How well established are you ?
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24 Answers
Family – Got one….
Friends – Got a few
Job – Yep, have one of those too
Money – I get along ok
Respect – your kidding right?
etc – I could use a bit more etc…. but all in all nothing to complain about.
Family: Small, yet refined.
Friends: Not too many, just enough.
Job: Nailed it.
Money: Getting a comfortable amount.
Respect: Yup.
Etc: I’m fine with what I have now, don’t need much else.
You get the drill: I have one, not very powerful though.
Family – Growing and loving it. :)
Friends – Wish I got to see them more often, but it is what it is.
Job – Can’t wait to get one and get back to work!
Money – We get by.
Respect – It’s there.
Etc – I’m happy with what we’ve got. The only things I want/need right now are things for the baby.
Family – Got one, going to visit my grandma soon.
Friends – Check, but everyone has them.
Job – Check.
Money – I’m still alive so that’s good enough, for now.
Respect – No one hates me, so that’s cool
Power – None.
Family: have it. Strong on some fronts, not so much on others.
Friends: recently moved far away, but cultivating some great relationships here I hope.
Job: the reason I moved, it’s the focus of most of my days. I’m not proud, but there it is.
Money: occasionally surprised by how I do at age 28.
Respect: no idea. There are people who are bound to detest me and those who are bound to appreciate me. People make decisions, ya know?
Hobbies: have a few, looking for more
Skills: two and a half languages and a few other skills like nunchuck skills, bow-hunting skills…
I feel like I am very well-established in the world, but then I’ve been at it for a while.
I think everything apart from the love I have for my family is tenuous at best. It could all go to hell in a hand cart very quickly
I suppose I am pretty well-established in comparison to hundreds of others around the world. I have a family, friends, a job, an exersize routine, some animals, time to have sex, access to food, shelter, a computer, a doctor, an ability to read, to move around freely, to wear what I want (for the most part), to get an education, to travel, etc. I am so much better off than so many others and I am very thankful.
family- Plenty.
friends- Even more. Some in high places.
job- Odd jobs, for the moment, but I’m getting a formal job once the summer is over.
money- I was rolling in it for a while after I cashed in on some scholastic and business-related opportunities, but now I’m broke again. I have more liquid assets than most people my age, though, should things really go south.
respect- Depends on who you ask.
family – happily married for 18 years, feel like real partners in life. Never had children and going through a lot of sadness about it right now. I used to be very very close to my sister, and we are not close the last couple of years, which has been a loss.
friends – I have some very close friends who I am in regular contact with and who I love dearly.
job – I have not worked in about a year and half, although I am the social chairperson for the Porsche club here, so I plan all the social events. I did have a long successful career in retail, I miss it actually, and worked in real estate for a few years. Kind of feeling lost about work right now.
money – all is good. I would love to have more so my husband could feel a little less burden since he continues to work.
respect – I feel respected for the most part. I believe people respect my opinion and my integrity. The job thing is starting to get to me, having a career so etimes garners more respect I think in our culture.
I was debating on posting here because it’s kinda depressing for me
family- I sort of have. My kids are separated from each other as well as me atm.
friends- none that I’m able to keep in contact
job – I wish. Have been actively searching for almost a year.
money- Got scammed out of all my saving and that was a lot.
respect- Have yet to know what that is.
Financial and social stability.
Established in a relatively small community, but have basically pulled back from public life. I prefer to hide behind a computer. I’d say I’m established on fluther, but hardly anywhere else.
The only thing somewhat established for me is my relationship, which would be cool if it wasn’t being bombarded by my lack of establishment in the other areas– finances, friends, family, employment, college, etc.
family – my own immediate family (husband/children) are wonderful. I don’t get on well with some of my siblings. Do get on well with others. Parents are gone.
friends – I have some (not too many) lovely, lovely friends. It would be nice to have more who live closer to me though.
job – I have a good but challenging job and I feel very glad to have it because a lot of people in my field are not in such a lucky position.
money – I have enough to pay my bills with enough left over for fun and to put money away for the future. Can’t ask for more than that I think.
respect – I try always to be respectful to others and in return I think I am very well respected by people in all realms of my life. Of course, there are those who do not like me or respect me but you can’t please all the people all the time. You can only live the best and most honourable life you possibly can.
etc – I have reasonable health, I am happy to be alive and I hope I am here for a long time to come. I want to see grand kids and have time to play with them in the sunshine.
Overall, I have everything I ever wanted; a wonderful husband, a comfortable retirement income, two sons (although one suffered a severe stroke three years ago); six lovely grandchildren; a beautiful house in California with a picket fence around the front yard, a court yard entrance in the front, a pool in the back, and two patios.
It’s the day to day that is variable. We have some great days, and some not so much. Several family members are currently out of work, but we are able to provide help for them, and that is good.
When I talk to my coworkers (some of whom have paid off two or more homes and are debt free and maxx-ing out their 401ks) I feel not-so-well-established.
However, on reading the above posts I think I’m in the same boat as most people. I work, I love my family, I pay the bills – though sometimes that’s a struggle. I wish I could see my dear friends more often but we’re all at the stage of life where we are working and raising families and most of my friends are scattered some distance away… and some days are good, some days are bad…but nothing is catastrophically bad and so therefore, I just feel a strong sense of gratitude more than anything else.
family- Corrupt
friends- few but close
job- none
money- a small change jar
respect- I respect those who respect others and can at least act respectful to those I don’t respect, especially if they’re above me on the latter.
About as well established as I want to be at this stage of my life.
I barely have any family I’m close to, but my grandma and I get along awesome. She lives in France but we talk on the phone a lot. We always have loads of fun, so it doesn’t matter to me if I’m not close with anyone else in my family.
Two very good friends.
Fucking sucks. But at least I got one.
Well I’m dirt broke, but I get what I need. Good enough.
I am pheared by all!
Family: Broken.
Friends: Love ‘em.
Job: Hate.
Money: I survive.
Respect: Riiiiiiiight…
I’m still in school. My parents are wonderful, despite me being a moody little prick more often than I’d care to be, it’s really guilting, most of the time. I’m probably just being dramatic, at least, I hope I’m just being dramatic. We have fun together, a lot, so that’s a pretty good indication. My friends are wonderful here’s looking at you, @Joker94 I would honestly be incapable of managing my life without them. I’m unemployed, but I’m a student and living at home, so I’m a few years shy of being concerned. As for money, I’m well cared for. My parents, wonderful that they are, are more than willing to do so, even if they probably shouldn’t because we don’t have money just laying around. The hell if I know about respect, but I do know I respect myself, so that’s good enough for me. So yeah, I’m pretty well-established for a teenager, I’d like to be more established, but I am a few years shy of being concerned.
May you all find what you lack in some departments.
Happy thoughts people ^^
family- I have one family that includes my parents and one sibling..we I feel are the most supportive and easy going people in the we make up a wonderful bunch together.
friends- Have few but they are the biggest treasures in my life for we live and die for one another.
job- I have a job that’s worth paying to me and I respect it because its all what I got out of my talents and not due to anyone’s mercy.
money- I never run out of money though! All blessings of the Almighty father pays here!
respect- I enjoy equally good amount of respect among young, kids as well as old. I have a couple of old friends too who loves me very much and considers me as their sweet heart.
I feel blessed. If this is called being established..I think I am well established then!
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