Social Question

International Offspring, What Should I Do?
I recently learned that I have a young son living overseas, I live in America, and my son lives in England. My son was born in America, but I was not informed of his existence until recently. He and his mother moved across the drink later on.
I’m not going to pretend I’d make a great father, my own situation isn’t stable, and I have no intention of interrupting this child’s life abruptly. His mother has gotten married, and I imagine her husband raises my son as his own, for which I must admit I’m thankful despite being childishly jealous. This kid seems to be having a decent youth.
Regardless I want to know my son. The mother did not likely put me on his birth certificate, I’ve not talked to her about it, she’s only responded me so far to confirm what I heard. I’d like to possibly get some sort of visitation rights, something, I want to know my son. Coming from a similar situation myself, never knowing my own biological father but having always wanted to, and long hunted for him to no avail, maybe I have a silly desire to just end the cycle.
So does anyone have advice for the proper steps to take? I don’t wish to alienate his mother, so some diplomacy is probably called for. But I’m so ignorant to this situation, I don’t have any real idea on how to proceed