Virtuous Pagans- I can’t choose anyone for this, because if they are virtuous, they don’t belong in hell. The closest I can think of is Lindsay Lohan or maybe the Olsen twins.
Lustful- Larry Craig, John Edwards, Mark Sanford, Charlie Sheen, Bill O’Reilly, Jesse James, Jimmy Swaggart, Gary Condit, TV Preacher Jim Bakker, Rick James, Kobe Bryant, Hugh Hefner, Eliot Spitzer, Wilt Chamberlain
Gluttons- Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, Jeffrey Dahmer
Greedy/Wrathful- Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice (who was caught shoe shopping in New York days after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans) Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Joe Lieberman
Heretics- George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Richards (Kramer) Mel Gibson, Ann Coulter, Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, Anyone involved with the Ex-Gay movement, anyone participating with the organization called Nambla
Violent- Timothy McVeigh, Osama Bin Laden and his band of 9/11 terrorists, The Night Stalker (Richard Ramirez) Jim Jones, Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Chris Brown, TV Preacher Robert Shuller (who attacked a flight attendant) Rick James, Kobe Bryant
Fraudulent- Bernie Maddoff, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Enron, Halliburton, Katherine Harris (former Florida Secretary of State) Karl Rove
Blasphemers/Traitors- George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, TV Preacher Jim Bakker, Joe Lieberman