OK, lets get jiggy with it. Oh, but first let me don my flame retardant cloak. I have read through most of the contend, I think. I have not had need to coerce a female into sex. I have met with people in the past who admitted, even if tacitly, to taking it from a woman or being forceful or aggressive in getting it, short of an attack.
In many of those cases the woman who you could call victimized, were women on the fringe; homeless, users, bag whores, etc. The conditions that led to it was anywhere from the woman needing a sofa to sleep on for the night, wanting another rock, having had too much chemicals at a party, etc. Most of the men who did it rarely felt bad for the woman. Most of the women was someone they knew personally or knew of in passing. Some were complete strangers that crossed once for certain reasons.
It is hard to tell exactly how many were embellishing their exploits, and who was more truthful, but some boasted to doing it more than once. That made me think of the statistic given, that 60% of the attacks go unreported. Or reminded me of this story I read and the question, of which many seem to dismiss as a bunch of hooey because they could not get off their funk to fathom any part of it could logically be true. The statistic says 15 of 16 rapists will never see a day in jail. If that were people who molested children people would be marching the streets to the Capitol with pitch forks and burning oil. It can’t be because rapist are way smarter criminals than carjacker, robbers, pushers, and the likes. From the question I posed, what I got was what was said in that story, the cops were not told out embarrassment. I don’t know if that story was inspired by true events, part true, totally made up, but the thought line of the author is at least interesting to explore. The story narrator thought the attack was sexual arousing, even in the midst of being humiliating. The bio says, the story was written by a middle-aged bisexual woman, and it was from an actual experience; as she say all her writings are. Giving that to be true, it send some messages out there to anyone reading that a rape cannot be all bad, and can produce favorable sexual experiences. It also seems to say some people cause it themselves, and that seeing the perpetrator hauled before the court is less important than having one know what happened. Imagine if that thought was said to children sexed up by strangers, acquaintances or family members, that they shut up about it less their school friends know.
Back to these acquaintances, why would they stop at one if they beat the sex out of her when the chances of being told on are low? If they knew the fury was that as if they raped a child they might not do it, if they did do it, the need to stop them quick would be tantamount. If you do something risky, especially a crime, and you don’t end up paying for it, be it a burglary, murder, car theft, rape, etc, you get embolden. As with most information I ever came pass on serial rapist, the first couple of times they were usually scared, nervous, thinking surely someone will come after them. After nothing happens they get more comfortable and at ease, thinking they are Teflon, nothing will stick or even be said. So long as nothing is said, they will keep going like the guy at a frat party with a very drunken coed, if she didn’t say ”no”, it had to be a de facto ”yes”. Until the person ends up in handcuffs, 60% of the attacks will never see the light of day. Question is, how many rapist = 60% unreported attacks?