If you're in the Central Time Zone, when is the best time to ask a question on Fluther?
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9 Answers
There is no single best time. Just ask away.
We Flutherites are spread across many time zones and not all of us have normal schedules. Some of us are night owls, some of us are random, and there generally is no one set time for asking. Hell, I surf here on my Droid X when I get bored at work, so there is a chance you can find me here intermittently just about any time, and I am sure I am not the only one like that.
Odds are that there is at least one person here at any given time who can give you a good answer within minutes, and if you wait 24 hours you will probably have just about everybody chime in unless a previous poster stole their answer.
@marinelife and @jerv are right. I’m in the same time zone as you, but I can tell you not every day is the same. Fluther can be very busy on one day, then not so much the next day. If you don’t want your question buried on the bottom of the page, I would wait until later in the day to ask.
No question about it you will see the most activity from 7am to noon and then 8 pm to 2 am. I ask questions that get hammered early in the day and then I wake up to all sorts of activity from across the pond! Thanks guys!!
It takes two minutes to read all the new questions in the last 24 hours. They are all on the frontpage of each section. Most people will at least see the title of each question.
My only recommendation would be to ask a question when you know you will have enough time to follow up should it be sent into the Edit Zone. There have been several cases where the owner of a new question asked it before heading off to bed or work, only to find out hours later that went MIA from public display while waiting for their response.
It really isn’t a big deal, unless the question is time-sensitive. The more common concern is that new questions are listed in the order of their original posting, so as new ones show up, the edited one gets lowered in the feed and could possibly be missed.
For Eastern Time Zone (the Eastern part of US, it seems to be 6–12pm. So nighttime. Jellyfish must be nocturnal…
@dxs I agree with the nighttime. 8–2pm here is accurate.
the best time is when you have taken the time to think your question through, research whether it has been asked and answered here already, and when you have the time to compose it carefully and verify your work.
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