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Would you allow your maid to bring her young children with her?
I have a maid that I love- she does a great job and seems very trustworthy. The catch is that she has 3 young children (5,3, and 10 months) that have to come with her when she cleans. They’re well behaved for young children, but still there is no way she can supervise 3 children as she cleans my house. I have 3 large bulldogs that aren’t friendly to strange children and things in my house that I don’t want broken. The older children have already painted a white piece of furniture of mine with my make-up (which my maid denies they were ever in that room but I just don’t see how it possibly could have happened otherwise). My husband thinks telling her to stop bringing her children is too harsh because she’d probably have to quit, my mother-in-law thinks this is a lawsuit waiting to happen when one of her children hurt themselves in my house. What do you guys think? Is there another option here that’s not too harsh, like requesting her children play in one specified room?
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