Social Question

Am I just a grouchy curmudgeon about "bossy" facebook statuses?
** EDITED TO ADD: No, I’m not talking about my AV/Fluther friends.. so if you think it’s you, it’s not.
I have lots of friends who occasionally do the “copy and paste such and so into your status ..” posts. I think I’ve done a few now and then. But for some reason, one of my friends really irks me when she does this. She constantly posts these statuses and then she’ll add a comment like “I’ll be watching to see who has actually done this. It will be interesting to see who is really a true friend of mine.”
For some reason, her bossy FB status posts are getting to me. And over time, all of these bossy FB status posts are getting to me. I don’t want to threaten to drop friends if they keep posting “post this as your status”—because that will make me just as bossy AND I don’t want to make people who just do it now and then to feel bad.
It’s actually just this one person who kind of gets to me. I don’t want to de-friend her over this (she might start asking me IRL what’s going on and why do I hate her.. bla bla bla) but I’m really getting sick of seeing “cut and paste this if you think killing puppies is bad” “cut and paste this if you really love your mom and don’t want her to get cancer and die” or whatever.
She seems a bit sensitive and I fear telling her how I feel about her bossy posts will cause her to get all defensive. Who knows? She might start posting “cut and past this into your status if you don’t think I’m totally annoying. I’ll be watching you!”
Am I the only one who gets crazy with these statuses? I need to learn to ignore them but for some reason, they get to me.