General Question

Blackberry's avatar

What criteria has to be met for a country to give another country aide?

Asked by Blackberry (34376points) May 17th, 2011

Does there just have to be opportunity for profit or someway to get something out of it? What if the aide given is to aid the country killing other people? Does it matter or is the only important thing securing power, connections, and money?

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7 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

That is totally up to the governments of the two countries.

marinelife's avatar

It totally depends on the circumstances and the two countries involved.

The hypothetical situation that you postulated: giving aid to a country to kill people has unfortunately occurred.

woodcutter's avatar

Political, I’m sure. Humanitarian sometimes but I think you scratch my back I scratch yours is at the bottom of it. Like when the US gives Pakistan all that dough it is so the Pakistanis won’t screw the US….as much.

quarkquarkquark's avatar

elaborate, maybe? like @WestRiverrat says, it really depends. Are you thinking of the U.S specifically? Or maybe the U.N. as a body?

quarkquarkquark's avatar

There are no set criteria here, but foreign aid bills have to pass the Senate and the House of Representatives. This means that they generally can’t be objectionable in any major way.

flo's avatar

One critereon I know is they have to ask for the aide.

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