Social Question

What is the nature of this sensation?
I have a small sore up on the soft palate of my mouth, some little abrasion I guess. As happens, my tongue keeps going to it and fiddling with it. When the tip of my tongue touches it, my tongue registers a sensation.
Bit that sensation isn’t a taste. It certainly doesn’t fit any of the neat little categories flavors are supposed to fit into, nor any combination thereof. I know what blood tastes like, and that’s not it. I repeat, it simply isn’t a taste sensation.
And it isn’t a tactile sensation either. Yes, I can feel the little bit of roughness there, but this mystery sensation is unrelated to that. In fact, if I just let my whole tongue go up and rest against the roof of my mouth, I can clearly register that little sensation now picked up by a different part of my tongue.
I can’t even find words to describe the sensation, because it doesn’t fit any sense category I know of. It isn’t unpleasant or pleasant; it’s just there.
Pardon this guided tour of my mouth, but I’m just intrigued that this common occurrence (a raw spot in the mouth) gives rise to a sensation that seems to defy categorization. I’ve “felt” this before, and I’m sure you have too, but maybe this is one of those things we don’t think about because we have no words for it. Look how many words I’ve used just to get some idea of it across, and I’m still not sure I have.
And yes, this actually is the kind of thing that interests me. And yes, I do have a life, thank you. It’s my day off and I can spend it as I please.