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mazingerz88's avatar

What is the most boring thing to you that you need to do anyway?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) May 16th, 2011

Your job? LOL. : ) Whether we are very much aware or it merely exist in our subconscious, there are dull routines we do perform as human beings on a daily if not on an hour by hour monotonous pattern. Could you be the lucky one who does not go through any of these cyclical humdrum or one of the many who roll their eyes, sigh heavily as they are about to do that boring thing again?

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33 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Shaving. What a pain in the ass.

marinelife's avatar

Deleting emails so my mailbox does not overflow.

Jude's avatar

My hair. It takes awhile, if I curl it.

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Laundry. I freaking HATE laundry.

WestRiverrat's avatar

washing dishes

mazingerz88's avatar

@WestRiverrat Don’t mind washing dishes which I find to be a good time to ponder on things actually as long as it’s not done on a regular basis. But you’re right, worked once as a dishwasher in California and that was a douche.

Cruiser's avatar

Cutting the grass. I will miss my kids when they move out!

ucme's avatar

Waiting in line, I can’t abide queueing! Almost immediately I want to pull on the person’s hair in front of me or scream out hurry up!!
I’m such a patient person, I really am ;¬}

Coloma's avatar

Taking out the trash.
I call it ” procrasta-trash”. haha

I have about a 40 yard, 40 degree uphill slant driveway and wheeling my giant can up the hill is a major chore.

Other than that, I’m pretty on top of things.

Jude's avatar

I love doing housework, and the laundry. Is that odd?

mazingerz88's avatar

Why do I get the feeling watching porn or eating ice cream will not be given as an answer here?

jrpowell's avatar

Going to the post office.

stardust's avatar

Hair, shaving my legs and make-up (I do enjoy applying my make up at times though) bore the hell out of me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

DMV. Somehow I always have to go.

mazingerz88's avatar

Going up the stairs.

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Stinley's avatar

Waiting for my 4 year old to put her shoes on

mazingerz88's avatar

@noelleptc Indeed. For obvious reasons, going down isn’t as boring and tiresome. : )

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OpryLeigh's avatar

Tidying my house
Putting fuel in my car (or having to stop for anything once I am on the road)
Working overtime

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Plucking my eyebrows

Ironing clothes

Coloma's avatar


You iron? Oh my..I havn’t even owned an iron in about 20 years now. lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Coloma: Oh, I’m not that fussy anymore but once upon a time I ironed everything. I’m weaning myself slowly, bought a hand held steam wand.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Washing windows. For some reason, it doesn’t bring the same satisfaction that other household chores do. At work, it was reviewing other people’s expense reports and tracking costs for budgeting purposes.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma I stopped ironing 2 years ago!

flutherother's avatar

All household chores.

Blueroses's avatar

Shopping. I hate it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Household chores.

filmfann's avatar

Walking on the treadmill. It isn’t the exercise I hate, it’s the boredom.

Berserker's avatar

Everything that isn’t drinking and sleeping lol.

faye's avatar

Putting groceries away.

answerjill's avatar

Putting clothes away after doing laundry.

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