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What New flat screenTV should I go for, Plasma, LCD,LED, 3D, input please.
So, I’m looking to replace my old TV with a nice new flat screen…. In the past I was always quite a stickler for quality & can’t really complain. I’ve had my Toshiba 32” with all the toys, associated with the nineties, for the past eleven years. Now it’s finally giving out, Looks like the tube is about to go.. So, I’m trawling around looking for a replacement… I’m thinking about a Toshiba again definitely but not too sure about the format, what to go for? Should I opt for Plasma, LCD or LED or Blu – ray ???…… Decisions ,Decisions!! :-/
I’ll be looking to go for a 37” screen, ample screen for my little house but so many to choose from. So I thought I’d run it by you guys & find out what you decided upon & why, when it came time for you to upgrade your TV & maybe bring me up to speed on some of the techi stuff… I’m all hammers & spanners when it comes to electronic gadgetry :-/
I’m not looking to go over the top either, I’ll go to £1700 quid max…….
What do you think? :-/
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