How do you feel today?
Asked by
Meego (
May 18th, 2011
from iPhone
My question is pretty simple, I just really felt like I wanted to know how your feeling. Whether it is good or bad, happy or sad. I want to loan a Fluther punching bag to you if that’s in fact what you needed.
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63 Answers
I’m okay. A bit lonely haha, but okay just the same.
I feel like not answering this question… aw, crap.
I am a little frustrated by the events of life.
I have a Direct TV technician here right now after a week of problems.
I had a prepaid UPS shipment to Verizon and I found out that I have to take it and drop it off at a UPS store instead of them picking it up.
I still don’t have access to my old Verizon email account.
I would take the punching bag!
@Adirondackwannabe Do you at least get paid for your sick days?? That could be slightly better. If not I wish you a speedy recovery.
@gm_pansa1 I’m with you on the loneliness. Welcome to Fluther btw :)
@erichw1504 I understand actually if I answer my own question it would be an essay :/
@Jude Awesome ;)
@Leanne1986 Sleep well tonite zzz
@marinelife remember to put the boxing gloves on :/
The weather has been shitty for a week and a half straight here in sunny Colorado. It’s pouring…..and my back hurts….and I have to leave in 10 seconds to ride my BIKE to the CHIROPRACTOR in the rain. UUUUGH like I just updated my facebook status, if this weather was a person I’d chop it into tiny bits with a butchers knife. That is how I’m feeling.
No actually it’s raining here in DC.
@deni do you normally chop ppl up?? LOL you just made my day ;)
A little tired. Seeing a physician’s assistant soon!
I feel good in that I will not waste my time on frivolous things anymore and spend all my free time here! ;)
@mazingerz88 we have sun till about 3 then the rain comes back maybe you will have my weather later.
I think we are about half crap half not crap
I woke up 10 minutes ago to the sound of a strange man busting in my door. How do you think?
Oh and I sleep naked by the way.
Exhausted. I have had a couple of days of some late nights and lots of things going on with work, relationships, house repairs, etc. I am just accepting this week is an ‘off’ week. lol
@everephebe Well, no wonder he busted through your door!
A little sad because I couldn’t go on my daughter’s one and only field trip this year. Other than that, I’m feeling great. I slept well (for once) and plan on spending the afternoon in the yard planting flowers and hanging clothes on the line.
I’m trying to get over a very icky cold, but other than that I’m in a pretty good mood and looking forward to an eventful rest of the week.
I was in a good mood, sat in my garden enjoying the sun until one of my neighbours decided to start playing his inane choice of boy band rubbish at full volume so everyone in the street can hear him :-/
Oh well, guess I’m can always come inside & type! :-/ Lol……
Might do a few rounds with that punch bag….... ;-)
I feel pretty calm, all things considered.
but a little hurt that @everephebe thought I was a man
Some person came in to check the battery on the fire alarm in my room and had NO idea that I was there. I guess he was accustomed to being told that there were other people in the house or not. Knocking would have been nice though. I just asked a question about it.
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I feel shook up. While replacing an old crown yesterday the dentist told me that there was too much decay under the old crown to put on a new crown and so he had to extract the tooth (a molar}. Now I’m looking for a dentist that does tooth implants. Fun stuff.
Tired. Frightened. Extremely worried. we’ve checked our furbaby Jade in at the vets this coming monday morning to be neutered, and while she’s there to have her innocolulation and have a microchip done. I lost a furbaby to vets incompetence last october and another baby to cancer the same week, so I am completely out of my tree scared of them, but I can’t allow how I feel to stop my baby getting what she needs. She was a year old in march so the vet said that its best not to leave it any longer.
Jade is a little rescue and the only thing that Frances, who runs the rescue where we adopted our fur baby, asked is that she’d be given a good home (done). If we ever couldn’t keep her, to bring her back to Frances so that she knows she’s rehomed again safely (NOT going to happen because she’s our baby, we love her and this is her forever home) and lastly, because she hadn’t been at the rescue long enough, to have her speyed. Well we’re keeping our word but I am a complete basket case over it. The idea of inflicting surgery on my baby when she isn’t ill kills me, although after spending over 45 minutes on the phone with the vet, and being told it can help avoid at least 4 different types of cancers, and that she’s likely to live a longer, healthier life if she has it done, well I’m still a basket case.
sorry honey. This is a lovely question though, I’m sorry I’ve moaned in it. I wish it was a few weeks from now so that I knew Jadie was ok and didn’t hate her Mum for taking her to the vets :-(
absolutely f’ing fantabulous!
