Social Question

Jude's avatar

Tips on bringing a family together?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 17th, 2011

After my Mom died (four years ago), my immediate family pretty much went their separate ways. I have a father (73), a sister (turning 50), and two brothers (47 and 48). I am 39.

My Mom was the one that brought us all together. She’d host all of the holidays and do her best to keep us all connected. Both my sister and one brother were in bad accidents (car and work related). They are unable to work and are dealing with debilitating chronic pain, so, we do things on their terms (understandably so). My sister also lives an hour away. My other brother is married and pretty much spends time with his wife’s family.

My Dad has a new partner and spends all of his time with her. He has never been a good father. It was my Mom who was the caring/selfless one. My Dad is the one who needs to be cared for. He only thinks about himself. It has always been that way. In fact, two days before my Mom died, she looked him square in the eye and said “you put those kids first”. She knew what he was like. Anyhow, he hasn’t. Not once has he taken the initiative to get the family together, nor spent one on one time with us. Nor has he spent anytime with his grandkids. If you would like him to do something, you always have to ask him. He never offers.

I am the baby of the family, and after losing my Mom, and everyone going our separate ways, I have felt that I am without family. My sister was someone that I was closed to. We were like best friends (her, my Mom and I). Now, because she isn’t doing well and certainly isn’t herself anymore (her life is spiraling downward), I feel alone. Not trying to sound dramatic, but, I feel like an orphan. I received a lovely card and phone call from my g/f’s family on my birthday (which was on Sat). My sister called me, but, other than that, nothing from my brothers and Dad. It hurts. And, I know that my Mom would be pissed.

We (my siblings and I) told ourselves when my Mom was dying that we would stick together. We really haven’t.

Is there anything that I could do?

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18 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

Perhaps you have to become the lynch pin @Jude? Organise a BBQ or something similar to get you all together every few months. Perhaps organise them around people’s birthdays and at least once over the Christmas period. And put the next date for a get together in place at the meeting before. Don’t leave it as “we will have to do this again”. Rather, make it “we will do this again on xxx, does that suit everyone’s diary?”.

I hope it works out for you. If people don’t want to get together en masse, perhaps make sure you visit one of them each month. We get so busy that meeting each of them every month might be too difficult but one a month could be achievable.

In saying all this, none of my family speak to each other pretty well @Jude so I hope you can keep these connections open.

gailcalled's avatar

If you have the energy, be the one to try to set up some together time. Baby or not, you can take the initiative once or twice and see what develops.

If things don’t work out with your family-of-origin, embrace your new family of circumstances.

RTT's avatar

You could invite your family over for breakfast,lunch, or dinner.You could cook a nice meal for your family.You could invite your family to a barbecue on a sunny day.You could invite your family over and have everyone bring a covered dish with them. You could let them know it would be nice to get together and spend sometime with each other. If you believe in pray you could pray for a family get together. Thank you, RTT

bkcunningham's avatar

You were 35 when you lost your Mom? Just going through the 30s and 40s is hard enough without losing your best friend and experiencing all the changes that come with that. I’m so sorry. It is tough Baby Girl.

July 4 is right around the corner. Plan something at your Dad’s place or definitely with him totally involved since he’s so passive. Take charge and do what makes “YOU” feel good. Everyone else be damned! Life is too short for regrets. The older you get, the faster time goes! Be happy and take chances!

My husband’s family had never taken a vacation together. I contacted everyone one year in advance, individually and told them our plans to rent a house on the ocean. I told them to let me know by a certain date. After that, once a week, I sent out little packets of info, maps, sandbuckets, cheap Dollar Store kites, sea shells, etc. If they didn’t come, it didn’t matter to me. I was going to be happy and have fun! They all came and we had a blast. It has continued now at different destinations annually.

I always invite everyone of my siblings to special destinations once or twice a year. Out of seven living, only one or two show up. They others have various reasons and issues for not coming. I don’t care. I still invite them, still love them and still have fun.

6rant6's avatar

You were close to your sister; you miss that. Would she like you to visit her?

Maybe it’s not everything at once.

Meego's avatar

Well my situation is kind of similar. I had a long comment which I erased because I did not want to take from @Jude with my what sounded like a pity party.
All I can suggest is to try to set something up but don’t be disappointed if some members don’t show. I think most families keep traditions going because of at least one parent and if it is that parent that is gone the idea for the other is no longer fun and then you get comfortable.

marinelife's avatar

As others have said, try and organize a get together. Email each other and forward their replies to the others.

Call your siblings once a week just to chat.

Enlist your father’s partner in helping organize events at your house or his house.

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh boy, this is tough. Took me a while to think of what to say to somehow be of help and maybe even make you feel better. Not sure if I got it. Feeling like an orphan when you still have family around is awful. Good news is it seems you are up for the challenge and you wish to make your Mom proud as well. The best tips have been given already. Establish and maintain communication, keep other options open. My wish is that whatever happens, you will still feel happy with the thought that your Mom is proud of you right now.

BarnacleBill's avatar

Mohammed must go to the mountain, since the mountain won’t go to Mohammed. You be the one to go. Don’t expect people to come to you. Your sister is disabled, and probably shouldn’t be sitting in a car that long. Your dad doesn’t sound very parental and has a new grown-up life; don’t expect much there. Your brother? Go right to the social director of his household and make plans in advance with your SIL. Be positive and upbeat – “I miss seeing you guys! Let’s get together.” Then invite yourself over, and offer to go get your sister, too.

Jude's avatar

I miss them all so much. I plan on making more of an effort with my sister. Hopefully, she’ll be staying here for the summer. I’ll get to see her a bunch.

Jude's avatar

Anyone here want to be a surrogate family member?

Jude's avatar

Just had a good heart-to-heart with my Pops. That’s a start.

Bellatrix's avatar

Aww Jude, count me in. Hugs…. I hope your family take up your offers to get together. Enjoy your time with your sister. I think we get out of the habit of being families at times and especially when our own lives get busy. Sometimes we need someone to pull things back and remind us of how important we are to each other. Don’t give up. This is obviously very important to you.

Meego's avatar

@Jude…Fluther miraculous @ work :)

Jude's avatar

@Meego That’s right! :)

bkcunningham's avatar

(((@Jude))) Baby Sister. xoxoxo

Jude's avatar

You all are wonderful people. Thank-you for listening.

6rant6's avatar

If we’re going to do the surrogate thing, I call sperm donor.

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