According to this, these are the speeds of the fastest land animals:
Cheetah 70.00
Pronghorn antelope 61.00
Lion 50.00
Thomson’s gazelle 50.00
Wildebeest 50.00
Quarter horse 47.50
I’d say that because all of the animals faster than a quarter horse are substantially smaller, carrying a 100-pound rider would actually make them slower than a ¼ horse carrying the same weight.
BTW, the pronghorn is the fastest land animal in North America.
I’d love to see a bear try to catch one. I can imagine the pronghorn taunting the bear, “Nah nah na nah nah, you can’t catch me, you tub of ursine lard!”
According to this, these are the speeds of the fastest swimming animals:
Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) 34.5
Flying Fish (Exocoetidae), gliding 35
Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), leaping 37
Bonito (Sarda), leaping 40
Albacore (Thunnus alalunga), leaping 40
Blue-fin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), leaping 43.4
Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), leaping 46.35
Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), leaping 47.88
Marlin (Makaira), leaping 50
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), leaping 60
Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), leaping 68
As Pied_Pfeffer said, I don’t think a sail-bearing fish can be ridden.
Wahoos are too small to carry a 100-pound rider, but the yellowfin tuna can reach 1,000 pounds, so that’s my answer for this question.