In the words of the late James Brown, “Which one of you mother fuckers stole my weed?”
Sorry, wrong quote…..“I feel good!!” ;¬}
I feel pretty good. I just met the owner of this house that I’m watching for a week and her house is gnarly. I get free range of her pool, library, canoes, grill, and carnivorous plant garden for the whole week.
I feel really good!
Had a couple of great days before.
Starting with tuesday, I went to a concert with BUSTA RHYMES. He was gooood!
We came home at around 3:00 AM today, I slept a little then woke up at 11:00 AM and logged online to see my grades for the semester and it turns out I passed 5 out of 6 subjects that I took this semester.
Tomorrow is my 17th birthday.
I’m doing pretty well. There are people who love me. That’s all I need. Well, that and being able to feel the love. That’s probably a lot tougher than having people love me. Anyway, I feel the love today!
I’m just waking up, so it’s too early to say for sure. Still, I expect things to be okay today. I doubt anything major will happen in my life today, but one never knows.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : carnivorous plant garden? Where are you the Little Shop of Horrors?
I’d say, but if I talk too long my stalkers will attack.
Much better now after reading some of @wundayatta‘s answers today.
@hawaii_jake, more like the Addams Family house. This place is rad. There are samurai swords hanging up in the den, a library, a boathouse, a terrace… working here is going to be like a vacation.
I feel like going to a nekked pancake party.
I feel good. I’m ridiculously tired as of late, but I’m good all the same. Nice Q @Meego
Sore from my new workout.
@erichw1504 Wouldn’t know, never even tasted a beer. Well I guess I tasted Corona back when I was a teenager. But that’s not beer. You’ve been following me around, darling. You like me or something? :)
I’m fine. You don’t really think I’m going to interrupt the above exchange, do you?
@Sunny2 Just playing around. Carry on.
Ok so in case anybody ever wondered…I’m smiling from ear to ear with everyone :)) My day actually started kind of crappy I’m probably kindof depressed and pretty lonely and have become dependant on avocado and vanilla yogurt (not together!) :/ and after reading all your answers I’m feeling the only way I should be…..YOPTIMAL
Lurvely answers.
I don’t feel much in particular, but I am looking forward to a trip this weekend, so that’s pretty cool. Only two more days haha.
feelin’ pretty good today. Thanks for asking. How about you?
@nailpolishfanatic hope you had a wonderful birthday honey <hugs>
@Meego <throws hugs just because> sometimes days can start off really crappy and end up really great. Hope the rest of your week was full of smiles, laughs and good times huggles xx
TY @bunnygrl HUGSSSS back :) I hope your Jade is doing great. I’m sorry you felt like that. If it makes you feel any better I hate ppl hospitals :/
@Meego I have another hour or so to get her to eat lots to tide her over because I was told not to let her eat anything after around 8.30pm for her surgery tomorrow morning. Still feel like a monster, will be glad when its all over and she’s fine again. problem is that my baby Jade is not a big eater at all. She’s been nibbling though, and had a little cooked chicken.
I don’t like people hospitals either honey, do you think its the smell? whatever it is they’re very creepy. I’m off to try to get Jadie to eat a little more chicken and then tidy away all of her little bowls till tomorrow. hugs honey xx
@bunnygrl I’m glad it’s all ok :)
I think it’s the smell coupled with the idea that when checked in you lose all rights to yourself basically.
Have a good night, OK!
Never felt worse. And you?
@Meego yaaaaaaayyy!!! Jadie had her op yesterday, was really drowsy all of last night after we got her home but she’s back to her old self and has even eaten a little scrambled egg early this morning and some cooked chicken earlier. The staff at the new vet’s were soooooo nice and she was just fine with being left with them, even wagged her wee tail at Natalie, (the nurse who was to take care of her) and wandered off with her quite happily. I’m so relieved. Just need to be careful of her stitches now, we go back for a little post op check up tomorrow, but I’m so relieved. Thank you so much for your good wishes honey, it really helped. Sending mountains of hugs <hugs @Meego tightly> xx
@bunnygrl I’m glad everything is great :)) big hugggssss back!
I feel pretty damn goofy today. Plus I have to go use the bathroom.
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