Pressure points can work very well to temporarily stop a raging migraine…
1. Migraine Pressure Point at Base of Skull
Place thumb pads under the bony base of your skull in back, each thumb 1 inch from spine. Holding your thumbs against the two points, tilt your head back slightly. Press upward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 5 repetitions.
2. Migraine Pressure Point at Mid-Forehead
This migraine pressure point is at the forehead’s middle, between your eyebrows. Using the migraine pressure point technique above, press inward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.
3. Migraine Pressure Point at Eye Corners
Feel away from the eyes until you find the spots just behind the bone. Using the migraine pressure point technique and one or two finger pads, Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.
4. Migraine Pressure Point on Hand
Find a migraine pressure point at the fleshy part of each hand between thumb and index finger. Using thumb pad and index finger of the other hand, gradually squeeze this migraine pressure point, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.
5. Migraine Pressure Point on Foot
This migraine pressure point is on top of your foot where bones come together between big toe and second toe. Press downward, counting to 10, breathing deeply. Massage, feel change, and slowly release, counting to 10. 10 repetitions.