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chyna's avatar

Should I include a temporary position on my resume?

Asked by chyna (51728points) May 14th, 2011

I have worked in a temporary position for three months that will end on May 30th. Should this position be included on my resume’?

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9 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Absolutely. It is work experience.

BarnacleBill's avatar

It shows continuity of employment. If you are working for a temping service, I would show ongoing employment with the temp agency, but list the assignment underneath that.

chyna's avatar

@BarnacleBill It’s not a temp service, but a company that had a special project going.

jerv's avatar

I would include it since a temp assignment looks better on the resume than a three month black hole. I did temp work for a couple of years after I got out of the Navy, so if I didn’t include such work, my resume would look like shit. Never mind that those temp jobs gave me skills that were instrumental in me getting the job I have now (rigging chain hoists, driving forklift, etcetera).

Now, I have heard that some employers actually prefer former temps for the reason that a temp worker is expected to be adaptable and be able to handle any task thrown at them. In their mind, people who never did temp work have more limited skill sets and/or a strong aversion to “switching gears”, plus former temps are more likely to stick around someplace that will pay them for as long as they do a good job.

BarnacleBill's avatar

@jerv, that’s a very good point about adaptability.

Anemone's avatar

Definitely list it. Just make sure you state that the project was short-term and/or that it ended so it doesn’t seem like you got the boot.

lonelydragon's avatar

I agree with the others about continuity of employment. Also, if it was a position in your field and you’re young with limited work experience, this job will look good on your resume.

chyna's avatar

<——- Not young.

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