General Question

Jude's avatar

Best way to deal with a migraine other than pain relievers?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 17th, 2011

So bad that I want to upchuck my innards.

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26 Answers

Judi's avatar

Peppermint oil helps. So sorry you’re hurting!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Caffeine. It expands your blood vessels so there is less of that DA-DUM DA-DUM throbbing in your head.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m going to sound like a bit of a crank but I have a way that works for me. Are you willing to try something different?

Facade's avatar

Maybe have your magnesium levels checked. Low Mg can cause “untreatable” migraines, and you get chelated Mg at a lot of health stores. Hope you feel better!

Jude's avatar

Thanks, everyone.

@Adirondackwannabe What do you suggest?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was taught a biofeedback technique in college. The theory is that the headache is caused by blood flow restrictions in the brain. So the idea is to try to warm your hands by imagining your hands are in warm sunlight, like at the beach or similar situation. Close your eyes and concentrate on the image of your hands in the sun. The combination of the beach image with the sun seems to work for me every time.

Jude's avatar

And, don’t suggest sex because Mama can’t go there right now. :)

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’ll give it a try! Thanks!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Good luck. The idea is to get more blood flowing in the extremities, less in the brain. Hope it helps.

XOIIO's avatar

Take a pain pill and conk out for a few hours XD

syz's avatar

I’ve found that if I lay in a tub of hot, hot water (practically scalding), it suppresses my vomiting reflex long enough for a big whopping dose of ibuprofen to kick in. (I sometimes have to stay in, refreshing the hot water, for 30–40 minutes.)

Velvetinenut's avatar

Sorry to hear you have a migraine. Have lots of water. Lie down with your eyes covered. If you have Lavendar essential oil, drop a couple of drops on a tissue and put it near your nose (or wave it around). It relaxes you. Putting a warm towel on your face. Hope it helps.

syz's avatar

<shudder> When I have a migraine, I’m hypersensitive to odors rather than light. Lavender or peppermint would have me heaving.

Jude's avatar

Running a hot bath right now.

Cruiser's avatar

Pressure points can work very well to temporarily stop a raging migraine…

1. Migraine Pressure Point at Base of Skull

Place thumb pads under the bony base of your skull in back, each thumb 1 inch from spine. Holding your thumbs against the two points, tilt your head back slightly. Press upward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 5 repetitions.

2. Migraine Pressure Point at Mid-Forehead

This migraine pressure point is at the forehead’s middle, between your eyebrows. Using the migraine pressure point technique above, press inward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.

3. Migraine Pressure Point at Eye Corners

Feel away from the eyes until you find the spots just behind the bone. Using the migraine pressure point technique and one or two finger pads, Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.

4. Migraine Pressure Point on Hand

Find a migraine pressure point at the fleshy part of each hand between thumb and index finger. Using thumb pad and index finger of the other hand, gradually squeeze this migraine pressure point, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.

5. Migraine Pressure Point on Foot

This migraine pressure point is on top of your foot where bones come together between big toe and second toe. Press downward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im pretty impressed your even able to read all this right now. My eyes would be killing me if I were trying to look at a computer screen.

Jude's avatar

i am fluthering from the tub. this is awesome!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude How’s the head?

Jude's avatar

Advil kicked in and I drank lots of water. It’s easing off.

creative1's avatar

Sorry I tried all the relaxation techniques there were I even went to a chriopractor after my car accident and still couldn’t get rid of my migraines that were caused from the accident I am now on Topramate and its working wonders, never thought I could go a day without a headache again after the car accident last year and now I get them few and far between.

bkcunningham's avatar

I hope you are feeling better @Jude. From one migraine sufferer to another; a very dark, cool room without any noise and sleep.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Migraines make me throw up about 50% of the time and sometimes, it’s uncontrollable and unstoppable, even if I have nothing left in my stomach. During these bad times, I can’t even drink water because my stomach rejects that, too, and I often can’t even take a pill for the pain because I vomit it back up. My ex had some liquid Lortab that worked once, but often I’ll smoke some MJ and that will help me relax enough to fall asleep (and usually helps quell the nausea/vomiting).

Tiger balm is also really great on my temples and the base of my skull. The sensations of cool/hot compete with the pain and give me something else to focus on, thereby relieving some of the pain.

Really the only thing that works is getting into a dark, quiet place and sleeping for a while. It’s just falling asleep when you have 12 ice picks jamming into your skull and eyes, that’s the tricky part.

john65pennington's avatar

I have had a life of migraine headaches and I have tried every therapy and medication out there. I have been to two pain clinics and all the doctors I have conversed with agree….

Not all therapies work for all people.

The migraines took over my life. They were controlling me, not visa versa.

The only relief I have ever had came from pain medication.

Sorry to say this, and it might not be this way for you.

Migraines compare to a woman having two babies at one time.

Spidermanrulezzz's avatar

Water, lots of blankets, no light, and lots of sleep!

BarnacleBill's avatar

Advil + a Benadryl is what the ER recommended for my daughter who was puking big time from a migraine. Works pretty well. She’s had great luck with Max Alt, which you only take when you feel one starting up. It nips cluster migraines in the bud for her.

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