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Am I a vain person for having reconstructive breast implants?
Recently I was reading a forum post about real breasts vs. fake breasts. The vast majority favored real breasts for obvious reasons, and went on to say people with breast implants are ‘disgusting’ or ‘vain’. This kind of made me fell, well… horrible. Yes, I have breast implants, and yes, I am only 18. Pre-pubescent high dose radiation for cancer left me completely flat-chested with no hopes of my breasts ever growing. My right side of my rib cage was also a lot smaller, making me quite asymmetrical, so my doctors agreed that reconstructive breast surgery would even me out and help my self-esteem. And it did. I am quite happy with myself and I don’t regret anything – I just don’t like the thought of people thinking I’m a horrible person or terribly vain just because of my boobs. Also on the forum, some guys wrote that they’d never be with a woman with breast implants.
… Will I be lonely for the rest of my life? O.o
What are your thoughts on this? Thanks!
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