Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Would you rent a bike to add to your BMW ( Bus/Metro/Walk ) commute?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) May 15th, 2011

Say you are already minimizing using your car by commuting more using buses, the Metro and walking, would you add bike renting to your routine and why would you? If enough bikes for rent are made available in almost every corner of your area would you use them and if not, what’s your reason? Bike rentals are being offered in some places in countries like the US, mostly in cities. Do you think this trend have potential for growth?

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9 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Barclays Cycle Hire offers this service in London. My understanding is that it has the support of the government, who is attempting to reduce automobile traffic.

Edit: My apology…I didn’t answer the question. If I lived in a city where biking was safe and there was no proper place to store an owned one at home or at work, then yes, I would use it as a method of transportation. It would also depend upon the weather. If it is cold and rainy more often than not, it wouldn’t be appealing.

downtide's avatar

No. My eyesight is too bad for cycling, I wouldn’t be safe on the road. I’ve seen them in London though, and elsewhere in Europe.

marinelife's avatar

No, if I was going to commute by bicycle, I would own one.

tedibear's avatar

I think it’s a great idea. Unfortunately, I doubt that I could safely navigate the car, bus & pedestrian traffic that would be all around me. I’m just not that coordinated!

jerv's avatar

No, I already own a bike. Besides, I have odd requirements for a bike anyways that preclude teh possibility of a rental working for me. Try riding a kid’s bike with 12” rims and you’ll see what I mean. Now, San Diego had bike rental places back in the early-90s yet I never saw them grow in popularity or size even there, and I don’t recall seeing any here in Seattle so far, though that may be because our city does stuff like this.

FluffyChicken's avatar

If I didn’t already own a bike, then absolutely!

blueiiznh's avatar

I commute on one as often as I can (12 miles one way)
Many cities that are bike commute area (portland, OR) are huge into rental.
The cost of adding this to your fold is not so huge. Buy a bike.

jerv's avatar

@blueiiznh Oddly, I haven’t seen that much here in the Seattle area :/
Maybe they figure that anyone that wants to bike it already has their own?

wundayatta's avatar

There’s a program with free bikes. You go to a stand, and if a bike is there, you take it to wherever you are going. I think this exists in Europe and maybe a city or two in the US.

However, I own my own bike and I ride it to work (12 miles RT) whenever the weather is nice.

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