.

King_Pariah's avatar

can anyone say The Happening?

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve read reports that cell phone usage can cause brain cancer. I’m not sure how accurate those reports are, but I try to minimize our cell phone usage anyway.

I use my cell phone about 10 minutes a month.

jerv's avatar

@Brian1946 They’ve been saying that or years and have yet to prove it.

Along the same vein, masturbation makes you go blind.

bkcunningham's avatar

@jerv, do you mean it doesn’t make you go blind? My husband said he only did it until he needed glasses. You are telling me he was lying?

Brian1946's avatar


“They’ve been saying that or years and have yet to prove it.”

I’m aware of that counterclaim, hence my statement, “I’m not sure how accurate those reports are….”.

“Along the same vein, masturbation makes you go blind.”

Minimizing my cell phone usage doesn’t mean that therefore I believe the above.

Haleth's avatar

@jerv Obviously I know that the phone turns off. But these days everyone expects you to own a cell phone, and owning a cell phone means that they expect to get in touch at any time. The worst one is work calls. God forbid I turn my phone off and the boss can’t get in touch for a half an hour. I have friends and family members who feel the same way- they get steamed if they wanted/needed to get in touch with me and couldn’t. It’s usually something like, “can you pick up bread and milk on the way home?” but they always say, “It could have been an emergency!”

I turn my phone off every so often, but it seems like there’s always a bunch of irritated people wanting to know why they couldn’t get in touch with me when I do.

jerv's avatar

@Haleth Odds are that if they manage to get in touch with me when I don’t want to be gotten, contacting me will irritate them more than me ignoring their call. After all, my voicemail message doesn’t recommend a variety of solo sexual positions the way I have been known to. They too can learn about how technology works; your cellphone is to make your life more convenient, not theirs!

But I have noticed a rise in the number of people wanting to ban cellphones, legalize cell jammers, etcetera, so my inner cynic has to wonder if this bee thing is actual science or rather finding limited, conditional evidence to support the desired conclusion.

Raven_Rising's avatar

@Brian1946 Using your cell phone makes you go blind? Say it isn’t so :)

In regards to cell phones, I think there’s no harm in moderate usage. As the saying goes “Use everything in moderation including moderation
Of course, “Moderate” usage is up for interpretation…

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t care about bees, I need my phone for Fluther and porn, and I guess receiving/making calls.

woodcutter's avatar

Mankind can fix this I believe. Cellphones are here to stay so there is bound to be a fix that alters the signal so it’s not harmful. If history is an indicator the solution will come just as everything is about to go to hell in a handbasket. Hopefully there are people working on this now.

filmfann's avatar

I am forced to use a cell phone for work. I would love to give it up.
My wife (who is deaf) loves her cell phone for texting. She will never willingly part with it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I mostly use mine for work anyway, and for work I wouldn’t give it up blow a drive shaft fifty miles from the nearest town and you might know what I mean.
For my private life sure in a hearty beat.

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