Social Question

filmfann's avatar

________ is the new ________?

Asked by filmfann (52610points) May 16th, 2011

I have heard people say 50 is the new 30. I don’t agree, though I am definitely younger than people who were my age 40 years ago. What turns on this phrase have you heard, and do you agree with them?

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18 Answers

filmfann's avatar

To start, I have heard “Wrinkled is the new Ironed”.
I am completely comfortable in a wrinkled shirt, but there is no way it is socially acceptable.

ragingloli's avatar

Muslim, Ni….

Pele's avatar

Bath salts is the new meth/coke/ex? (not saying I do that shit, just the first thing that came to my head.)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

50 is the new kick and stretch? XD

stardust's avatar

Awake is the new asleep apparently

john65pennington's avatar

Lucy, you did mean to say 60 not 50, right??

john65pennington's avatar

But, will I feel the same at age 70 as I do now at age 67???

janbb's avatar

10 (year old girls) are the new 25.

mazingerz88's avatar

Natural Gas is the new Nuclear Energy

Just heard that Japan, Germany and the US will hold back on building nuclear plants as planned after what happened in Japan. Here in the US some are assuming natural gas could take that spot as big source of power. Can anyone say “fracking?!”

rebbel's avatar

Thinking of a nice answer to this question is the new pastime for me.

erichw1504's avatar

Lurve is the new love.

Coloma's avatar

I HATE those stupid analogies. lol

Humor is the new drug of choice for longevity! ;-)

King_Pariah's avatar

Gaddafi is the new Saddam.

Anyone notice that Gaddafi sounds like God Awful and Saddam, well, Sodom?

dxs's avatar

For girls, no is the new yes. I swear it’s true.

ratboy's avatar

Now is the new past.

MonstrousPeace's avatar

Orange is the new black. For some reason, I have my doubts about this one.

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