Would you participate in a reality tv show and which one?
Or if you don’t have any reality tv show you would not mind being in with, care to tell us what kind of reality show you would like to join in? Thanks.
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37 Answers
In general, I would run as fast as I can in the opposite direction of an offer to be on a reality show.
A game show, however, I could see myself doing. I think I could potentially win a lot of money on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, for example, if I studied up a LOT on pop culture.
I cannot think of one reality show on tv now that I would want to be on. I would be willing to do a reality show for lots of money, but it could not involve eating anything disgusting or hurting anyone else. If it was taping a day in the life of type show I could do it, but I don’t long to do it.
Does being a guest host TCM counts as “reality TV”? Perhaps I would bring a painting I own into Pawn Wars to have them identify the artist for me.
I’d be up for participating in Beheading Bieber!
Only if the production company supplied the chainsaw though.
@ucme lol. that show may actually happen one day when he’s over the hill at 21.
I’d love to be on the show Top Shot. I’m great with weapons and it’s the perfect show for me!
I would be one of the Kardashians… or maybe Kendra’s crazy best friend :D
@mazingerz88 Yeah, but there’s always some “new meat” worthy of maiming XD
I’m a Celebrity Get Me Outta Here!
because I know I’ll be able to beat them by a mile. Just one problem though…. I’m not a celeb ;)
Biggest Loser…I need to lose 7 pounds.
I always thought those PBS series where they put a family in a historical house and made them live that way was cool. Frontier House would be fun. Plus, several people have told me I should get on Survivor.
I’d do a cooking competition show.
Can’t think of any reality show I’d like to participate in myself but I would like to watch ( and @Symbeline might like this ) one where the contestants live in a haunted house and whoever gets possessed first wins.
Either Diners Drive-in and Dives or House Hunters.
Those are not “typical” contest related reality shows, but I love to eat and I love to poke through houses (My family and I actually go to look at new model houses for fun. You can get lots of free interior design ideas there.)
I’d like to make a reality TV show about the people who make reality TV shows. Like the camera crew and directors who follow around the people in the show. And I mean shows like Jersey Shore or the Kardashians, the ones that consist of trashy people, idiots and assholes, to see how they get along with people who barely seem to manage their own selves.
@ddude1116 That actually sounds interesting, because it would be a documentary. I love behind the scenes stuff. You should try to pitch that to someone.
Amazing Race. I’m a geography nut and love to travel, though I’ve only traveled the United States (and Tijuana). I want to kick the people on the show that don’t know their geography. I think my travel agent skills would help me along during the process.
@jonsblond Do it! Try out for the Amazing race. Friends of mine almost did. We all thought they wouldbe picked. He runs marathons, she is athletic also, but not as much as he. She is Jewish he is Paestinian, we figured just that marriage combination might make the show think people would find that interesting.
@aprilsimnel A girlfriend of mine is a finalist in the Paula Dean Philadelphia cream cheese dessert contest (if we are facebook friends you can find the link, I put it up recently) and another aquaintance of mine won first place, $25k on some food channel contest, she is now trying out for Hell’s kitchen. You should go for it if you want to do it.
@JLeslie I would if I had someone to do it with. Jon would rather do Survivor. That has been his dream for years now. He’d be great at that game socially. He knows how to mess with people and manipulate them.
@aprilsimnel and @JLeslie Speaking of Hells Kitchen. I have a good friend who made it to the second round of auditions for the show. I would have loved to see him on the show. It’s a favorite of mine. I could see you doing it @aprilsimnel. =)
Hahaha! I worked on a reality show for a few months last autumn, about a comedian. It was cancelled after two episodes on a cable channel. I can honestly say most people who work behind the scenes on this stuff can get pretty frustrated. And that’s all I can say without being sued.
Hell’s Kitchen?! Oh, boy, no. Not a good idea. I’m a good household cook, but restaurants? No way. If I had to deal with an arsewipe like Ramsay, first I’d cry copiously, then I’d get angry and kick him in the ‘nads because I’ve gone through quite enough of being yelled at by jerks.
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@noelleptc You could always do Real Housewives of Atlanta and get a weave! :P
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@noelleptc Did you also get bright orange lacquer for your face?
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@noelleptc Either way, they like a lot of spaghetti.
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@noelleptc I’ll be the Jersey version of Lady Gaga.
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@KatetheGreat Jersey version of Lady Gaga?! Are there other versionnns?! :o
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