Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How do you award GAs and GQs?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) May 18th, 2011

Do you often award GAs and GQs willy-nilly? Are you more circumspect in how you apply them?

What criteria do you use for handing out GAs and GQs?

Generally, I give a GQ to almost any question I take the time to answer, and I give a GA to almost any answer to one of my questions. I rarely give a GQ to a question I don’t answer, and I give GAs to answers of other people’s questions only when the answer really says something I wholeheartedly agree with or an answer that I see the writer has put a tremendous amount of effort into.

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29 Answers

_zen_'s avatar

Like that.

everephebe's avatar

Liberally, but with just cause.
And I don’t have to agree with you either.

ucme's avatar

My rule is so simple it’s beautiful. Every answer on my questions gets a GA & every question I answer gets….that’s right, well done, a GQ.
Of course there are the odd exceptions to this rule. For instance, petty minded squabbling & assorted bullshit hostilities are, of course, frowned upon. That’s only fair though.

creative1's avatar

If I answer the question and thought is was really great to ask then I award it a GQ… If I find the answer is something helpful to the person asking the question I award it a GA, pretty simple.

rooeytoo's avatar

I often give GQ to questions I don’t answer. I do that because I don’t have an answer but am interested in the subject. I always follow those questions as well to see what I can learn on the subject. I give GA when I think it is!

(By the way Jakie, GQ :-))

creative1's avatar

@rooeytoo I have done that as well!!!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I give a GA to every answer to a question that I ask, unless it’s really heinous. Even if I disagree, I give a GA just for the effort.
I give GA’s to a variety of good answers… sometimes they are clever and make me laugh, other times they are well thought out and a “typical” good answer. I also GA anything that is related to a “conversation” with another person. If we are posting back and forth, possibly off topic. Anything that has an @ANef_is_Enuf in it will get a GA. That’s odd, eh?

I do GQ stuff that I don’t answer, often because I would like to know the answer and that makes it a good question. I do usually GQ questions that I answer, but not always. Obviously I GQ thought provoking or unique questions that get my gears turning.

SuperMouse's avatar

I lurve answers that make me think, make me laugh, or teach me something new. I lurve questions based on the same criteria. I am not stingy with my lurve, but I am not one who lurves a thread just because I jump into it or an answer just because I read it.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I GQ to any Q I think is a good one, whether I answer or not, GA on my Qs, GA if I laugh, and GA if it’s cogent and well thought out, whether or not I agree. Except on some days, if it’s someone I already don’t like, they don’t nuffin cuz I’m just that bitchy.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I give a GA to anyone who answers my question as long as: A) They stay on point, teach me something, or offer helpful advice. B) I love them to death, or C) They have made me laugh. I don’t reward a GA to someone who attacks another (unless they really deserved it).

I reward a GQ to good questions only.

marinelife's avatar

I give a GA to a great answer, or to one that makes me laugh or is witty.

I give GQs more sparingly for questions that make me think.

I give GAs to almost any sincere attempt to answer one of my questions.

Seelix's avatar

My questions: Everyone gets a GA who answers my question in Social. If they give me a real answer in General, they get a GA. Anyone who gives an off-topic or ridiculous answer in General won’t get a GA unless it’s really funny.

Others’ questions: I’ll give GAs to answers that I really think are great. Funny, insightful, factually correct, sincere… it all depends on the question.

Giving GQs is something that I always forget to do. I like to get ‘em, so I should probably give ‘em, too.

erichw1504's avatar

As long as I really like it and it’s not flame bait.

jonsblond's avatar

I just gave @rooeytoo a GA!

I also like to give trolls or the minority in a debate a GA just to watch everyone freak out and ask “Who gave this troll a GA?”. It’s kind of funny.

Joker94's avatar

Great Questions are usually for questions that I actively participate in, or for genuinely intriguing questions. I save GA’s for responses that make me laugh, think, or both. Or a sarcastic burn.

Cruiser's avatar

Of course I will GA and GQ questions and answers that are truly great. I also throw lurve at newbies just to help them break 100. Since most of my GA’s will not add to a jellies total, I will toss lurve to my jelly buddies who I enjoy messing with even if they don’t return the favor! ;)

AmWiser's avatar

I definitely give GA’s to those that take time to answer my questions. GQ’s are often overlooked because I just forget. But if it’s a really really GQ I’ll go back and lurve.
@jonsblond I thought I was the only one snickering because I lurved a troll (sometimes) and imagining others saying WTF???

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I give lots of GA’s and GQ’s if the comment/question is either well thought out, or it makes me literally LOL.

rooeytoo's avatar

@jonsblond – cheers and I returned the favor! (alas though, I think we’ve long since maxed out on each other.)

wundayatta's avatar

I check the appropriate boxes. Or button. Or link. Whatever you call it.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Cute, Wundy, very cute.

YARNLADY's avatar

I used to click the GA and GQ to most questions and every answer I participated in, but it’s way too time consuming, so I no longer do it. I occasionally reward an answer I heartily agree with.

Blueroses's avatar

I give them to anything I like, whether I agree with it or not. If I think “Hey, I like that!” it gets GA or GQ.
Hell, they don’t cost me anything and I’m not gonna run out of them.

dxs's avatar

IFirst of all, I never GA anything that is off topic. Other than that, I GA if it is really long because effort should pay off (if I can tell it isn’t plagiarized or quoted). I GA if something is funny obviously, or is interesting or blows my mind. For questions, I GQ any question that I think is truly flutherworthy in my definition of flutherworthy. Thus, I don’t GQ too many social questions. Whether or not I actually answer it, I still GQ it. Overall though, I think I GQ a little too much. I know of a few [Fluther demonym] that I have hit my lurve limit on.

lillycoyote's avatar

Kind of randomly, I must admit.

Blueroses's avatar

Has anyone else noticed a sort of crowd mentality in lurve? I’ve seen several times when I visit an older thread and spot an answer I like (among several that have GAs) that has zero lurve on it, if I give it a bump, the next time I check it has several more GAs.
Is it like putting seed money in a tip jar?

Brian1946's avatar


“I’ve seen several times when I visit an older thread and spot an answer I like (among several that have GAs) that has zero lurve on it, if I give it a bump, the next time I check it has several more GAs.”

Perhaps that can be attributed to the Community Feed Flocking Phenomenon. ;-)

dxs's avatar

I think I GQ and GA too much…didn’t mean just GQ
I also give GAs to anyone who posted on my questions, as long as it is on topic and took thought or effort.

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