Is it okay for a woman to be braless when home?
I’m a guy but i’ve seen some females (relatives/friends) be braless at home. Is this okay?
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50 Answers
Why wouldn’t it be ok? It’s her home; her rules.
Why wouldn’t it be? I’m almost always bra-less at home.
okay, what is others are also at her place, like friends, children etc.. would it be okay then also?
@augustlan i see you’ve listed your children on your profile, if you’re braless at home wouldn’t it influence them too? is that a good thing?
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@augustlan what is some friends come home and see them like that? it would lead to misbehavior, cos, bralessness could be sexy! and showy!
Depends on who it is. If it’s someone we’re not particularly close to, we’d likely all put on bras.
Psst. Please use proper capitalization, otherwise your posts will end up removed. :)
Cool! Presence of other men, like dad or bro would not make you guys uncomfortable when bra-less right?
Immediate family? Nope, not at all.
:) Thank you, @augustlan nice of you to answer my question, thank you so much!
If you live in fascist dictatorship that has out lawed not wearing bras at home then no it is not all right for females to go around the house braless. You should inform on your realtives immediately.
Otherwise it’s fine.
It is completely ok to not wear a bra anywhere you damn well please. That’s the woman’s choice. If I was smaller, and it didn’t hurt to go bra-less I probably would all the time. Why is this even an issue?
Not only is it perfectly all right at home, it’s also perfectly all right for a woman to be braless outdoors, at work, while shopping, taking their driving test etc. etc. Whatever floats their boat. It’s really of no concern to anyone else.
I think it is really none of your business what any woman does in her own home, as long as it isn’t harmful to anyone else.
This person is obviously fishing for comments. He just wants to read “I go bra-less at home” from you guys.
Read his other questions…they’re not unlike ths one.
I wonder what prompted you to ask such a question??? It sort of reminds me of muslim thought processes where women have to wear burkas so the men are not tempted. Do you think women should dress so as not to appear sexy or provocative to men? That is pretty unfair, I don’t tell men they should not go commando because I might find it showy!
I checked out your profile and you seem to have an interest in women’s practices. I must say though I found your question on women peeing standing up to be very interesting. I missed it the first time around.
I was raised that if there were men present other than your husband you should have a bra on. It’s more respectful. However when it’s just the lady and her hubby then she’s good to go. I don’t go braless except at bedtime and then I wear a housecoat to hide what need not be seen by my 16 y.o. son!
I feel more social and ready to greet any friends/neighbours/family who come knocking. I have no problem with any woman choosing not to wear a bra. But if she feels awkward when that sweet, eighty year old gent from next door pops in to say “hi” then maybe she should put one on…if not, then cool! – She is freer than me :) (or more sloppy and depressed ;D)
I’m bra-less right now, at home. I never got bra-less in public. My boobs are too big. Yeah, it’s okay. geez
Of course it is, bit of a no brainer really.
Just as long as the larger breasted gals don’t go smashing any ashtrays or any other such delicates ;¬}
@ucme There’s a difference between big boobs and long dangly ones.
@Pele True, that difference is a bra that offers great support & a hammock!
@ucme Yeah and genetics or a good plastic surgeon.
I’m braless right now.
What’s up.
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It’s ok to do it anywhere, but in the home is best to avoid judgment from society.
It’s okay for a woman to be braless anywhere. Seriously?
@Seelix I’m ok with it. Whatever feels good.
Why wouldn’t it be okay? They’re HER boobs and she’s in HER home. What’s the big deal? I never wear a bra at home unless I have company. Who cares?
NO! I hate when I’m teased like that. lol (Oh, you did want me to motorboat em? then I’m completely fine with it)
As someone else posted to the questioner: “If you’re using fluther to get your sexual jollies, I suggest that you leave. This is not that kind of website.”
My bad… :( I was just joking around. (sits in the corner with dunce cap)
Of course it is ok.
I wouldn’t really care if someone did or did not wear a bra at home (or anywhere). They are her breasts…and it’s her decision. Choosing not to wear a bra is not against the law – at least it isn’t here.
I love this thread! Go bra-less, but be careful to use correct capitalization!
Should I ask a separate question for this, or may I bogart this Q for a serious question? Does going braless really make things droopy after a while?
I’ve been going braless at home and even out on the town if I wear a loose shirt now that I’m nursing. And I have noticed things… traveling.. southward.. if you know what I mean. I am wondering if that’s just normal for nursing and they will snap back up when I’m done or if I’m going to have big droopy granny boobs this time next year.
Don’t expect them to snap back up. And lactating moms should wear bras, since they often begin producing milk when a crying child is near.
Oh man… Maybe I’ll get a boob lift some day.. not an augmentation, just something to put stuff back where they were before.
Yes… I’ve had the leaky problem. I don’t care if it happens at home. And it rarely happens outside the house anymore except when I go to story time. One baby won’t set me off, but a room full and I’m doomed.
What a strange question. Why should anyone keep wearing a garment that is mostly for looks – the bra has little else to commend it.
@bea2345 Some of us wear them because we get back pain if we don’t. For the larger-breasted gals, they aren’t just about looks.
My bad. Nevertheless, I would not wear it at all if it did not improve my appearance (considerably, I should say).
I’m with @MyNewtBoobs. I wear a bra for the support as well. Even around the house when I’m not wearing one, I often wear a camisole with a built-in shelf bra just for that added support.
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@noelleptc I know, right? Bunch of dirty hoes running around without bras! UGH!
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I like boobies. When did they get disgusting?:(
Well, I have to say…our society doesn’t seem to like things that flop. That goes for other body parts too.
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