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mazingerz88's avatar

( NSFW ) What sounds do you make during very intimate moments?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) May 18th, 2011

Some people say they get more excited and derive pleasure from hearing the sounds their partner in lovemaking makes. A woman’s moan or a man’s hard breathing could further stimulate desire and enthusiasm. But how important really are the grunts, screams and hollering during sex? And what are your preferences?

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18 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Like this

Oh, and I like chicks who are screamers and cussers.

Jude's avatar

I’m a screamer.

ucme's avatar

Sometimes this rather unexpected sound comes rushing out, strange that.
Yes, the wife thinks i’m an ass but what can you do? ;¬}

flutherother's avatar

These moments are intimate

6rant6's avatar

You know the tuba solo from Close Encounters? That’s it pretty much.

downtide's avatar

Pretty much none. Being a parent teaches you to be quiet, and I never really got out of that habit.

deni's avatar

SOUNDS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Unless it’s very intimate lovemaking, WHICH IS GREAT, I don’t enjoy silent sex. Hearing him moan is a turn on for me and vice versa.

josie's avatar

I don’t think I am all that noisy. An occasional moan maybe.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Happy happy sounds.

sleepdoc's avatar

Mostly heavy breathing, but occasionally some good moaning.

jca's avatar

I’m a moaner.

TexasDude's avatar

Now that is becoming popular on Fluther, we should make good use of it for this thread, methinks…

Jude's avatar


<assuming the position>


Low grunts, groans, and chortles, like a bull stuck in the mud and trying to free himself.

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