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Can you recycle old newspapers into firelogs without pulping them or using water?
I was looking at my newspapers and remembered seeing a device that made your newspapers into firelogs. I looked it up on the internet and instead of being something that you just fed your newspapers into easily and then cubed them for firelogs…you are directed to put the newspaper into water for a day or two until it is a gluey mess. Then,you put them into this little contraption and squeeze all the water out and then you put the cube out to dry. It is messy and time consuming…and if a 200 lb guy is having trouble squeezing the water out of the paper (huffing and puffing) I don’t think I will fare any better.
Then, you have another man who invented a little tube. You wrap the newspaper around the tube and then stuff it with all the debris you have left over…twigs, paper, flyers, whatever. But you only use _one sheet or two _ of newspaper. While that works well if you have a lot of garbage to put into the newspaper tube…it’s not so great when you are attempting to use up a lot of newspapers.
Does anyone know an efficient way to use newspapers to burn in fireplaces/woodstoves? I was just thinking of rolling them up very tightly with cotton twine, but I am not sure if that is safe or it will work.
Any information would be most appreciated.
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