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XOIIO's avatar

How would I make a handle for this knife blade?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) May 17th, 2011

I have this blade from a knife I got a long time ago, the handle was plastic and broke off. How would I make a well balanced metal handle for it that would be best for throwing, or have a handle made for it?

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20 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

What does the rest of it look like, the tang?

WasCy's avatar

That blade isn’t worth the time to make a handle for. Any handle you make for it will only be temporary, until it breaks off again.

What you want is a “full tang” blade, as @woodcutter alludes to.

XOIIO's avatar

@woodcutter huh?
idk, I only have the blade, and I just scanned it

Oh yeah, the blade is something like 5 inches long.

@WasCy I want a metal handle that would be welded to it. Otherwise, are there any good knives like this that would be good for throwing?

WasCy's avatar

What you have is the blade from a cheap, general purpose camping-utility knife. A good throwing knife (google images for them) will have no use or place for a saw blade or bottle opener. It will more than likely be all-metal or only have wooden ‘softeners’ for the handle portion. And it will certainly have a full tang, which in a throwing knife (I’m sure) is even more important for balance than it is for strength.

XOIIO's avatar

@WasCy I’ve looked a lot into throwing knives, the problem si getting them into Canada.

TexasDude's avatar

I can tell you that this knife is not designed for throwing and you won’t find any throwing knives that look like that.

And here is some knife making shit you may find useful.

XOIIO's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I know, the wierd thing is that it was actually really good for throwing, the balance and accurace were really good for something I picked up at a garage sale.

WasCy's avatar

The google search for “throwing knife canada” returned nearly 400,000 hits. That indicates that it’s not a huge problem.

XOIIO's avatar

@WasCy well some of the high quality ones I was looking into weren’t available in canada, I suppose there might be some decent onesavailable here.

woodcutter's avatar

Yeah I would just get a nice one made for that and be done with it. Then you could use it as a pattern if you really wanted to cobble up that old one into something better but with that stubby little tang it might be a disappointing venture

WestRiverrat's avatar

The problem with welding a handle to a blade is you will probably need to retemper the blade. A metal handle will change the weight and balance of the blade. I am afraid you will be disappointed in the final product if you try to repair the knife.

Your best bet would be to buy a new knife.

XOIIO's avatar

Do they have throwing knives with blades this big?

WestRiverrat's avatar

I have seen advertisements for throwing knives up to 18” long. And I have seen them for as short as under 2 inches.

XOIIO's avatar

@WestRiverrat damn lol, I think 18” is a tad big XD Thanks.

XOIIO's avatar

Just wodnering what would be better to start throwing with, a throwing knife or some shuriken?

TexasDude's avatar


Throwing knives, hatchets, and shuriken all takes a lot of practice, but learning to throw knives with some degree of accuracy is easiest. Well, hatchets are easiest, but you didn’t mention hatchets.

XOIIO's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I prefer throwing knives or shurikne.Shuriken are really intriguing to me, and if you don’t throw it quite right it will still stick in the targed instead of bouncing back.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I prefer my tomahawk myself.

crisw's avatar

I’ve made a few knife handles, but always of wood or compositite materials, and always full-tang. Jantz Supply has some great kits; they ship to Canada. Look through their knife kits and see if there is something you like!

Nullo's avatar

Get a friend in Michigan or something, and ship the desired throwing knife to him. Then go and visit.
Alternatively, look for a blacksmith in the area who can make you one.

More about tangs here.

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